Page 29 - Investment Advisor - December 2023
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largely in non-client-facing areas.”  In  early  September,  Schwab  Advisor   and specialized service from Schwab’s
                   The “Wall Street Journal” reported in   Services executives said the conversion   support  teams;  pricing  benefits  across
                 late October that it learned of the layoffs   of TD Ameritrade advisors to Schwab’s   Schwab’s bank and broker-dealer solu-
                 after seeing an internal Schwab message,   custodian platform went remarkably   tions; expanded borrowing choices; and
                 which also disclosed “some remaining   well, with no significant problems. “This   access to a range of wealth management
                 employees will have new jobs or manag-  [Labor Day] weekend, we moved [over]   specialists on topics including tax, trust
                 ers.” Lawrence Sprung, founder of Mitlin   7,000 advisor firms from the green plat-  and estate planning, equity compensa-
                 Financial in Hauppauge, New York, said   form, [which is] the TD Ameritrade   tion, retirement planning and family
                 on X, the network formerly known as   platform to the blue, or the Schwab,   support, according to the firm.
                 Twitter, at the time that he was “so sorry   platform,” Bernie Clark, head of Schwab   The firm has been providing some of
                 to hear about this,” and that his firm was   Advisor  Services,  said during  a media   these benefits to clients previously, but
                 looking for a senior wealth advisor.  phone briefing.               the new service approach brings every-
                   Schwab said it was planning to trim its   Schwab Advisor Services also tran-  thing together into a “premier expe-
                 workforce, services and office locations   sitioned 3.6 million accounts held by   rience,”  said  Jonathan  Craig,  head  of
                 to lower its yearly operating expenses   advisors’ clients and about another 3.6   Investor Services, in a statement.
                 by some $500 million a year. Those   million on the retail side also, with “$1.3   At the time the news was made public,
                 cost-cutting moves followed some of its   trillion in assets moving overall,” mak-  Schwab’s  total client  assets  were  $7.65
                 final integration efforts tied                                               trillion. Assets in Schwab’s
                 to its $22 billion purchase of   “A week before the August                   retail business — Investor
                 TD Ameritrade.                                                               Services — stood at roughly
                   “In order to achieve these  layoffs announcement, Schwab                   $4 trillion, while assets in
                 cost savings, the company      reported lower net flows                      the firm’s investment advisor
                 expects  to  incur  exit  and                                                business — Advisor Services
                 related costs, primarily relat-  in both retail and advisory                 — were $3.6 trillion.
                 ed to employee compensa-                                                       According to Schwab data,
                 tion and benefits and facility   clients’ assets tied to its                 the high- and ultra-high-net-
                 exit costs, of approximately                                                 worth client segments are
                 $400 [million] to $500 mil-  TD Ameritrade acquisition.”                     among the fastest-growing
                 lion,” the firm explained in                                                 client  groups  —  and  among
                 an 8-K filing with the Securities and   ing it the largest conversion weekend   the most important to its bottom line.
                 Exchange Commission.              for the company among the three it did,   Through  June  2023,  the  HNW  and
                   “The company anticipates most costs   Clark  said.  As  of  now,  “80%  of  all  cli-  UHNW client segments have grown to
                 related to position eliminations will be   ents have now transitioned over to the   represent  more than two-thirds  of the
                 incurred in the second half of 2023,   Charles Schwab platform,” he added.  firm’s  total  retail  client  assets.  Clients
                 and costs related to real estate will be   In  mid-July,  Schwab  announced  that   with more than $1 million at Schwab
                 incurred in 2023 and 2024,” it said.  investor clients with more than $1 mil-  have grown at a rate of more than 10%
                   Mayura  Hooper,  a  Schwab  spokes-  lion in assets at the firm will be automati-  annually over the last five years, while
                 person, said in an emailed statement   cally enrolled into Schwab Private Client   clients with more than $10 million at the
                 to  Bloomberg  in  August  would  “result   Services, while clients with $10 million   firm are growing at a rate of nearly 20%,
                 in eliminating some positions in the   and up will be enrolled in Schwab Private   the firm said.
                 coming months, mostly in non-client   Wealth Services. These clients will have   With the move to create two new
                 facing areas. We don’t yet have specif-  access to a dedicated Schwab consultant   HNW and UHNW service units, Schwab
                 ics to offer on how many positions will   who is responsible for their overall rela-  joins other its rivals in carving out spe-
                 be eliminated.”                   tionship with Schwab, at no additional   cial service models for the wealthiest
                   A week before the August layoffs   cost to them, according to a news release.  retail  clients.  Vanguard  offers  wealth
                 announcement, Schwab reported lower   This consultant can help clients man-  management services, including a dedi-
                 net flows in both retail and advisory cli-  age their financial life, help them choose   cated financial advisor and a wealth
                 ents’ assets tied to its  TD Ameritrade   the right level of advice or services they   management team, for clients with at
                 acquisition. The client attrition was in line   need, create a personalized financial   least $5 million, and flagship services
                 with the firm’s expectations for the deal,   plan, and connect them to a range of   for those with $1 million to $5 million.
                 which  was  announced  in  2019,  it  said.   Schwab’s wealth management special-  Fidelity  offers  private  wealth  manage-
                 Schwab noted that this attrition should   ists, Schwab says. Other features of the   ment for those with at least $10 million
                 subside in the first half of next year.  new program are priority assistance   in total investable assets.

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