Page 42 - Investment Advisor September 2021
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and strategic portfolios, 2) life and legacy planning and 3)      Hightower Advisors’ Hightower Center for
                enhanced and expanded impact initiatives centered on values-      Leadership (HTCL), launched in 2020, is a
                based investing, next-generation preparation, the firm’s wom-     two-year education and training certificate
                en’s  advisory  institute  and  supporting  the  military  veteran   program designed to empower and engage
                community. The program’s goal is to put measurable mile-  soon-to-be partners, lead advisors, relationship managers, opera-
                stones in place for clients by creating a road map to meeting   tional professionals, business managers and those involved with
                their life and legacy goals while creating consistent messaging   strategic decision-making. It provides simulation-based training
                throughout all of Beacon Pointe’s 21 nationwide offices  and   on team dynamics, operations decisions, equity structures and
                advisory teams.                                    organic growth. A subset of HTCL is the Advisor Growth Series,
                                                                   a 20-week program for growth-minded advisors of weekly meet-
                                    BNY Mellon Wealth Management   ings, small group lessons, and monthly check-ins and exercises
                                    has introduced Active Wealth, a   that take advisors through the steps necessary to propel business
                                    framework that empowers high-  growth while networking and collaborating with peers.
                                    net-worth and ultra-wealthy clients
                to build and sustain their wealth using five key practices:               Schwab Advisor Services’ RIA
                investing, borrowing, spending, managing taxes and fees and              Benchmarking Study produces
                protecting assets and legacy. To better equip advisors, the   peer data that lets advisory firms see how their businesses are
                technology, digital and advice team launched AdvicePath,   performing in the marketplace, with insights on key perfor-
                whose interface and visualizations allow advisors to perform   mance indicators relative to their peers that encompass asset
                financial projections for their clients by adjusting portfolio   and revenue growth, financial performance, sources of new
                allocations and spending habits. The presentation is designed   clients, services and pricing, technology spending, staffing
                to provide an effective way to communicate to clients their   levels and productivity. In 2020, the study introduced the Firm
                current statement, risks, success and sustainability.   Performance Index, which evaluates participating firms of all
                AdvicePath’s intuitive workflow requires minimal training and   sizes  and  lifecycle  stages  according  to  15  metrics  that  align
                can be used by advisors immediately.               with Schwab’s Guiding Principles for Advisory Firm Success,
                                                                   to arrive at a holistic assessment of each firm’s performance
                               Clarity 2 Prosperity, a financial training,   across key business areas.
                               coaching and IP development organiza-
                               tion, launched the Bucket Plan Certified                  SmartAsset’s Live Connections,
                               Designation that provides a credential for                a  client  acquisition  program  for
                advisors who have mastered the education and tools needed to   advisors, was rolled out near the peak of the pandemic, and
                deliver a holistic plan in simplified terms to clients. The certi-  quickly picked up 400 new advisors. It is exclusively available
                fication indicates that an advisor can deliver a Best Interest   to fiduciary financial advisors on the firm’s SmartAdvisor plat-
                Planning Process and a customized, product-agnostic financial   form. Live Connections reduces advisors’ marketing burden by
                plan, which takes into account the client’s income needs, time   eliminating the time they spend prospecting, contacting and
                horizon, volatility tolerance and tax situation. This process has   following up with potential clients. Prospects are vetted
                been  incorporated  into  the  American  College  of  Financial   through an online questionnaire that details critical informa-
                Services Retirement Income Certified Professional curricu-  tion — financial goals, investable assets and preferences for
                lum, and has been recognized by FINRA.             working with an advisor — to connect them with a fiduciary
                                                                   who best meets their needs. SmartAsset’s in-house concierge
                                 CUNA Mutual Group, with its Behavioral   team connects consumer prospects directly with advisors.
                                 Finance Advice program, aims to help
                                 advisors  structure  a  practice  that  uses        Succession Resource Group rolled out a
                the concepts of behavioral finance to expand opportunities to        four-part webinar series in 2020 to assist
                connect with clients. An understanding of a client’s values          the growing number of advisors who are
                provides crucial context for a financial goals conversation, and   actively looking to grow inorganically, but have limited or no
                assists the advisor in educating and advising clients. The val-  acquisition experience. Marketed as an “AUM Accelerator Series,”
                ue-added educational initiative is built around the behavioral   the four hourlong interactive webinars and supporting materials
                finance methodology  of conversation and  engagement to   are designed to provide the next generation of advisors with tools
                empower advisors to help guide and prepare clients for   and resources they need to be successful in growing their busi-
                unplanned life events, improve client decision-making through   ness and offering an orderly transition for advisors looking to exit
                a values-based approach and differentiate themselves as a   the business. The firm has worked with more than a dozen com-
                trusted counselor and partner to those they serve.  panies, each of which has made it available on their intranets.

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