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the First national Bank in sioux Falls  The initial 14-day training provides 126 hours of foundational
                               The First National Bank inaugurated its Common   learning, delivered in partnership with Northwestern Mutual’s field
                               Cents on the Prairie in January 2020, the first   leaders. Topics include client building, practice management, risk
                               financial podcast in the greater Sioux Falls area.   products, wealth management and financial planning. With options
                 Its goal was to help listeners feel like part of the community, while   for virtual and in-person learning sessions, the program’s flexibility
                 at the same time educating them on what their next financial steps   appeals to next-generation advisors and those juggling family needs or
                 should be. The podcast introduces listeners to two types of guests.   located in remote areas. Results from initial learning cohorts showed
                 Financial experts provide guidance in a nonjudgmental and acces-  significant increases in new clients acquired and financial plans deliv-
                 sible way. Regular people show listeners that they are not the only   ered compared to similar new advisors trained outside the program.
                 ones who have money concerns or are seeking more guidance.
                 Another podcast is the “How We Money” series, in which couples   osaic
                 discuss their personal finances and their relationship with money.  In 2023, Osaic revamped its annual W Forum con-
                                                                    ference for the firm’s female advisors and office associates. This year’s
                 Broker-dealers                                     hybrid get-together was built around a vision of a future for the wealth
                                                                    management  industry  where  women  lead  and  flourish.  W  Forum
                                            Cambridge Investment    explores critical growth topics ranging from business strategies to
                                            research, Inc.          practice management solutions to leadership best practices. The con-
                 Now in its third year, the Cambridge Stronger Podcast — hosted by   ference featured a curated lineup of female presenters from around
                 CEO Amy Webber — provides a platform for independent profes-  the country who represented a diverse mix of perspectives and topics,
                 sionals to discuss industry trends that affect the financial services   all geared toward helping female advisors prepare for the future.
                 industry, and offers thought leadership and guidance to those   The event featured “60 Seconds to Success,” where advisors shared
                 considering a career in the business.              one-minute business building ideas with their peers. Osaic also part-
                   In July 2022, Cambridge unveiled “Let’s Talk,” an internal pod-  nered with Ion Learning to offer a year-long education course for
                 cast specifically designed to help the firm’s more than 3,900 financial   attendees in applied emotional intelligence/quotient, or EQ, so they
                 professionals take full advantage of the variety of offerings, resourc-  can continue their W Forum experience beyond the conference itself.
                 es and technology at their disposal. Episodes focus on compliance,
                 business growth, and practice management to networking and client         raymond James
                 experience. The firm’s website also hosts a variety of whitepapers        Raymond James’  next-genera-
                 and one-pagers that cover business growth, transition, diversity and   tion advisor programs — the Advisor Mastery Program, AMP
                 inclusion, ESG investing and serving next-generation investors.   Foundations, the Advisor Career Path Program and the Registered
                                                                    Associate Mentoring Program — are a series of educational initia-
                                     Cetera Financial Group         tives designed to engage, train and develop diverse talent for the
                                     In 2022, when professional conferenc-  financial services industry.  Participants  build out the processes
                                     es could again be live and in-person,   and plans critical to their business, called their “blueprint,” and
                 Cetera brought together its financial advisors for Connect2Peers   receive feedback from their mentors, managers, coach and peers
                 2022, delivering three days of idea sharing, peer-to-peer collabo-  in their cohort. Each cohort also has assigned diversity mentors
                 ration, networking — and fun. Inspired by the firm’s Growth360   via the AMP Empowerment Program to ensure the firm’s diverse
                 program, which empowers Cetera financial professionals to learn   population’s unique needs and perspectives are met.
                 from and incorporate their peers’ successes, the event focused on   Raymond  James  launched  AMP  Foundations  to  increase  the
                 four organic growth tracks, with peer-to-peer panels, roundtables   number of next-generation advisors. This program allows young
                 and interactive sessions featuring Cetera’s top professionals shar-  advisors to preview roles of branch associate, financial planner
                 ing best practices and tips for success.           and advisor over 18 months and make an informed decision about
                   Connect2Peers educated advisors about how they can best   which is best for their career path.
                 grow their practices, reinforced connections with fellow advisors
                 and leveraged in-person opportunities, leaving attendees left the   Consulting Firms
                 event with a personalized roadmap for business growth.
                                                                                 C2P enterprises
                                           northwestern Mutual                   C2P Enterprises is a holding company that com-
                                           Northwestern Mutual rolled            prises  four  distinct  brands,  each  designed  to
                 out the National Training Program, designed to help advisors   simplify financial planning for advisors and the clients they serve.
                 succeed faster and stay in the profession. The program offers a   In October 2022, the firm launched the Advisor Career Path and
                 digitally enabled, data-driven, curated curriculum delivered in a   Compensation Program, a two-day training for advisors to recruit,
                 scalable format to advisors in their first three years.  reward and retain top talent to develop a self-sustaining practice.

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