Page 21 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
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in the stock market but do so in a   Today, our  team  has the opportu-  8. What book are you reading now
                less  risky way.  This  was a big reason   nity to be back in the office together.   and why?
                for building the Innovator Defined   We, of course, have health protocols in   I am currently reading The Sign. It is a
                Outcome ETFs.                     place, but ultimately our shareholders   book  written  by  Bob  Van  Kampen,  the
                  Inflation ultimately moves through   and employees have benefited from the   late founder of Van Kampen Funds. It
                the stock market  positively but with   collaborative environment that is taking   isn’t for the faint of heart and is more
                bouts of volatility. Buffer ETFs allow you   place in person again.  like reading a textbook. It is very insight-
                to invest in the stock market but with a                            ful regarding the history and plight of
                built-in buffer against downside loss.  6. What’s your biggest hobby, and   the Jewish people and the signs of the
                  Another, more  technical note  is that   what was the last activity you did   end of days.
                with these ETFs, volatility can actu-  related to it?
                ally be beneficial. The higher the mar-  I spend a good amount of time at the   9. Any New Year’s resolutions?
                ket volatility when the ETFs’ options   family “farm” in Northwest Illinois,   I’m not much of a New Year’s resolution
                positions are entered into, the                                             person.
                higher  the  upside  potential.   While market volatility can                 If we see a goal we want to
                In our view, this market envi-                                              attain business-wise, we get
                ronment is excellent for these  hurt a portfolio, inflation and             after it pretty quickly. To that
                types of products.          taxes can sap portfolio value                   end, we have some interest-

                4. Who or what critical      (and retirement longevity)                     ing ideas we’re  working to
                                                                                            bring to market in 2022, so I
                source of information do                                                    guess that could be considered
                you track, or follow online,   much faster and are risks that               a resolution.
                to keep up with this or
                other trends?                      must be addressed.                       10. Any other piece of
                For us, our information sourc-                                              advice or thoughts you’d
                es mainly come from raw data, and then   where I grow grapes, fish and hunt in   like to share with our advisor
                we have good people and partners help   the company of my loved ones. It’s been   audience?
                analyze and act on that data. So you   a great getaway for our family.  Advisors have a tremendous oppor-
                can probably guess the typical culprits:   We’ve been fortunate to plant a vine-  tunity and responsibility to grow and
                Bloomberg, Federal Reserve Economic   yard  on  the  property  (with  the  first   protect  their  clients’  wealth  and  be
                Database (FRED), realized and implied   vintage coming of age this year!) and a   a clear voice in an uncertain market.
                volatility data, skew, and interest rates,   fishing pond. Hunting season is in full   The variant-laden pandemic environ-
                to name a few.                    swing right now, so we’ve been enjoying   ment has brought many challenges
                                                  that reprieve whenever time allows.  that have the potential to negatively
                5. Are you changing any of your                                     impact wealth: labor shortages, supply
                work habits at this stage of the   7. How about your latest community   chain struggles, inflation, high equity
                pandemic?                         activity?                         valuations, volatility and rising rates,
                We consider our people and investment   When my partner John Southard and   to name a few.
                products to be part of the stabilization   I sold PowerShares  back in 2006, it   To me, one of the best ways to manage
                of the economy and the financial health   allowed my family and me to set up a   through these risks is to own stocks, but
                of our investors, as well as value-adds to   charitable foundation called the Bond   in a risk-managed way. Until a few years
                the advisors who allocate client money   Family Foundation that is still going   ago, this was not possible for the average
                our way.                          strong today.                     investor. The tools available to advisors
                  We were well prepared to work     While we don’t publicize the work   today, exemplified by ETFs, are plenty.
                from home as COVID-19 moved       of the trust, I can say we have been for-  Now, it’s a matter of seeking out and
                through our local community in 2020,   tunate to be part of some great causes,   using the right ones at the right time to
                and  I’m  very  proud  of  our  people’s   helped change many lives, and the bless-  solve client problems.
                work ethic and commitment to their   ings we’ve received as a family from this
                families, the financial advisors we   work far outweigh any monetary gains   Editor-in-chief  Janet Levaux can be reached at
                serve, and the community.         this world has to offer.          [email protected].

                                                                               JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 19
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