Page 34 - Investment Advisor March 2022
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evidence that team members’ happiness   example. But employees tend to be quite   encourage team members to do the best
                 — physical, emotional and financial — is   conscientious about when and how they   they can on a particular day. This kind
                 key to success because it promotes opti-  use this benefit, and they coordinate   of  leadership  requires  an  organization-
                 mal performance. Today, good leaders   with colleagues to make sure balls don’t   wide culture that is  comfortable with
                 are acknowledging that their workforces   drop in their absence.    human emotion. Crying in the office or
                 are being hit with unique challenges, and                           on a Zoom call? Absolutely. The doors
                 they are prioritizing well-being — asking   AN ENCOURAGING WORD     should be open to all emotions, even so-
                 not what team members have accom-  I’ve written this before, but an encour-  called negative ones. Employees should
                 plished lately, but what they need and   aging word to employees can go a long   learn to be kind and encouraging to
                 how the organization can support them.  way toward creating a culture of well-  themselves as an element of well-being
                                                   being and supportive interdependence.   to decrease team members’ stress.
                 CREATIVE SOLUTIONS                                                          COVID has hastened the evo-
                 This more enlightened manage-    The new management                       lution of management practices
                 ment approach requires creative                                           throughout the wealth manage-
                 solutions to managing stress.    approach encourages                      ment field. Amid the heightened
                 Companies  that  have  more  flex-                                        stress, sickness  and  burnout,
                 ible cultures still can’t afford to   mutual support. The idea            we’re seeing a shift in manage-
                 have team members who are so                                              ment culture. The best managers
                 focused on their own care that   is that employees should                 are now being measured on their
                 they consistently force fellow   take care of themselves,                 empathy and encouragement of
                 team members to pick up the                                               their team members to take care
                 slack. In the old days, being out   and the organization                  of themselves without judgment,
                 of the office too often due to sick                                       and then help take care of their
                 days, personal days or vacation   should give them latitude               colleagues — as they model that
                 days would warrant a stern talk-                                          behavior themselves.
                 ing-to with the worker in ques-  to do that. But once they’ve               The future of management is
                 tion. Employees are no longer                                             upon us, and business leaders must
                 tolerating that sort of thing; they   met their own needs, the            be ready to put aside traditional,
                 understand the leverage they     ethos is to help others.                 top-down approaches. We’re in an
                 possess and are increasingly pri-                                         era that requires empathy, encour-
                 oritizing their well-being.                                               agement and trust, and that can
                   The new management approach     Traditional management impulses tell   be uncomfortable, at first, for old-school
                 encourages mutual support. The idea   leaders to dictate solutions, creating   leaders accustomed to granting or with-
                 is that employees should take care of   unnecessary friction and resentment.   holding money to motivate people.
                 themselves, and the organization should   But it’s support, trust and clear com-  We know that financial incentives
                 give them latitude to do that. But once   munication about shared goals that can   take organizations only so far. That’s
                 they’ve met their own needs, the ethos   create exceptional outcomes. While it   because, beyond a certain level of finan-
                 is to help others.                seems simple, many leaders struggle to   cial security, people prioritize deeper
                   What might this look like in a real-  move away from “telling people what   needs. A big one is the desire to contrib-
                 world setting? One example: Instead of   to do” to encouraging them to take care   ute, within a group, to big accomplish-
                 saying “I’m taking the day off,” a team   of themselves.            ments — such as helping clients retire
                 member might find a buddy and divide   One factor that frequently contributes   and send their kids to college, or build a
                 halves of the workdays to relieve some   to burnout is an emphasis on perfection.   business to its full potential.
                 of the pressure.                  In traditional management frameworks,   The problem of stress can also be an
                   Trusting that your team members   an insistence on perfection was consid-  opportunity, a chance for business own-
                 will support one another once they’ve   ered a virtue. A team member who was   ers to think deeply about their manage-
                 met their own needs is important. Our   sad or tired might be expected to just   ment culture and make sure they’re on
                 experience is that employees generally   chug coffee, force negative emotions   the right path. Thanks to the pandemic,
                 do reward organizations for supporting   down and get into high gear.  there is no going back.
                 and trusting them. Unrestricted vaca-  A shift is occurring that acknowl-
                 tion time, an increasingly common part   edges the reality that people are not   Angie Herbers is an independent consultant to
                 of modern businesses’ menu of benefits,   machines, and that excellence levels will   the advisory industry. She can be reached at   Adobe Stock
                 might seem to be a Pandora’s box, for   vary from day to day. The idea is to   [email protected].

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