Page 37 - Investment Advisor July/August 2021
P. 37

Impact Manager of the Year
                Brown Advisory

                Sustainable Core Fixed Income

                    he Brown Advisory Sustainable Core                              great impact opportunities. “This was a
                TFixed Income strategy had an 8.7%                                  perfect example of where the clients seek-
                return in 2020, outperforming both the                              ing impact weren’t giving up anything
                Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index                             performance-wise to get it,” he says.
                (7.51%) and the Bloomberg US Universal                                Hauter notes, too, that since they have
                Index (7.58%). The performance gave it                              been managing the fund, “we’ve always
                the win over 31 top impact funds in its                             been  focused  on  ESG  issues  that  have
                category for the Envestnet/Investment                               been material to an issuer’s long-term
                Advisor Impact Manager of the Year.                                 health, prosperity and resilience over a
                  Dually managed by Thomas Graff and                                longer  period  of  time  —  [which  were]
                Amy Hauter, the firm uses the full range of                         a lot of issues we saw arise during the
                fixed-income products, such as Treasuries,                          peak of the pandemic, [such as] employ-
                corporates and mortgage bonds, but also                             ee  treatment, customer care, health
                searches for social impact qualities. Hauter   Tom   Amy            and safety, other responsible manage-
                says they look at “[environmental, social   Graff   Hauter          ment practices.” She says that these are
                and governance] research as a value-add                             “meaningful for issuers, but the pandem-
                to our fundamental due diligence process.”   Title: Portfolio   Title: Portfolio   ic greatly amplified their importance.”
                  The process is integrated from the   manager,     manager, head     And how companies handle these
                beginning, she says. “Fixed-income ESG   head of    of sustainable   issues affects Brown’s view of a manage-
                analysts sit alongside our fundamen-  fixed income  fixed income    ment team that thinks long term, Graff
                tal credit analysts team, and they work   Years with   Years with   says. “Like willing to sacrifice a little
                together  through  every  part  of  that,  so   Brown: 11 years  Brown: 9 years  earnings [upside] to garner goodwill with
                an idea can come from anywhere.”    Years in        Years in        customers or employees.  And now that
                  The Envestnet analysts noted that   financial     financial       we’re looking at this super-tight employ-
                “the strategy’s first quarter 2020 return   services:   services:   ment market, employees who were better
                of 2.06% displayed its ability to protect   22 years  10 years      treated during the pandemic [most likely
                client capital during periods of volatility,                        will stay]. Even if  you  don’t  care  about
                while the second quarter return of 4.83%                            societal impact, business-wise, those
                showed the team was nimble enough to   Firm headquarters: Baltimore and   kinds of things were the right decisions.”
                take advantage of wider spread and sub-  Washington, D.C.             The team has about 60 holdings at
                sequent tightening.”                Year the firm was founded: 1993   any one time: about 25 to 30 corporate
                  Graff explains that at the start of 2020,   as Alex. Brown, and in 1998 Brown   bonds and a smaller number of govern-
                “we  did think the biggest risk the  port-  Advisory became a private and   ment-backed bonds.
                folio faced was recession.” So when the   independent firm.           Last year was a question mark, but as
                pandemic reaction hit the markets, it cre-                          Graff says, “the biggest positive move
                ated  “in  some  ways  more  volatility  than   Number of employees:   was adding substantially to the longer-
                September 2008,” and high-quality com-  Approximately 760           term corporate bonds in the middle of
                panies had to issue bonds “at extremely   AUM as of April 2021: $122.6 billion  the pandemic.” Still, “the right man-
                high  levels.  Because  we  came  into  the                         agement team was super important. In
                quarter with a decent amount of defensiveness, that also gave   April 2020 we had no idea how long this was going to last, how
                us some flexibility to rotate out of some very high-quality stuff   high unemployment was going to go, what government sup-
                and into some of the … longer-dated high-quality, but very wide-  port would be. None of that was clear at the time. So you had
                spread corporate bonds,” he explains. In the second quarter, they   to be with management teams that not only had the financial
                were able to “rocket well off that.”               wherewithal to survive a long period of decreased revenue,”
                  They also moved in large size, realizing “it was a once-in-a-  but also planned to keep a sustainability program because, in
                lifetime opportunity.” And their research teams were able to find   the end, that was important to their business, he says. —GS

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