Page 18 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
P. 18


                By Bernice Napach

                What to Expect for Sustainable Investing in 2022

                Through Q3 2021, global sustainable funds amassed some $4 trillion in
                assets, including more than $330 million in U.S. mutual funds and ETFs.

                      ustainable investing, which set                               sure of climate risks under existing rules
                      new  records  for  global  and  U.S.                          and to analyze disclosure and compli-
                Sasset flows through the third                                      ance issues relating to the ESG strate-
                quarter  of  2021,  is  expected  to  accel-                        gies of investment advisors and funds. It
                erate in 2022 and beyond as demand                                  has also created a new position of Senior
                by institutional and retail investors                               Policy Advisors for Climate and ESG.
                grows along with offerings from global                                In addition, the DOL is likely to finalize
                asset managers.                                                     new rules on ESG investments that make
                  “Investing with a sustainable lens is                             it easier for 401(k) plans to choose invest-
                foundational today,” said Kunal Kapoor,                             ments based on ESG factors. The rule,
                in his keynote at the start of Morningstar’s                        which has already been proposed, undoes
                annual conference in September.                                     a Trump era rule that did just the opposite.
                  Underpinning this growth is cli-  ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE,
                mate change and the risks it poses to   OTHER ISSUES                ADVANCING STANDARDS
                the  global  economy,  financial  markets   Their investments are spurring compa-  Increasingly important is the need for
                and individual companies during what   nies to address not only climate factors   standardization of terms and measure-
                many hope to be a transition to a net   but  issues  that  impact  workers,  cus-  ments pertaining to sustainability issues.
                zero world where carbon emissions   tomers  and  communities,  according  to   “Getting to standardization and the
                equal the amount of carbon removed   Jon Hale, Morningstar’s Global Head   harmonization of standards, which has
                from the atmosphere.              of Sustainability. He  expects the  influ-  eluded the [asset management] industry,
                  Through Q3 2021, global sustain-  ence of sustainability considerations on   will be huge,” said William Burckart,
                able funds amassed almost $4 trillion in   financial reporting, oversight, risk and   president of The Investment Integration
                assets including more than $330 million   regulatory frameworks will grow.  Project, an applied research consulting
                in U.S. sustainable mutual funds and   Indeed, the Securities and Exchange   firm whose mission educates investors
                ETFs, which is almost twice the level of   Commission is considering more stringent   on how ESG can benefit their portfolios.
                a year before, according to Morningstar.   disclosure requirements on ESG issues by   That standardization goal is expected to
                Net flows into U.S. sustainable funds   asset managers and by public companies,   advance in 2022 due to the consolidation of
                grew to $56 billion in the period as   which could be adopted in 2022, and has   several separate standard-setting entities:
                74 new sustainable funds launched —   already increased its reviews of both.  the merger of the Sustainability Accounting
                three-quarters of them equity funds.  In the meantime, under Chairman   Standards Board and the International
                  “The net-zero transition  isn’t sim-  Gary Gensler, the agency has been ask-  Integrated Reporting Council into the
                ply  about  reducing  carbon;  It’s  a  busi-  ing money managers to explain the stan-  Value Reporting Foundation (VRF)
                ness  model transformation  akin  to the   dards  they  use  for  classifying  funds  as   and, by June 2022, and the consolida-
                Industrial Revolution,” wrote Michael   ESG-focused,  according to Bloomberg   tion of the VRF and Climate Disclosure
                Jantzi, founder of Sustainalytics, a   News.  It  has  also  requested  dozens  of   Standards Board (CDSB) to form the new
                Morningstar affiliate which provides   public companies to provide more infor-  International Sustainability Standards
                analytical  environmental,  social  and   mation about how climate change might   Board. The ISSB is focused on developing
                governance (ESG) research, ratings and   affect their earnings or operations, the   a comprehensive global baseline of high-
                data to institutional investors and com-  Wall Street Journal reported.  quality sustainability disclosure standards
                panies, in a recent report. “Grappling   The SEC has created a Climate and   to meet investors’ information needs.
                with it is part of [a] fiduciary duty…   and ESG Task Force in the Division of
                Investors are adopting ESG as part of   Enforcement  to identify any  material   Senior writer Bernice Napach can be reached   Adobe Stock
                the transition to a net-zero world.”  gaps or misstatements in issuers’ disclo-  at [email protected].

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