Page 13 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
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markets,” the agency  said, adding that   PRIVATE EQUITY AND        average before the buyout, it becomes on
                its proposed amendments are designed,   ADVISOR MISCONDUCT          par with the industry average after the
                in part, to address concerns about prime   A recently released study found that   buyout,” the study explains.
                and tax-exempt money market funds   private  equity-backed RIAs had a 147%   The increase in misconduct “is stronger
                highlighted by these events.      increase in the percentage of their advi-  in firms with higher post-buyout growth
                  Gensler said that the plan is designed   sors committing misconduct and 200%   in assets under management per adviser
                “to  reduce  the  likelihood of  runs  on   increase in the average number of mis-  and is concentrated in firms whose clients
                money market funds during periods of   conduct incidents after the ownership   include retail customers,” the report states.
                stress. They also would equip funds to   change. The research released by the   “Our results suggest a tension between
                better meet large redemptions, address-  University of Oregon examined whether   advisory firms’ profit motive and ethical
                ing concerns about redemption costs   ownership by private equity firms encour-  business practices, especially when cus-
                and liquidity. Given the broad reach of   ages or deters financial misconduct.  tomers are financially unsophisticated.”
                short-term funding markets, these pro-  The authors analyzed the records of   The authors note that PE firms have
                posals speak to our remit to maintain   individual advisors around buyouts of   also “shown a keen interest in the finan-
                fair, orderly, and efficient markets.”  investment advisory firms by private equity.  cial advisory business in recent years.”
                  The proposed amendments would     “Our estimates suggest that private   According to research by the M&A con-
                increase liquidity requirements for   equity ownership leads to an increase of   sultant DeVoe & Co,, PE firms partici-
                money market funds to provide a more   147% in the percentage of the acquired   pated in 5% of all registered investment
                substantial liquidity buffer in the event   firm’s  financial advisers committing   advisory firm merger transactions from
                of rapid redemptions.             misconduct,” the study states. “While   2013 to 2019 and accounted for 26% of
                  The plan would also remove provisions   the misconduct rate of the acquired   the deals as measured by assets under
                in the current rule permitting or requiring   firms is only about 40% of the industry   management, the report states.
                a money market fund to impose liquidity
                fees or to suspend redemptions through a
                gate when a fund’s liquidity drops below   IRS Warns of Bumpy Tax Filing Season Ahead
                an identified threshold. “These provi-  The Internal Revenue Service began accepting and processing 2021 tax year
                sions appeared to contribute to inves-  returns in late January, although IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig warned that “the
                tors’ incentives to redeem in March 2020   pandemic continues to create challenges” for the tax filing season and urged tax-
                as some funds’ reported liquidity levels   payers to take steps to mitigate processing and refund delays.
                declined,” the agency stated.         “Planning for the nation’s filing season process is a massive undertaking, and
                  To  address  concerns  about  redemp-  IRS teams have been working non-stop these past several months to prepare,”
                tion costs and liquidity, the proposal   Rettig said in a statement. “Filing electronically with direct deposit and avoiding a
                would require institutional prime and   paper tax return is more important than ever this year.”
                institutional tax-exempt money market   Rettig urged “extra attention to those who received an Economic Impact
                funds to implement swing pricing poli-  Payment or an advance Child Tax Credit last year. People should make sure they
                cies and procedures that would require   report the correct amount on their tax return to avoid delays.”
                redeeming investors, under certain cir-  The filing deadline to submit 2021 tax returns or an extension to file and pay
                cumstances, to bear the liquidity costs of   tax owed is April 18, instead of April 15, for most taxpayers. “The due date is April
                their redemptions.                  18, instead of April 15, because of the Emancipation Day holiday in the District of
                  In other news, Gensler told CNBC’s   Columbia for everyone except taxpayers who live in Maine or Massachusetts,” the
                “Squawk Box” in January that the agency   IRS explained.
    Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters/Bloomberg  ciency in the private fund space,” with   have until Oct. 17 to file.
                plans to “take up again a project around
                                                      Taxpayers in Maine or Massachusetts have until April 19 to file their returns due
                driving greater competition and effi-
                                                    to the Patriots’ Day holiday in those states. Taxpayers requesting an extension will
                the SEC proposing “some rules to drive
                                                      Rettig noted that IRS employees continue to work hard on “critical areas affect-
                more transparency and competition.”
                                                    ed by the pandemic,” including processing of tax returns from last year and record
                  In the new year, the SEC also is con-
                                                    levels of phone calls. Online resources should be used before calling. Last filing
                sidering proposing  amendments  to
                                                    season, as a result of COVID-era tax changes and broader pandemic challenges,
                Form PF, the form on which advisors to
                                                    the IRS phone systems received more than 145 million calls from Jan. 1 – May 17,
                private funds report certain information
                                                    more than four times more calls than in an average year, the IRS said.
                about those funds to the commission.
                                                                               JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 11
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