Page 15 - Investment Advisor September 2022
P. 15

•  Levies a 1% excise tax on public   code, tax deductions designed to incent   ment. “Even as millions of families
                     companies’ stock buybacks;    corporations to invest in their companies.”   struggled  through  the  pandemic,  cor-
                   •  Extends  a  provision  in  the  tax   “A corporate ‘AMT’ [alternative mini-  porate stock   buybacks once again hit
                     code  that  limits  the  losses  that  the   mum tax] will disproportionately hurt   all-time highs. Stock buybacks are
                     wealthiest taxpayers can write-off   certain businesses and not others, leav-  currently heavily favored by the tax
                     their taxes to $500,000 per year; and  ing the Democrats open to the attack   code, despite their skewed benefits for
                   •  Provides  the  IRS  with  sufficient   of ‘picking winners and losers,’” Bush   the  very  top  and  potential  for  insider
                     resources to collect revenue from   stated. “Depending on the industry, siz-  game-playing.”
                     taxpayers who use sophisticated tax   able tax credits and investments will   Wyden  said  his  proposal  with  Sen.
                     planning techniques to avoid taxes.  support corporate demand, especially in   Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, “simply ends
                   A beefed-up IRS enforcement divi-  clean energy.”                 this preferential treatment and encourag-
                 sion along with corporate                                                       es mega-corporations to
                 tax changes are two ways   A beefed-up Internal Revenue                         invest in their workers.”
                 the Inflation Reduction                                                           Senate    Majority
                 Act will hit wealthy tax-  Service enforcement division along                   Leader Chuck Schumer,
                 payers, according to Jeff                                                       D-N.Y. said  after the
                 Bush of The Washington  with corporate tax changes are two                      bill’s passage that he
                 Update. The increase,   ways the Inflation Reduction Act                        was  “confident  the
                 according  to  Bush,  will                                                      Inflation Reduction Act
                 allow the IRS to hire        will hit wealthy taxpayers                         will endure as one of
                 more agents, “arming                                                            the defining legislative
                 them with new technol-                    —Jeff Bush                            feats of the twenty-first
                 ogy focused on increasing                                                       century: our bill reduces
                 the audit rate substantial-                                                     inflation, lowers costs,
                 ly on those earning more than $400,000.”   STOCK BUYBACK TAX        creates millions of good paying jobs,
                 Audits exist, Bush said in an interview   The bill’s 1% stock buyback tax “may   and is the boldest climate package in
                 on Aug. 8, “to ensure higher tax-paying   impact valuations,” he explained.   U.S. history.”
                 compliance by those audited and those   “While often buybacks are couched as   This bill, Schumer said, “will kick-
                 afraid they might.”               a corporation trying to boost their stock   start the era of affordable clean energy
                   Greg Valliere, chief U.S. policy strate-  price, they are more often a sign of cor-  in America. It is a game-changer. It is
                 gist for AGF Investments, said in his   porate health. The corporation sees no   a turning point. And it has been a long
                 Capitol Notes email briefing on Aug. 8   better investment in the marketplace   time coming.”
                 that “virtually all experts believe the bill   than its own shares. The 1% tax tweaks
                 will dramatically increase the need for   a corporation’s analysis of when and if a   HOUSE PASSAGE
                 labor (thousands of employees for the   buyback is in its best interest.”  Valliere said the Senate bill’s passage
                 IRS and thousands to retrofit). This rais-  A modified version of Senate Finance   marks “the beginnings of prescription
                 es  the issue  of  where  the workers will   Committee Chairman Ron Wyden’s   drug negotiations.”
                 come from. The extraordinarily tight   Stock  Buyback  Accountability  Act  was   Bush of The Washington Update
                 labor market may revive an immigration   included in the Inflation Reduction Act.   expected  the  bill  to  pass  the  House,
                 reform debate next year.”         The proposal would impose a 1% excise   “albeit with some grumbling from pro-
                   Two changes to corporate taxes in the   tax on the repurchase of stock by pub-  gressives and blue state Democrats.
                 Senate bill affect stock valuations, Bush   licly traded companies.  They share the same concerns that
                 said:  “The  15%  minimum  book  profit   “Rather than investing in their   [Sen.] Bernie Sanders expressed: the bill
                 tax was a workaround for [Sen.] Kyrsten   workers, mega-corporations used   doesn’t go far enough.”
                 Sinema’s commitment not to raise tax   the windfall from Republicans’ 2017   Biden, Bush added, “will sign what-
                 rates on individuals or corporations. But,   tax cuts to juice their stock prices   ever passes both chambers.”
                 it has the perverse side effect of penal-  and reward their wealthiest investors
                 izing companies for using tax deductions   and  their  executives  through  massive   Washington Bureau Chief Melanie Waddell
                 Congress specifically wrote into the tax   stock  buybacks,”  Wyden  in  a  state-  can be reached at [email protected].

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