Page 41 - Investment Advisor September 2021
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Adhesion Wealth, in September   services. Of these, 27% who don’t charge a fee are considering
                                       2020, launched Personal Indexes   charging, while 39% charge a flat fee.
                                       with ESG Overlay, an investment
                solution for advisors that delivers customized investment               Laserfiche, a software develop-
                options to fit a client’s individual values and investment              ment company, published an
                objectives. The solution enables advisors to select a starting   e-book,  “Lessons  Learned:  Ensuring  Continuity,  Resiliency
                index; choose from a menu of environmental, social and gov-  and Growth Through Digital Transformation,” which
                ernance screens; then select one of a series of factor modules,   explores how companies can take what they learned through-
                such as volatility dampening, income production or momen-  out 2020 and apply it to their business practices and docu-
                tum, to create their own direct index to  be used within an   ment management to boost operational resiliency in coming
                Adhesion unified managed account. The resulting vehicle   years. During the pandemic, financial services firms were
                allows  for  active  tax  management,  low-cost  investing,  indi-  forced to accelerate digital transformation and rapidly shift
                vidual tax lot ownership, client personalization and high dif-  to remote work. The e-book identifies the challenges these
                ferentiation for advisors.                         advisors  face  and  how  they  can  design  a  connected  digital
                                                                   platform, leverage cloud-native capabilities to solve opera-
                                       Advisor360° is a wealth manage-  tional and compliance problems efficiently and craft the
                                       ment platform that unifies the   optimal client experience.
                systems  and data that advisors  need to run their  businesses
                and support their clients. Its Unified Data Fabric aggregates             Proteus introduced in January
                and normalizes more than 400 data feeds into one system, giv-            three model portfolios to its
                ing advisors real-time updates at a household level and   investment platform lineup of more than 40 alternative funds
                empowering them with the information needed to better serve   based on investors’ risk preferences — conservative, moderate
                clients and make effective decisions on their clients’ behalf.   and aggressive. These model portfolios are available to quali-
                The platform is modular. Enterprises can gain new features   fied purchasers and accredited investors, and provide curated,
                without extensive integration and customization work and   diversified exposure to institutional-quality private equity,
                avoid creating future legacy systems. Recent enhancements   private credit, real assets and hedge funds. The model portfo-
                include a new rules engine to normalize and ingest feeds for   lios are constructed from up to 18 different funds and can be
                fixed insurance products to the platform.          accessed for a minimum of $250,000 with one online subscrip-
                                                                   tion process. Proteus and its research partner Callan Associates
                                CHIP (Changing How Individuals Prosper)   source,  perform  due  diligence  and  select  institutional  funds
                                is a B2B2C financial services market-  for each model, thereby streamlining the investment process
                                place that bridges the gap between con-  for advisors.
                                sumers of financial products and
                financial professionals of color. Its mission is to close the
                racial wealth gap by collaborating with companies, organi-    PRODUCTS, PROGRAM & SERVICES – OTHER
                zations and other financial technology platforms that share
                this vision. CHIP founder and CEO Dana L. Wilson devel-                  Arnerich  Massena’s Intentional
                oped the marketplace after graduating from a historically                Investing is the firm’s conceptual
                Black college and university. Wilson has been featured on   framework for constructing portfolios that are built for long-
                more than 20 media platforms, where she has shared her   term success while also positioning them in ways that contrib-
                personal story, while also speaking on the importance of   ute to a greater good and support the personal values of each
                inclusion in financial services.                   investor. The company has been conducting research into
                                                                   impact and sustainable investment strategies since 2009, and
                                     Envestnet  |  MoneyGuide  surveyed   in 2019 it began offering complete multi-asset class portfolios
                                     1,600 advisors in September 2020   consisting entirely of investments with an impact focus.
                                     on the state of the financial plan-  Arnerich Massena applies its proprietary research process to
                ning industry, along with their outlook on fees. The research is   identify investments that will offer the best opportunity for its
                to educate advisors on where the industry is headed and pro-  clients to participate in building an intentional future.
                vide them with benchmarks and guidance for how to stay one
                step ahead. It found that as financial planning becomes more              Beacon Pointe’s  allWEALTH
                accessible, 75% advisors charge some type of planning fee, and           program is executed through a
                about a third of these are now considering implementing a dif-  newly defined and tangibly charted path across three key
                ferent fee model. Seven percent of advisors provide virtual   areas. They are 1) access to institutional quality investments

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