Page 24 - Investment Advisor - September 2023
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Financial & Investment Innovation

                 tion process paired with quantitative and qualitative technology, a   that provides wealth  managers access  to investment options
                 simplified operational workflow and high-touch support beyond   within a fluid, end-to-end workflow that eliminates disparate
                 the point of sale. Under Brod’s leadership, the Crystal investment   “edge-to-edge” legacy platforms. A white-label, customizable
                 team  carefully  curates  the platform’s  roster based on the merit   solution for wealth management, it ensures smooth onboard-
                 of a manager’s strategy and his or her proven ability to perform   ing, and features high-quality model presentation capabilities
                 throughout multiple market cycles. Crystal is not compensated for   and a customizable RTQ and model risk scoring system. It also
                 the distribution of any funds on the platform.     enables proposal generation, performance reporting, billing and
                                                                    portfolio comparison.
                             Matt Brown, CAIs
                             After spending some 30 years at the intersection   Julie Littlechild, Absolute engagement
                             of wealth management, alternative investments      Julie Littlechild is a recognized expert on how
                             and platform design, Matt Brown founded CAIS       client engagement is being  disrupted and has
                             in 2009 to democratize access for financial advi-  shared that knowledge broadly. Her ongoing
                 sors by breaking down the barriers that prevent them from con-  investor research focuses on how the needs and
                 necting with the best alternative asset managers. Without access   priorities of individual investors are changing, and through her
                 to alternatives, independent financial advisors have fewer solu-  writing and speaking, she helps advisors translate the data into
                 tions to deliver enhanced returns, diversify risk and supplement   meaningful engagement strategies. Her industry volunteer activ-
                 income for their clients when compared with institutional inves-  ities reflect her deep commitment to advisors and to the indus-
                 tors. Having access proved critical in 2022 as advisors increas-  try. Littlechild was the visionary behind Absolute Engagement’s
                 ingly turned to alternative investments when they witnessed   recent transformation that culminated in the rollout of inno-
                 one of the lowest annual performance of the 60/40 portfolio in   vative technology that will change how advisors engage with
                 two decades.                                       prospects and clients.

                             Lawrence Calcano, iCapital                         eric Poirier, Addepar
                             Under Lawrence Calcano’s leadership, iCapital’s    Eric Poirier has leveraged his strategic vision to
                             offerings have transformed the alternative invest-  develop technology at Addepar that addresses
                             ing process for the asset and wealth management    scale challenges with data in the financial ser-
                             industries through expanded  product access,       vices industry. Today, under his leadership,
                 intuitive technology and education for RIAs, wirehouses and   some 850 clients in more than 40 countries use Addepar
                 private banks. Its technology breaks down the historical barriers   to  manage  and  advise  on  upward  of  $4  trillion  in  assets.
                 to investing in alternatives. Calcano leads a team of some 1,100   Investment professionals at RIAs, family offices, private banks,
                 employees in offices across the globe. The firm has grown from the   broker-dealers and institutions deploy the firm’s technology
                 ground up to now service more than $150 billion in global client   to empower them with the data and technology they need to
                 assets across more than 1,200 funds.               deliver insights and advice to their end clients, and grow
                                                                    their business.
                             Ben Cruikshank, Flourish
                             Ben  Cruikshank  leads  Flourish’s  forward-facing   Craig ramsey, Advisorengine
                             client relationships by managing sales and sup-    Craig Ramsey spearheaded a complete transfor-
                             port. Flourish has on-boarded more than 100 RIAs   mation of the company’s brand and market pres-
                             in the last year, accounts have increased and assets   ence. He laid the groundwork to transition the
                 under  custody  have  achieved  record  growth.  Despite  intense   20-year-old Junxure brand into AdvisorEngine
                 scrutiny and volatility, Flourish-Crypto has remained a secure and   CRM, overseeing every detail through online and physical brand-
                 compliant investing platform. And with the recent upheaval in   ing, including AdvisorEngine’s online presence, product messag-
                 the banking market, Flourish Cash is steadfast and reliable, with   ing and convention booths, and co-founding Action! magazine, the
                 elevated  FDIC  insurance  and  competitive  rates.  The  number  of   company’s thought leadership publication.
                 Flourish Cash accounts has tripled, while the firm has maintained   Ramsey conceived a new set of product ideals to focus
                 the trademark white-glove support its clients expect.   AdvisorEngine’s development of powerful technology solu-
                                                                    tions  for  financial  advisory  firms:  personal,  scientific  and
                             Mark Healy, FusionIQ                   beautiful. “Personal’” emphasizes individual, human con-
                             In the past year, Mark Healy successfully took a   nection; “scientific’’ elevates the use of data and is hypoth-
                             product-centric approach to meeting emerging   esis-driven; and ‘’beautiful’’ is about the experience — not
                             needs in the B2B financial advisor marketplace.   simply look-and-feel, but what people feel when they use our
                             FusionIQ  launched  a  new  finTAMP  in  2022   technology products.

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