Page 44 - Investment Advisor September 2021
P. 44

However, through Gensler’s proce-  as “illegal” changes Clayton made to   amount equal to ‘not less than 10 per-
                dural statement, the SEC is ensuring   the agency’s whistleblower rules, which   cent . . . [and] not more than 30 percent,
                Congress’ mandate that “related action”   “undermine the integrity and effective-  in total, of what has been collected of
                awards are paid to whistleblowers,   ness” of the program.          the monetary sanctions imposed in the
                Stephen Kohn, chairman of the board of   The changes to the SEC whistleblow-  action or related actions.’”
                directors of the National Whistleblower   er rules, approved by a 3-2 vote last
                Center and founding partner of the   September, “add uncertainty to the cost-  DODD-FRANK AND WHISTLEBLOWER
                whistleblower rights law firm Kohn,   benefit  analysis”  of  SEC  whistleblow-  AWARD PERCENTAGES
                Kohn & Colapinto told Investment   ers, Thomas, a partner and chair of the   Under the Dodd-Frank rules, the agen-
                Advisor in an email.              Whistleblower  Representation  Practice   cy calculated whistleblower awards by
                  Related  action  awards,  Kohn  at the law firm Labaton Sucharow, told   assigning an “award percentage” based
                explained, “occur when a whistleblow-  Investment Advisor in an interview. He   on certain positive factors (e.g., the sig-
                er’s original information is used by agen-  was a principal architect of the SEC   nificance of the information provided)
                cies other than the SEC to hold fraudsters   whistleblower program.  and negative factors (e.g., the culpa-
                accountable. The provision                                                   bility of the whistleblower),
                is a key part of the Dodd-     “[Gensler’s] statement also                   the lawsuit explains.
                Frank Act as it incentivizes                                                   The commission then
                whistleblowers to fully coop-  clarifies that the amount of a                issued an award by multiply-
                erate with law enforcement   whistleblower reward should not be              ing the “award percentage”
                agencies other than the SEC.                                                 by the total monetary sanc-
                In this way wrongdoers who  considered when the SEC provides                 tions collected by the SEC.
                violate multiple laws can be   compensation to a whistleblower.                The commission, the law-
                held fully accountable.”                                                     suit states, “did not take the
                  Kohn sees Gensler’s plan   This is a recognition of the critical           size of the monetary sanc-
                as “a home run for whistle-                                                  tions into account when
                blowers. Problems that were   deterrent effect large awards have             deciding the proper amount
                caused in 2020 during an        on Wall Street fraudsters.”                  of the whistleblower award.”
                extensive SEC rulemaking                                                       After six months of liti-
                process are being fixed.”      — Stephen Kohn, the National                  gation, Thomas announced
                  Under the prior rule, Kohn                                                 Aug. 9 that he and the SEC
                continued, the SEC “claimed          Whistleblower Center                    filed a motion on Aug. 6
                it had the authority to deny                                                 to stay the litigation until
                related action awards in numerous   “The new rules turn the commission   Feb. 5, 2022, in light of Gensler’s
                instances impacting money laundering,   into a casino that courts high rollers   announcement.
                bank fraud, foreign bribery, illegal tim-  with the promise of large jackpots but   “This is a significant victory for cou-
                bering, illegal imports of protected fish   reserves the right to lower their win-  rageous SEC whistleblowers and is an
                and  endangered  species,  among  other   nings if they are too large,” he said.  important first step toward ensuring
                crimes. This Statement fixes a gaping   The 48-page lawsuit, filed in U.S.   that Wall Street helps to rebuild Main
                hole driven into the whistleblower pro-  District Court for the District of   Street, rather than harm it,” Thomas
                gram in September 2020.”          Columbia, states that despite its incred-  said in a statement. “With new hope, I
                  The statement, he added, “also clari-  ible success, “the Commission recently   have directed my litigation team to stand
                fies that the amount of a whistleblower   amended its whistleblower rules for the   down and work with the Commission to
                reward should not be considered when   express purpose of decreasing the size   get the two contested rules right, once
                the SEC provides compensation to a   and number of whistleblower awards   and for all.”
                whistleblower. This is a recognition of   it issues.”                 Gensler, as “the new sheriff on Wall
                the critical deterrent effect large awards   Under the Dodd-Frank Act, the   Street,” Thomas said, “is taking concrete
                have on Wall Street fraudsters.”  Commission  was  ordered  to  “pay  an   steps to remove the poison pills inserted
                                                  award or awards to 1 or more whistle-  into this critical investor protection pro-
                LAWSUIT STAYED UNTIL FEBRUARY     blowers who voluntarily provided origi-  gram by his predecessor.”
                The prominent whistleblower attorney   nal information to the Commission that
                Jordan Thomas filed a lawsuit on Jan. 13   led to the successful enforcement of a   Washington Bureau Chief Melanie Waddell can
                against the SEC to vacate what he saw   covered action or ‘related action’ in an   be reached at [email protected].

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