Page 24 - Investment Advisor - December 2023
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Top News of 2023

                   The plan seeks to amend the regula-  the prohibited transaction rules appli-  Labor from using any funds to imple-
                 tion defining when a person renders   cable  to  fiduciaries  under  Title  I  and   ment its new fiduciary rule.
                 “investment advice for a fee or other   Title II of ERISA. The plan amends   Industry trade groups and lawmak-
                 compensation,  direct  or  indirect”  with   Prohibited Transaction Exemptions   ers were quick to weigh in on Labor’s
                 respect to any moneys or other property   84-24, applying to annuities, as well as   plan. Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., chair-
                 of an employee benefit plan, for purpos-  2020-02, concerning rollover advice,   woman  of  the  House  Committee  on
                 es of the definition of a “fiduciary” in the   and other PTEs.      Education and the Workforce, said
                 Employee Retirement Income Security   The proposals include a 60-day peri-  Labor’s plan “reaches  well beyond
                 Act of 1974.                      od for public comments, ending on Jan.   its jurisdiction. Instead of regulating
                   The proposal also would amend the   2, and Labor intends to hold a public   retirement plans, DOL is trying to regu-
                 parallel regulation defining for pur-  hearing approximately 45 days after the   late what individuals do with their own
                 poses of Title II of ERISA, a “fiduciary”   proposals were published on Oct. 31.   retirement savings.  This kind of over-
                 of  a  plan  defined  in  Internal  Revenue   Trade groups pressed Labor on Nov. 8   reaching interference spells disaster.”
                 Code  section  4975,  including  an  indi-  to grant at least a 60-day extension of   But  Rep.  Bobby  Scott,  D-Va.,  the
                 vidual  retirement account, according   the comment period and to schedule the   ranking member of the committee,
                 to Labor.                         public hearing for a date after the initial   said in another statement that Biden’s
                   Labor also has published proposed   comment period closes, followed by an   plan will “close loopholes and pre-
                 amendments to Prohibited Transaction   additional 30-day comment period.  vent unscrupulous financial advisers
                 Exemption   2020-02   (Improving    At  press time  in mid-November, the   from ripping off their retirement cli-
                 Investment Advice for Workers &   House was expected to vote on a spend-  ents. Every hardworking American
                 Retirees)  and  to  several  other exist-  ing bill to fund several federal agen-  deserves access to a secure and digni-
                 ing administrative exemptions  from   cies that contains amendments blocking   fied retirement.”

                 IrA rollovers                     the NUA tax break,” Slott warned.  lem is though, that wanting to do what’s
                                                     “An advisor who rolls those funds   right and having the knowledge to do
                 Advisor recommendations                    over to an IRA without ana-  that are both necessary.”
                 on IRA rollover transactions               lyzing the NUA option could   Labor’s  new  rules,  he  explained,
                 are fiduciary advice under                 end up losing that tax break,   “stress that advisors need to produce
                 the Labor Department’s pro-                because they were just not   evidence that they have gone through
                 posed new fiduciary rule,                  aware of it,” Slott relayed.   a process to help clients make the roll-
                 and  “would  fall  within  the               “That’s  just  one example   over  choice that is  best  for  them.  The
                 scope of investment advice,”               of  many  where  an  unedu-  best option will depend on each client’s
                 according to Ed Slott of Ed Slott & Co.  cated  advisor  could  inadvertently  run   particular financial and personal facts
                   IRA  rollovers  “will  continue to  be   afoul of these DOL rules and be held   and circumstances.
                 ‘among the most, if not the most, impor-  responsible, for thousands or hundreds
                 tant financial decisions that plan partici-  of thousands of dollars lost to taxes due
                 pants and beneficiaries, and IRA owners   to poor planning,” he continued.
                                                     As in all the prior iterations of Labor’s  Annuity
                 and beneficiaries are called upon to
                 make,’” Slott told Investment Advisor in   fiduciary rule, “when it comes to IRA roll-  Commissions
                 early November via email, citing the text   overs — it is imperative that advisors be
                 of Labor’s proposed  rule. Labor, Slott   aware of all possible rollover options and   New draft fiduciary regulations issued by
                 said, “is putting rollover advice right up   have a process of explaining and review-  DOL would let annuity sellers continue to
                 there with investment advice.”    ing the pros and cons of each option to   earn commissions for selling non-variable
                   Labor’s new rules “mean that advisors   their clients,” Slott said. “Only then can   indexed  annuities.  Independent  agents
                 need to know the tax rules on each option   the client be served in their best interest.”  who operate under one set of Labor
                 when rolling over 401(k) plan funds to an   While DOL’s rules “are meant to   Department regulations, PTE 84-24,
                 IRA,  or  when  not  to  do  the  rollover,  or   somehow eliminate advisors who may   would have to become fiduciaries, but
                 when to  take a lump-sum distribution,   be bad apples and put their own profit   they could continue to earn commissions.
                 which for example means being educated   ahead of what’s best for their clients,” he   They would have to disclose their initial
                 on  the  NUA  (net  unrealized  apprecia-  added, “that is not most advisors.”  commissions and renewal commissions,
                 tion) tax rules when there is appreciated   Most advisors, Slott said, want to do   both in terms of dollar amounts and as
                 stock in the 401(k) that may qualify for   “what’s best for their clients. The prob-  a percentage of the premium payments.

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