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Broker-Dealer/rIa ConferenCe Beat

                 increasingly successful early basketball   impressed by his prowess and notoriety   like to go to the movies, too.”
                 career. There was work to be done.  as a sportsman but even more for his   The key to success, Johnson said, was
                   “When I was old enough, he had   honest eagerness to learn and be taught   realizing how he could tailor the movie
                 me working on that trash truck every   about a totally new field.   theater experience to meet the wants and
                 day in the summer and every Saturday   “The other players actually thought this   expectations of a more diverse communi-
                 during the winter,” Johnson explained.   was inappropriate, and do you know what?   ty, one that had traditionally been ignored
                 “There were no exceptions, and it wasn’t   They actually called a meeting at one   by the big, established industry players.
                 allowed to be  an  excuse  to miss  my   point and sat me down and said I should   One of his biggest insights, he said,
                 homework or my basketball practice.”  stop fraternizing with the ownership and   was understanding that people living
                   One weekend, Johnson recalled, there   all these business people,” Johnson said.   in these communities were often liv-
                 was a huge blizzard in Michigan, and   “They told me it didn’t look right, and that   ing in poverty. That didn’t mean they
                 he expected to get the day off — only to   it just wasn’t how things were done.  wouldn’t want to pay for movie tickets,
                 find his father waiting for him                                             he explained, but it did mean
                 in the truck. During the frigid   “If you are willing to do one hard        they probably weren’t going to
                 shift, Johnson’s father didn’t   job halfway, you’ll probably end           be able to afford a fancy dinner
                 let him cut any corners or take                                             before or after the movie.
                 an extra break in the cab of   up doing everything in life that               The innovation? Why not
                 the truck to warm up, and it all                                            pivot from the traditional
                 sent a clear message.      way. That’s true whether you are                 approach  of  just  offering
                   “If you are willing to do   practicing basketball, studying in            candy and snack foods at the
                 one  hard job  halfway, you’ll                                              concession stand and instead
                 probably end up doing every-  college or running a business.”               provide affordable, dinner-
                 thing in life that way,” he said.                                           style  food  that  allows  people
                 “That’s true whether you are      —Earvin “Magic” Johnson                   to enjoy their dinner while
                 practicing basketball, study-                                               watching their movie?
                 ing in college or running a business. My   “Well, you know what I told them?   “It was a big success,” Johnson said. “My
                 dad helped me to see that, and I try to   I said, ‘Look, you guys might be good   first theater quickly climbed into the top
                 do everything the right way — based on   basketball players, and some of you are   10 highest-grossing theaters in the nation,
                 the life lessons that my father gave me.”  millionaires. But these guys are all bil-  and this was happening in an inner-city
                   Johnson  explained  that  another  key   lionaires, and I want to be a billionaire,   community. I can tell you, we shocked the
                 element of great leadership is a will-  so I’m going to hang with them!’” he   whole industry, and we eventually built six
                 ingness to defy convention — to have   explained with a laugh. “They saw that I   theaters before AMC came in and bought
                 enough resilience to weather the skepti-  wasn’t going to back down, and that was   us outright, which was very cool.”
                 cism of those who are more focused on   that.” Johnson mentioned that it was   To cement the point, he shared a similar
                 being comfortable and maintaining the   uncomfortable at times to buck conven-  story about collaborating with the leader-
                 status quo than in pushing for progress.  tion in this way, but it was work that has   ship of the Starbucks corporation to bring
                   Even during his time with the Lakers,   clearly paid off in the long run.  more coffee shops to underserved urban
                 he said, he already knew he wanted   Thinking back over his many busi-  communities. “I was  in a conversation
                 to be a business executive after he left   ness ventures, he said some of the most   with [former Starbucks CEO] Howard
                 basketball. It only seemed natural to try   rewarding and informative experiences   Schultz at one point, because he was real-
                 to make connections with the team’s   came during the establishment of a suc-  ly impressed by what we had done with
                 ownership  and the  dozens of  majorly   cessful chain of movie theaters and coffee   the movie theaters,” Johnson recalled.
                 successful business executives who sat   shops in inner cities during the 1990s and   “I remember telling him that Black folks
                 courtside at home games.          early 2000s. “To make a long story short,   and Latinos, we like coffee too, and we’ll
                   As such, he started cold-calling lead-  everybody thought it would never work,”   pay $3 for a great cup just like anyone
                 ing Los  Angeles business  figures and   Johnson recalled. “Back then, people just   else, but we should probably replace the
                 asked to take them out to lunch and   didn’t think a movie theater in an inner-  scones with pecan pie.” By the time the
                 learn from them about business. He   city setting would survive, let alone be   collaboration ended, Johnson had helped
                 asked many of them to be his mentors,   highly successful. But I knew they were   to build 125 Starbucks in over 40 inner-
                 and many took him up on the offer,   wrong, because of course Black people   city markets.

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