Page 31 - Investment Advisor - November 2023
P. 31

Executive Leadership

                             david savir, element Pointe Family office          Matt seitz, C2P enterprises
                             Over the past year, Savir rebranded the firm to    Following the SEC’s adoption of the Modernized
                             focus more on the services it provides as a finan-  Marketing Rule, Seitz developed a seminar and an
                             cial advisor. The rebranding included a move to    ebook to help advisors enhance their strategy to
                             a larger office and raising the minimum invest-    implement the new rule. He covered important
                 ment from $5 million to $15 million. The decision to increase   details including the rule’s pros and cons, selecting and soliciting
                 the minimum was a strategic move that aligned with the type of   client feedback, important disclosures, avoiding fines, best prac-
                 clientele Element Pointe serves: ultra-high-net-worth individu-  tices and the overall effect on an advisor’s practice. He success-
                 als, families and family offices. The rebrand emphasizes a long-  fully generated interest and new leads for his firm by showcasing
                 term focus on comprehensive wealth planning and sophisticated   how C2P could help effectively implement the new rule. Seitz also
                 portfolio management.                              started a marketing roundtable for industry professionals to col-
                                                                    laborate and share ideas on effective marketing tactics.
                             david scranton, sound Income strategies
                             Scranton’s mission is to help seven out of 10      Gabriel shahin, Falcon Wealth Planning
                             baby boomers utilize income-generating savings     Shahin has helped many people increase their
                             and investment strategies for their retirement     financial knowledge through a variety of for-
                             planning and savings. In 2022, he created Sound    mats. He produces content on social media and
                 Income Group, a diversified financial services company that hous-  YouTube to educate individuals, institutions and
                 es three separate subsidiaries, including Sound Income Strategies,   advisors on techniques to enhance clients’, prospects’ and pro-
                 an independent RIA with about $2 billion in assets under manage-  fessionals’ experience with “true financial planning.” He also
                 ment. It manages client portfolios of individual income-generating   produces a weekly podcast on which he mainly discusses issues
                 securities, aimed at maximizing income first and opportunities for   related to personal finance and tax planning. Shahin participates
                 growth second. Scranton also leads the Scranton Financial Group   in Arizona State University’s DreamScape program, which gives
                 and the nonprofit Scranton Academy for Financial Education   virtual reality education to its students and participants across the
                 (S.A.F.E.), which provides free financial education.   world, originally on sciences, but now also finance.

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