Page 43 - Investment Advisor March 2022
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explained. “Maybe they think with this   trainee program can work (at least for   and bring into the fold candidates who
                 new approach the success rates will go   Merrill Lynch’s goals), as long as it still   do not come from a privileged upbring-
                 up and, therefore, they don’t have to   delivers on the new, somewhat less   ing (which likely means a more diverse
                 shove as many people through the fun-  demanding training process  required,”   talent pool),” according to Diamond.
                 nel as they used to.” In his opinion, “they   he said.                On the other hand, because the firm
                 can shove a thousand people through it,   A broader array of product and ser-  “now forbids cold calls and new advi-
                 but the results will not be any different   vice knowledge requirements, but less   sors are expected to work with bank- or
                 than before.”                     selling,  makes  sense,  he  said  via  email,   Merrill Edge-referred clients, it removes
                   The more they can make it [like]   noting “since so many ‘replacement’   the critical business-building skillset
                 an apprenticeship” in which trainees   advisors are needed at a firm the size   from new advisors’ toolboxes and “will
                 learn from experienced advisors at the   of Merrill Lynch, the new advisors can   make this next generation advisor much
                 firm, similar to how independent RIAs   survive on the huge number of existing   more captive and ‘stuck’ than their pre-
                 train people to become advisors, the   clients in existing teams, and benefit   decessors,” Diamond predicted.
                 more successful the new
                 program  will  be,  Welsh   The old [training] model the firm                  MERRILL RESPONDS
                 said. “It takes patience   used, in which trainees made cold                   Asked to comment on
                 and time.”                                                                     some of the skepticism,
                   Asked if he thought      calls maybe ‘200 times in a day to                  a Merrill spokesperson
                 it was possible to have a                                                      only pointed to a few
                 gold-standard  advisor    hope to connect to a few people’ is a                additional  details  about
                 training program now,   ‘laughable model in today’s world with                 its new program:
                 Welsh replied: “Not at that                                                      • “Seven months in, we
                 scale. No way. You have to   caller ID and suspicion of everybody.’            already have 1,000 train-
                 cut too many corners. You                                                      ees in the program.”
                 have to rely on the law of   —Danny Sarch, Leitner Sarch Consultants             • “The new program
                 large numbers and you’re                                                       places increased emphasis
                 just going to have a higher failure rate   from the large number of ‘client book   on recruiting talent from within Bank of
                 and that’s expensive.”            transition opportunities’ occurring each   America, including the Consumer Bank,
                   Even 30 years ago, the “failure rate   year as advisors retire or leave.”  Global Banking and Markets, and roles
                 was extremely high,” he said, noting he   Tasnady added that “key success fac-  currently in Merrill. We also continue to
                 went through Merrill’s advisor training   tors”  will  include  “the  quality  of  the   hire externally sourced talent.”
                 program in 1995, when less than 20%   graduates” and the acceptance levels of   • “One of the key elements of the new
                 of  trainees  graduated.  It’s  also  hard  to   existing [advisor] teams to ‘add them’ to   program is that trainees will receive
                 have a gold-standard program now “just   their groups.”             extensive leads and referrals from Bank
                 based on the nature of the beast and how                            of America. Program participants will
                 wealth management has evolved and   NEW ASSET GATHERING STRATEGIES  have access to leads and referrals from
                 changed,” he explained.           “One of the complaints of the old pro-  Bank of America financial centers; digi-
                   Today, “you’re giving advice and   gram  was  the  high  attrition  rate  since   tal  channels;  employees  of  companies
                 guidance based on some sophisticat-  the firm (and all major firms offering   for whom we provide retirement and
                 ed wealth strategies and understand-  training programs) had lofty new asset   other financial benefit plans, or who
                 ing the tax laws, the various retirement   and household requirements,” accord-  leverage our corporate employee bank-
                 accounts and all of the different things   ing to Louis Diamond, president of   ing and investing offering;  as well as
                 involved with doing a full-service   Diamond Consultants. That “meant that   from retiring advisors.”
                 approach,” he  explained, calling  this   advisors  who didn’t have robust per-  • She confirmed there is an “increased
                 shift the “RIAification of the industry.”  sonal networks or who weren’t gifted   emphasis on coaching and oversight.”
                                                   cold callers had a tough time hanging   • “The new program has been
                 MORE KNOWLEDGE, LESS SELLING      around,” he said.                 designed in part to help increase grad-
                 Offering a more optimistic take was   “A positive of the new program will   uation rates to as high as 80%, while
                 Andy Tasnady, managing  partner  of   be a higher success rate since it will be   also increasing the diversity of our
                 Tasnady Associates. “A new, shorter   much easier for advisors to gather assets   advisor base.”

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