Page 37 - Investment Advisor July/August 2023
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services industry today, BNY Mellon’s
                                                                                     annual tech spend would be a good
                                                                                     choice. According to BNY Mellon
                                                                                     President and CEO Robin Vince, the firm
                                                                                     has put more than $3.5 billion into tech-
                                                                                     nology innovation in the last year alone,
                                                                                     and that figure is unlikely to fall in the
                                                                                     years ahead as the global   organization
                                                                                     strives to develop and integrate new
                                                                                       capabilities for its staff and clients.
                                                                                       Vince made that case during a keynote
                                                                                     address. Sharing the stage with Alicia
                  Ainslie simmonds and Jim Crowley                                   Levine, head of investment strategy and
                                                                                     equity advisory solutions, Vince argued
                 operating officer, and Ainslie Simmonds,   Schlosser noted that AI is also being   BNY Mellon’s massive investment in tech-
                 Pershing X president. In addition to   deployed to boost the functionality of   nology is a  clear  reflection of  the times.
                 highlighting the firm’s launch of a major   Pershing’s NetX360 and NetXInvestor   Simply put, Vince and Levine said, clients
                 new wealth management platform called   solutions, which she called a “major inno-  all across BNY Mellon’s many lines of
                 Wove, the executives also outlined their   vation” that will help wealth  advisors be   business are demanding such innovation,
                 broader vision for their firm and the   more efficient in a variety of ways.  in large part because their own client-ser-
                 financial services industry at large.  The Pershing leaders spent the rest   vice needs and operations have become
                   Simply put, 2023 represents a time of   of the keynote address highlighting the   so much more complex and demanding.
                 change for the wealth management indus-  launch of the Wove platform. Simmonds   According to the pair, this outlook will
                 try, they said, and this should be seen as a   said the platform goes beyond just having   bring its challenges, but it will also bring
                 good thing. As the leaders of other major   integrations of wealth managers’ favorite   major opportunities for growth, both for
                 firms have emphasized in presentations   and most powerful tools. It also deliv-  firms like BNY Mellon Pershing and for
                 and interviews with Investment Advisor,   ers a truly “interconnected  experience”   its clients. In addition to highlighting
                 tremendous growth is possible for wealth   for advisors, she said, so they can go   the big tech announcements the firm
                 managers who are willing to ask hard   from planning and  portfolio building to   has made this week at the conference —
                 questions about their process. On the   account management without having to   particularly the launch of a new wealth
                 other hand, firms that fail to innovate are   switch applications or re-enter data.  management platform called Wove —
                 destined to struggle in the years ahead.  “The goal is to help [wealth manag-  Vince also took time to contextualize
                   While he did not speak at length about   ers]  be more productive and efficient   some of the hottest technology topics
                 the emergence of artificial intelligence   with their time so they have the ability to   driving deep discussions inside and out-
                 in the advisory  industry,  Crowley did   help serve even more clients,” she said.   side the world of wealth management.
                 open his address with the topic, argu-  As detailed by Simmonds, Wove will   He argued that emerging technolo-
                 ing that generative AI programs such as   feature the core applications   advisors   gies, such as generative artificial intelli-
                 ChatGPT have “enormous potential in   need, from advanced data reporting and   gence and blockchain ledger technology,
                 wealth management.”                 analytics to financial plan   building   are not just flashy news items that can
                   He noted that the firm has already   and flexible  billing. The  platform   be expected to fade into the background.
                 developed and continues to refine a plat-  also   supports cross-custodian trading   Rather, they represent the start of a new
                 form called Eliza, which is named for   and rebalancing. Additionally, advisors   era of profound advancement that will
                 the  wife  of  Alexander  Hamilton,  who   will have access to increasingly popular   very likely reshape the world of global
             Photo: BNY Mellon Pershing  back in the 1780s. The tool helps the   eMerGInG TeCH CAn’T sPeLL   The big takeaway for Vince and Levine?
                 founded the original Bank of New York
                                                   direct indexing investment strategies.
                                                                                     finance — and many other walks of life.
                 firm navigate AI internally, Crowley said.
                                                                                     Caution about such emerging technol-
                                                                                     ogies  is  warranted,  but  caution  can’t
                 “We are already using AI to drive next-
                                                                                     spell complacency for firms that want to
                                                   If one could use a single fact or figure
                 best action insights and to power our
                 intelligence search function, and we will
                                                                                     thrive in the years and decades ahead.
                                                   to underscore the importance of tech-
                                                                                       Responding to a general query from
                                                   nology development for the financial
                 continue this innovation,” he explained.
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