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Top News of 2023

                 explained. “To me, the most problematic   more in retirement, because they don’t   Finke said. “It allows you to build up
                 element here is that you aren’t respond-  face that same idiosyncratic longevity   your base of inflation-protected income
                 ing to new information about what has   risk,” he noted.            for life. In my research, I have found that,
                 happened to your portfolio and also any   This extends into the topic of lifetime   for most higher-income individuals who
                 changes in your expected longevity.”  income insurance and what advisors   can expect to live longer than the average
                   Pensions used to be much more com-  need to know about it, Finke says: “You   American, they can expect to meaning-
                 mon, Finke notes, and it’s useful to con-  can consider effectively buying insur-  fully increase their overall retirement
                 sider what this same $40,000 in spending   ance against this risk — against the risk   wealth by delaying Social Security.”
                 would look like were it to be guaranteed   of having to cut back below a certain   Finke, who says this move is a “no
                 rather than being subject to market and   amount of spending in retirement. It’s   brainer,” plans to do so in his own retire-
                 longevity risk. “Would the person who   known as a lifetime income benefit, and   ment. “The other thing I plan to do in
                 is spending out of their private $1 mil-  generally it will come along on a fixed   my own retirement is buy insurance to
                 lion portfolio spend the same as the   annuity or a variable annuity.”  protect  myself against outliving my sav-
                 person with the guaranteed income?”   With a variable annuity, generally the   ings,” he explained. “For example, you can
                 Finke asked. “The economists will tell   guarantee will be lower, and it is relatively   get a tax-favored insurance policy of this
                 you no — the one who has the guaranteed   expensive to provide that lifetime income   nature through what is known as a quali-
                 income for life is going to spend more   insurance regardless of the specific vehi-  fied longevity annuity contract or QLAC.”
                 because they aren’t facing the same risk   cle, Finke says. “It costs about 1.5% for   With a QLAC, clients can take up to
                 of running out of funds very late in life.”  a given insurance company to be able to   $200,000 of their tax-deferred savings
                   Clients spending from their own port-  provide this expected benefit, according   and buy an annuity that will kick in with
                 folio, if they experience excess longevity or   to the academic research,” he explained.  income starting at age 85. “At today’s
                 a rough run in the markets, could see their   “What is the expected benefit? If you   interest rates it’s incredibly attractive
                 accounts dwindling as they enter their   run out of money in your investment   to buy one of these policies,” Finke said.
                 90s, and that could force some dramatic   account, the insurance company will then   He  also  notes  that  clients  can  use
                 and unfortunate spending cuts at a vul-  reach into their general account portfolio   deferred  income  annuities  purchased
                 nerable time.  “So, this naturally inspires   and continue to make those income pay-  during the accumulation phase. “You can
                 people to spend less to avoid that risk, and   ments. So, you could really talk about that   get rates of returns that are comparable
                 that is rational, because you are facing that   1.5% not really as a fee but as a premium   to what you earn on corporate bonds
                 idiosyncratic risk and you can’t know how   for coverage,” Finke explained.  these days,” Finke said. “And there are tax
                 long you are going to live,” he said.  Finke says there are other important   benefits associated here too, so it’s again
                   “With all else being equal with respect   pathways to consider to address these   one of those under-utilized and under-
                 to the wealth projected, you see the ones   questions.  “As  an  economist,  one  of  my   appreciated strategies if your goal is to
                 with pension income spend significantly   favorites  is delaying  Social  Security,”   get income in a tax-efficient manner.”

                              INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS

                 schwab starts layoffs                                               very talented people personally, and we
                                                                                     take that very seriously.”
                 Charles  Schwab  has  started              jobs, based on the company’s   Although the cuts were announced
                 cutting about 5%-6% of its                 total reported headcount of   in August, it wasn’t until this week that
                 total workforce, a company                 35,900 as of Sept. 30.   Schwab informed the affected employ-
                 spokesperson confirmed in                    “We have said goodbye to   ees. Over the summer, “we shared our
                 early November. The firm                   approximately 5-6 percent of   intent to take certain steps to remove
                 declined to provide several                our workforce,” the spokes-  cost and complexity from our organi-
                 details about the cuts, including the total   person said. “These were hard but nec-  zation,” the Schwab spokesperson told  Schwab: wolterke -
                 headcount affected, what kinds of posi-  essary steps to ensure Schwab remains   ThinkAdvisor on Wednesday. “These
                 tions were being eliminated and in what   highly competitive, with industry-lead-  steps include some changes to our real
                 divisions  of  the  company.  But  a  5%-6%   ing levels of efficiency, well into the   estate footprint, streamlining our oper-
                 reduction translates into about 2,000   future. They are decisions that impact   ating model, and staffing reductions,

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