Page 22 - Investment Advisor - September 2023
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Financial & Investment Innovation

                 retirement and other Products/services Companies   ETFs to the investment platform, House Views recommendations
                                                                    and investable models, and weekly partner calls during which the
                                     Morgan stanley                 investment team provides advice to Carson’s advisor partners.
                                     Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
                 has introduced the GPT-4 solution powered by OpenAI that                  edelman Financial engines
                 analyzes and synthesizes large quantities of intellectual data in         Edelman  Financial  Engines  is
                 seconds and sends it to advisors in an easily digestible format.   working with its leading 401(k) provider partners to make its Income
                 Designed specifically for and by Morgan Stanley with appropri-  Beyond Retirement solution available to plan sponsors. IBR helps
                 ate controls, the solution empowers advisors and their teams to   employees and retirees leverage the benefits and protections of their
                 ask  internal  questions  and  evaluate  large  amounts  of  the  firm’s   401(k) plan, including institutional pricing, robust fund selection and
                 intellectual capital. As responses are developed exclusively from   creditor protections, while helping the plan sponsor retain plan assets.
                 Morgan Stanley’s content library, direct links to resourceful docu-  IBR offers portfolio management and financial planning through
                 ments are seamlessly included, providing further ease to advisors   Edelman’s financial advisors to employees who are nearing retire-
                 and clients alike. As the solution receives inquiries and feedback,   ment or have recently left the workforce. Those who need more
                 the output will be continuously refined for further accuracy.   sophisticated services can be connected to a local financial planner.
                                                                    IBR also offers near-retiree participants 55 and older a complimenta-
                             nationwide                             ry retirement checkup with an advisor with whom they can develop a
                             Nationwide has created the Capital Cost   retirement income plan that addresses the complexity of retirement.
                             Comparison calculator, which helps advisors and
                             clients easily compare options for liquidity when a       Integrated Partners
                 need for cash arises. The calculator is a product-agnostic tool that   The  Integrated  CPA Alliance  program
                 provides a side-by-side comparison of the costs associated with   helps CPA firms launch a wealth-management division under their
                 liquidating investments and other common funding sources. The   own brand that will generate a new line of recurring revenue.
                 tool uses inputs that reflect clients’ unique situation to compare   Integrated’s “co-source” model creates a financial planning brand for a
                 the true cost over time of cashing out investments in their portfo-  CPA firm to help grow the business, secure top talent and plan for suc-
                 lio, opening a home equity line of credit or accessing a securities-  cession. Integrated Partners’ advisors are backed by in-house special-
                 backed  line  of  credit  using  their  nonretirement  investments  as   ists, so they can deliver services to business owners and family office
                 collateral. The calculator enables advisors to illustrate the most   clients, along with the mass affluent and retirees. In 2022, Integrated
                 cost-effective options for their client’s specific scenario.   published “Optimizing the Financial Lives of Clients,” a book aimed at
                                                                    CPAs looking to add wealth management services to their practices.
                                voya Financial
                                In 2022, Voya Financial introduced the myVoy-         Keystone Global Partners
                 age personalized enrollment guidance digital experience, which gives   Keystone Global Partners provides a
                 U.S.-based employees a complete view of their workplace benefits   suite of services for its advisors and clients to optimize their
                 and savings. The app gives them a consolidated account view under   focus on tax minimization, sophisticated investing and advanced
                 one login and the ability to connect other household accounts. It also   financial planning. The firm recently launched an alternative
                 provides holistic financial wellness support, access to medical claims,   investment portfolio reporting system and client portal, leveraging
                 personalized enrollment guidance, targeted nudges to help employ-  Addepar and Mirador and incorporating custom tooling. It also
                 ees navigate different life stages and events, and the ability to refer   introduced Personal Exit Advisory, aimed at guiding its presale
                 employees to a financial professional for more personalized advice.   founders of venture-backed tech companies through their com-
                                                                    pany sales and post-sale transitions. Services include advanced tax
                 rIA/IAr Firms                                      planning, liquidity planning, optimization of compensation pack-
                                                                    ages, and advocacy for founder clients during the sale process.
                                    Carson Group
                                    The Carson Group Investment Research    IndIvIduALs
                 team has advanced the firm’s heretofore low visibility by deliver-
                 ing market insights and expanding the investment platform and   Fintech/tAMP Platforms
                 resources for the firm’s more than 460 advisors across 37 states
                 who collectively manage $21 billion in assets. In about a year, the   steven Brod, Crystal Capital Partners LLC
                 investment team has revamped and made highly visible Carson    Steven Brod has pioneered an integrated alter-
                 Investment’s Research Content Hub.                             native investment platform for advisors. It’s a
                   The firm recently launched the Facts vs. Feelings weekly podcast   one-stop  solution  for  institutional  private  fund
                 on market-moving events. It also added a curated lineup of SPDR   access that deploys a conflict-free manager selec-

              20 Investment AdvIsor September 2023 |
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