Page 39 - Investment Advisor March 2022
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Perhaps because it lacked empirical   daily disclosures but track the same   In that 2011 case, a federal appellate
                 data about the scope of such inves-  underlying index of stocks.    court sidestepped the issue by con-
                 tor harms, the SEC noted the fund   On  average,  the  data  show  that  the   cluding that the legal issue was not
                 companies’ concerns but implemented   funds not compelled to disclose their   “ripe”  enough  for  the  court  to  con-
                 the “full daily portfolio transparency”   portfolio holdings on a daily basis out-  sider, in part because the court found
                 requirement  despite  those  concerns.  perform the funds that are compelled   that disclosure “produce[d] no eco-
                 To be sure, many in the industry wel-  to disclose “by 1.8 basis points (bps) per   nomic harm” to the hedge fund advi-
                 comed the new SEC rule as it pro-  quarter or 7.3 bps per year.”    sor. Ultimately, the court declined to
                 vided clarity in place of the ambiguity   While the SEC is unlikely to repeal   decide whether the SEC had engaged
                 and cumbersome approval process that   its daily disclosure rule, it is possible   in an uncompensated unconstitutional
                 preceded it.                      that investors will seek redress in the   taking of property.
                                                   courts. That is what happened a decade   The circumstances are quite different
                 NEW DATA                          ago  when  the  SEC  first  required  cer-  for owners of ETF index funds com-
                 This applause, however, may become   tain hedge funds to file publicly avail-  pelled by the SEC to disclose daily hold-
                 less enthusiastic in light of the data   able reports on Form 13F disclosing   ings. The economic harm to investors
                 recently brought to light. Because some   certain holdings. One fund manager   appears to be quite real and significant.
                 ETF  index  funds  are  exempt  from  the   sued the SEC, asserting that compel-  The $3.9 billion per year estimated in
                 SEC’s daily disclosure requirement, the   ling such disclosure amounted to an   Li’s paper may be enough incentive for
                 study’s author was able to contrast trad-  unconstitutional “taking” of private   investors  to go  to  court over  the issue,
                 ing by funds that disclose their portfo-  property for a public use without pay-  which now may be “ripe” enough for
                 lios daily with funds that do not make   ing “just compensation.”   courts to consider it.

                 Beware of VIX ETFs and ETNs

                        ne of the best performing assets   Their longer-term counterparts, the   “VIX-linked ETPs have effective-
                        so far this year have been short-  ProShares VIX Mid-Term Futures ETF   ly destroyed $12.4 billion in capital
                 Oterm ETFs and exchange-traded    (VIXM) and iPath B S&P 500 VIX Mid-  during nearly 12 years since they
                 notes based on the Cboe Volatility Index   Term Futures ETN (VXZ), which have   debuted,” he said. “Investors should
                 (VIX), which rises when volatility in   exposure to Cboe Volatility Index futures   steer clear.”
                 the S&P 500 index increases. The index   with an average five-month exposure,
                 represents the market’s real-time expec-  didn’t fare as well. They gained between   RISKS OF VIX ETFs AND ETNs
                 tations for the relative strength of near-  5.3% and 5.9% year to date through Jan.   Instead of protecting investor assets
                 term price changes of the S&P 500 index.   27. The S&P 500, during that period, fell   against losses, VIX-linked ETPs have,
                 The exchange-traded products invest in   more than 9%, teetering on the edge of   overall, added losses to investor port-
                 futures contracts that track the VIX;   correction territory.       folios. A primary reason is that these
                 investors cannot buy the VIX directly.  Short- and medium-term ETPs per-  investments  don’t  invest in  the actual
                   As the stock market reversed course   formed especially poorly last year, when   VIX index but in a futures contract
                 and traded lower in January, the   the S&P 500 soared almost 27%, but   based on that index.
                 ProShares VIX Short-Term Futures   posted gains around 10% in 2020 when   Because the futures curve is in con-
                 ETF (VIXY) and the iPath Series B S&P   stocks swooned early on when the coro-  tango — later-month contracts cost
                 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN from   navirus pandemic began to spread.  more than current-month contracts —
                 Barclays (VXX) soared, gaining more   Short- and medium-term VIX ETPs   investors who roll over their contract
                 than 30% through Jan. 27. Both track   have been on the market for a dozen   into the next future month lose money
                 the VIX futures, not the spot price   years, but their total assets today are just   on the transaction.
                 of the VIX index, providing exposure   $2.5 billion, despite total net inflows of   “Regularly selling current contracts
                 to a daily rolling long position in the   $14.9 billion through Jan. 26, according to   low and buying subsequent contracts
                 first  and  second  month  S&P  500  VIX   Ben Johnson, director of global exchange-  high results in negative roll yield,”
                 futures contracts.                traded fund research for Morningstar.  Johnson said.

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