Page 34 - Investment Advisor - November 2023
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an important   recognition by a state   to move toward a bona fide fiduciary   states that impose  obligations,  like the
                 Supreme Court that state regulators   standard,“ according to Rhoades.  Massachusetts Fiduciary Rule, that
                 have an important role to play in a   The most important aspect of the   extend beyond  Regulation BI’s obliga-
                 federal  system  to  level up regulatory   Massachusetts decision, according to   tions,” the alert said.
                 obligations and duties when it seems   Rhoades, “is that states are not preempt-  “Particular attention will be required
                 like the federal government is not   ed from adopting fiduciary standards by   to assess what sorts of communications
                 doing enough.”                    federal securities laws,“ nor by the SEC’s   by broker-dealers regarding investment
                   The ruling, according to Tierney,   adoption of Reg BI.           opportunities to retail investors can be
                 a former SEC attorney, is also      While the Massachusetts decision   construed as investment recommenda-
                   “somewhat  of a recognition that   “is not binding upon other state courts,   tions or advice subject to heightened
                 Reg BI, for all its benefits, has a   nor on the federal courts, its precedent   state-level standards,” the firm wrote.
                 lot of warts  both in its design and   may well give impetus to at least a few   For example, in Robinhood’s case,
                 implementation.”                  other  states  to  adopt fiduciary stan-  Galvin “claimed Robinhood had encour-

                 The ruling in Massachusetts “is an important recognition by a state

                  Supreme Court that state regulators have an important role to play

                     in a federal system to level up regulatory obligations and duties
                      when it seems like the federal government is not doing enough.”

                                                       —James Tierney

                   The court’s decision “is instrumental-  dards for broker-dealers when provid-  aged frequent, risky, and unsuitable
                 ly useful for advocates of stronger fidu-  ing investment advice to retail clients,“   trading by retail investors, published
                 ciary protections in investment advice to   Rhoades explained.      investment  categories  like  ‘100  Most
                 make that case,” Tierney said.      An alert from the law firm      Popular’ or ‘Top Movers,’  implemented
                   Indeed, Ron Rhoades, associate pro-  Ropes & Gray concurred that the   strategies  to  incentivize  customer
                 fessor of finance at Western Kentucky   Massachusetts  ruling “leaves the door     engagement with its trading platform,
                 University and director of its personal   open  for  other  state  regulators  to  set   and that each of these practices was
                 financial planning program, said in a   more demanding standards applicable to   tantamount to making investment
                 recent email that Reg BI “does not   broker-dealers operating in their states,“     recommendations to customers,” the
                 impose a fiduciary duty of loyalty” but   and “raises a substantial  threat  of the   alert said.
                 “a new ‘best interest’ obligation that   very ‘patchwork of inconsistent state-  Robinhood’s  defenses  to  these  argu-
                 is still in the process of being defined   level standards’“ of which former SEC   ments, the firm wrote, “have yet to be
                 and applied.”                     Chairman Jay Clayton warned.      addressed by the  trial  court or in the
                   With a new DOL fiduciary rule on   Further  litigation  in  other  state  or   Secretary’s administrative proceed-
                 the horizon, he said, “the fiduciary bat-  federal jurisdictions may seek to chal-  ings — as the litigation to date has focused
                 tlegrounds will continue to be active   lenge this reasoning.       on the legality of the Massachusetts
                 spheres where pro-fiduciary advocates                               Fiduciary Rule itself, not its application
                 will be pitted against firms whose eco-  Internet AdvICe            to Robinhood’s business.”
                 nomic  models  are  threatened  by  the   The Ropes & Gray alert also warns that   A spokesperson for Galvin’s office
                 fiduciary  standard.”             the Massachusetts ruling also applies   told me that regarding the administra-
                                                   to investment recommendations or   tive case against Robinhood, “the parties
                 FIdUCIArY BAttLeGroUnd            advice provided from outside the state   have asked to schedule a status confer-
                 The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial   via the internet.              ence, and that decision is still pending
                 Court decision “adds additional traction   For national broker-dealers,  including   before the hearing officer.”
                 to the ongoing movement in the market-  those operating internet platforms, the
                 place, aided by fiduciary advocates and   decision “further complicates compli-  Washington Bureau Chief Melanie Waddell
                 federal and state securities regulators,   ance and increases associated costs in   can be reached at [email protected].

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