Page 23 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
P. 23

Things will “go really well if bear   If interest rates go up, private equity   On the tech front, he predicted, “over
                markets are short-lived, but if we have   investments in the RIA space will likely   time, technology will continue to evolve
                an ’08-’09-type scenario or anything   “slow down and there might even be an   and enable small, medium- and even
                like that, we would see, for the first   impact on valuations,” he said, noting   large-sized firms to improve the way
                time, the collapse of a major player,”   they “might compress if interest rates   they not only manage their business
                he predicted.                     go up.”                           but … help them grow more effectively
                  On the tech front, the Creative   Last year, there were just under 200   as well.”
                Planning executive said: “Somebody   transactions and there are expected to
                is eventually going to have to create   be 240 this year, he told Investment   TIMOTHY WELSH, PRESIDENT, CEO
                technology that really goes across trad-  Advisor, projecting 240 to 270 in 2022.  AND FOUNDER OF NEXUS STRATEGY
                ing and reporting and CRM and that’s   “We might see some consolidation   In 2022, “it’s going to be  more of the
                really functional.” That is because, “for   amongst the consolidators” in   same but higher volume in terms
                all I hear about how amazing tech-  which “some of the firms                 of M&A, in terms of new
                nology in the space is, I find it to be   that are in the market-               technology coming to
                clunky and difficult,” he said. “There’s   place sell to some of                 market [and] new
                an incredible opportunity for some-  the  consolidators                            me th od olo gi es ”
                body to come in and really be transfor-  out there [and]                           including “advisors
                mative in this space. But we’re a long   some  of  the  con-                        being able to spin
                ways away from it.”               solidators sell to                                up their own tech-
                                                  one another,” he                                  nology ecosystem”
                DAVID DEVOE, CEO AND FOUNDER      said. The major                                   so they don’t have
                OF DEVOE & CO.                    reason for this con-                             to rely on outside
                The “trajectory” for M&A transactions   tinued consolidation                      companies, according
                “will probably flatten” in 2022, accord-  is “we have an industry               to Timothy Welsh, pres-
                ing to DeVoe. “We won’t see 50% year-  where scale matters and                ident, CEO and founder of
                over-year growth” in the number of RIA   many firms are joining with      Nexus Strategy.
                transactions next year, but we might see   larger organizations to get the benefits   New  technology  will  include
                more transactions than we saw in 2021,   of scale,” he explained.   microservices and a “whole new slew of
                he said.                            Meanwhile, we continue to “have a   technology  software development,” he
                  “We also have valuations that are at   succession problem in the industry,” he   said. We also will see people who cre-
                extremely high levels and some strong,   said. “We don’t have the number of suc-  ated big, legacy platforms several years
                sophisticated acquiring groups … so the   cession plans we need in place, and we   ago come back with new tech platforms,
                table is set for strong M&A activity”    have an aging demographic of   he told Investment Advisor.
                in 2022, he said.                            founders and owners.”    For example, Oleg Tishkevich, who
                  Although the “under-                           He also predicted   sold his financial planning software firm
                pinnings of mergers                              that organic RIA sec-  Finance Logix to Envestnet in 2015, is
                and acquisitions in                               tor growth is “like-  back with a new software development
                the  space  remain  the                            ly to slow down a   consulting firm,
                same,” DeVoe point-                                bit [in 2022 from   Despite the continued growth of
                ed  out  that  “certain                            2021].” One rea-  RIAs, he predicted the “same flow” of
                short-term drivers”                                son: Finding tal-  breakaways from wirehouses because
                that led to a surge                                ent will be “more   large firms are doing well and “it’s a
                in M&A activity in                                 challenging,” he   bull market, so nobody wants to move.”
                2021, “like the threat                           said. Factors include   The  only  thing  that  “would  speed  up”
                of increased taxes … were                       the newly mobile    breakaways is if there is a “market
                short-lived and will not sus-                 workforce in which    break,” he predicted.
                tain themselves through 2022.”            top talent is  no longer  con-
                But “there might be other drivers that   strained by job options in their geo-  Staff reporter Jeff Berman can be reached at
                come into play,” he conceded.     graphic area, he explained.       [email protected].

                                                                               JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 21
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