Page 20 - Investment Advisor - September 2023
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Financial & Investment Innovation
script” for an existing file, the file is transcribed and becomes search- intelligence experience that enables executives to make informed
able. Users can search for a keyword and jump directly to the relevant decisions at a glance. Propel includes a platform that classifies and
timestamp in the video. This helps advisors focus on client engage- aggregates data to uncover meaningful patterns and trends. Its
ment, and empowers clients to get the most of their digitization efforts. dashboards provide users with a turnkey and highly interactive
analytics experience by highlighting key business insights about
Myvest profitability, client growth and business pipelines.
MyVest has enhanced its Strategic
Portfolio System to give advisors actionable tools to transition a leg- smartria
acy portfolio in a tax-optimized way when onboarding new clients. Through Smartria’s Software as a
These enhancements let advisors easily capture client preferences Partnership model, human-powered support teams and live train-
with integration into the firm’s proposal process, automate legacy ing sessions, the firm provides advisors with tools and resources for
securities keep/sell analysis and establish rules for the transition, their platforms, while ensuring their companies remain compliant.
and create and modify tax budget, auto security substitution and In 2023, Smartria enhanced its Compliance Management Platform.
rebalance rules. Advisors can define a tax budget by determining This gives advisors, compliance professionals and investor clients
the maximum capital gain amount across household portfolios for across the industry improved risk management, greater transpar-
the year, and evaluate legacy securities for large embedded gains, ency, increased efficiency and reduced compliance team workload.
concentrated securities or low-basis stock that require a tax-aware,
personalized, opportunistic focused approach to meet client goals. sMArtX Advisory solutions
SMArtX introduced a billing solution for its
orion Advisor solutions existing clients that can be used with the firm’s
Orion approaches advisors’ chief pain point, unified managed account platform; it can also be used outside the plat-
disconnected technology, by integrating its most recent acquisitions form as a standalone solution. The SMArtX Billing application caters
into its technology ecosystem: Redtail CRM, Orion Risk Intelligence to RIAs, home offices, enterprises and asset managers by enabling
(formerly HiddenLevers) and Orion Compliance (formerly BasisCode them to source new revenue from unbilled assets, provide greater flex-
Compliance). This allows advisors to efficiently attract prospects, ibility in how they bill client accounts, improve accuracy and help real-
onboard new clients and deepen relationships with existing ones. locate resources to other firm activities. By employing average daily
Redtail CRM offers advisors a comprehensive solution for client balance with “reup” capabilities, the billing application helps users
onboarding and relationship management. Orion Risk Intelligence promote accuracy regardless of the billing cycle timeframe, while the
is integrated throughout the firm’s trading, technology and model flexibility to administer billing from the enterprise down to the sleeve
marketplace ecosystem. Orion Compliance is a fully integrated com- level gives them a high level of control over the billing function.
pliance experience with Orion Advisor Tech’s connected wealthtech
platform and data. Advisors have a more streamlined and efficient vanilla
workflow with the launch of Client Oversight, which integrates the Vanilla has rebuilt its software platform to
Eclipse trading platform with pretrade compliance tools. transition from a single report offering to an interactive client-cen-
tric one. The new Vanilla Estate Advisory Platform brings together
Pontera family, financial and estate planning data. The new Projections fea-
Pontera offers financial advisors a stream- ture lets advisors input rates of return and timeframes to project
lined, compliant way to oversee clients’ 401(k)s, 403(b)s and other beneficiary flows and estate taxes to drive a bigger-picture conver-
held-away accounts. The firm has expanded its offering by partnering sation with their clients around the effect of their legacy. The firm
with financial management solutions and platforms, such as Envestnet, also introduced the Vanilla Academy, which includes courses led
Choreo, Dynasty Financial Partners and Sanctuary Wealth Partners. by industry experts and provides educational resources on modern
With audit trails and supervision capabilities, Pontera helps advisors estate planning, ranging from core concepts to advanced strategies.
stay in compliance with financial regulators while alleviating custody
and rollover challenges on held-away assets, providing bank-level secu- vestmark
rity to keep clients protected. Together, these integrations provide advi- Vestmark launched VAST, an outsourced
sors with a comprehensive view of the entirety of their clients’ wealth. portfolio management service that lets advisors tailor diversified
portfolios to each client’s unique investment preferences and tax cir-
Practifi cumstances. VAST offers active tax overlay across the entire portfolio
Practifi’s client-centric data model cap- by holistically including direct indices, separately managed accounts,
tures and visualizes business entities, family members, referral ETFs and securities in a single tax-manager vehicle. It includes tax
relationships and financial accounts to provide a comprehensive transition proposals, allowing for the tax efficient transition of money
view of clients. The firm recently created Propel, an advanced in motion. This is accomplished by leveraging the flexibility and scale
analytics solution that surfaces whole-of-firm data in a business of VestmarkONE technology and the Vestmark investment team.
18 Investment AdvIsor September 2023 |