Page 25 - Investment Advisor - December 2023
P. 25

Similarly, agents who are more close-  The Retirement Security Rule draft   ties,  and  the  SEC  typically  sets  sales
                 ly  affiliated  with  insurers,  broker-deal-  regulations, via the imposition of a   rules for securities.
                 ers or investment companies, and who   fiduciary standard of care on indepen-  • It would affect non-variable indexed
                 operate under a second set of Labor   dent  agents,  would  require  agents  to   annuities, because those are not classi-
                 Department regulations, PTE 2020-02,   put  retirement  savers’  interests  first.   fied as securities. It also appears to apply
                 would have to provide a notice acknowl-  The standard-of-care requirements   to an independent insurance producer
                 edging that they would receive com-  might complicate agents’ lives and cre-  offering any annuity or insurance con-
                 missions or other transaction-based   ate problems for commission-based   tract that’s not classified as a security to
                 compensation  and  offering  to  provide   compensation arrangements, but the   a retirement investor.
                 specific compensation information, for   PTE 84-24 draft makes it clear that the   •  The  department  is  asking  for
                 free, upon request.                        Labor Department wants to   advice about whether and how to apply
                   Insurers and other finan-                let the agents continue to   the new regulation update to “other
                 cial  institutions could  not              earn commissions.        insurance products” not regulated by
                 use any sales contests, quo-                 One part of the PTE 84-24   the SEC.
                 tas, travel incentives or other            annuity agent compensation   • The regulation update would apply
                 non-cash compensation that                 proposal is an estimate of how   both to annuities and to “employee wel-
                 might cause the indepen-                   many independent produc-  fare benefit plans with an  investment
                 dent producers using PTE 84-24 or the   ers might be affected. Labor Department   component,” such as health savings
                 investment professionals subject to PTE   analysts estimate that only 1,577 insur-  account programs, according to a foot-
                 2020-02 to have any incentive other   ance  and  brokers  use  the  exemption  to   note in the preamble.
                 than meeting the client’s needs.  earn commissions for selling annuities.  •  The  department  notes  that  the
                   Officials  at  the  Employee  Benefits   Here  are  other  possible  impacts  of   NAIC  expects  life  insurers  to  regulate
                 Security Administration,  the arm of   the proposal:                the independent agents who sell their
                 the Labor Department that oversees   •  It  likely  would  not  affect  variable   products,  without overseeing  sales of
                 employee benefits and administration   annuity sellers, because federal law   products from other companies, and
                 of the Employee Retirement Income   classifies variable annuities as securi-  says that approach seems to make sense.
                 Security Act of 1974, were listening
                 when insurance groups told them that
                 commission-based transactions are   lawsuit risk                    a saver, if you spend your whole life
                 better  than  fee-based  transactions  for                          accumulating savings and you’re going
                 some clients.                     The Labor Department’s                     to someone for advice, and
                   “Certainly, in many cases, it is in the   new fiduciary rule will          you’re paying them for that
                 retirement  investor’s  best  interest to   face a lawsuit, according to     advice, you’re expecting that
                 receive advice from investment profes-  Ben  Harris,  director  of  the      the advice they give you is
                 sionals that are compensated through   Retirement Security Project           in your own best interest.
                 commissions incurred on a transactional   at Brookings in Washington.        And this is a really impor-
                 basis, rather than as part of an ongo-  “I think it’s virtually sure         tant decision. I mean, it’s lit-
                 ing fee-based relationship (for example,   that you’ll see a lawsuit filed against it,”   erally a lifetime of saving that’s on the
                 pursuant to an advisory relationship   said  Harris,  who  previously  served  as   line here.”
                 subject to a recurring charge based on  assistant secretary for economic policy   At  the  time,  Harris  continued,  “I
                   assets  under  management),”  EBSA   and  chief  economist  at  the  Treasury,   felt like the academic evidence and
                 officials  wrote  in  the  preamble,  or   during a recent Brookings podcast.  the projections suggesting that people
                 official  introduction,  to  the  proposed   The  suit,  Harris  said,  will  likely  be   would drop out of the market, that
                 update to PTE 2020-02.            based on the industry’s claim that the   advisors would drop out of the market
                   “In such  cases, the  fact that  the   rule is “overly stringent, and what this   owing to the fiduciary rule in 2016
                 investment professional received a   means is that advisors will drop out of   probably wasn’t all that well-founded
                 commission for their services is not   the market,” a similar claim that indus-  on the evidence.”
                 inconsistent with the principles set   try was making in 2016, when the first   It’s true, however, “that some com-
                 forth herein,” officials said. “Conversely,   DOL fiduciary rule was floated. (It was   missions might go down or they’d have
                 a recommendation to enter into a fee-  thrown out in court in 2018.)  to be paid differently, but I didn’t feel
                 based arrangement may, in certain   Harris  stated  that  he  didn’t  find  the   like there would be this overwhelm-
                 cases,  be  inconsistent  with  the  Best   industry’s argument “terribly compel-  ing dearth of investment advice in the
                 Interest standard.”               ling at the time, in part because, as   market,” Harris said.

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