Page 34 - Investment Advisor July/August 2021
P. 34

2021 Asset Managers and Strategist of the Year Awards

                Small/Mid Cap Asset Manager of the Year
                RMB Asset Management

                RMB SMID Cap Core Managed Account/RMB SMID Cap Fund

                     MB Asset Management’s SMID                                       “The key in it to me is what we call
                R Cap Core Managed Account/RMB                                      our Life Cycle approach to investing,”
                SMID Cap Fund is a winner of the 2020                               Faber says. “What that basically means
                Envestnet/Investment Advisor Manager                                is our analytical team is trained to look
                of the Year award for its category out                              at the market as a place where the com-
                of 200 largely due to its ability to adapt                          petition for capital is a violent place, and
                quickly to the volatile market conditions                           companies are constantly progressing
                caused by the pandemic.                                             through a life cycle of development,
                  Despite all that volatility, the strat-                           growth, maturity and decline. And our
                egy outperformed its benchmark Russell                              job is to identify the winners in the com-
                2500 Index by 578 basis points last year                            petition for capital and avoid the losers,”
                (25.77% vs. 19.99%), Envestnet analysts                             he explains.
                said. The investment team at RMB                                      One important factor is that the “path
                accomplished that while sticking to   Jeffrey Madden                of wealth creation is slightly different
                the same investment philosophy since                                and unique depending on where a com-
                the  strategy’s  inception  at  IronBridge   Title: Co-portfolio manager  pany is in its life cycle,” according to
                Capital  Management  before  the  firms   Years with present firm:   Faber, who says that “triggers key ques-
                merged in 2017.                     Four (since RMB merged with     tions that our team seeks to answer to
                  For Jeffrey  Madden, co-portfolio   IronBridge Capital)           get a unique perspective on long-term
                manager, one key to the RMB strategy’s   Years in financial services: 20   value creation and valuation.” The port-
                success last year was that the invest-  (all with IronBridge)       folio owns stock in companies “across
                ment team was prepared.                                             the entire life cycle,” from speculative
                  “Every once in a while, the stock                                 growth to deep value, he says.
                market, being a complex system, has   Investment/asset class focus: SMID  “What’s unique about how we apply
                market-clearing events, which was   Asset management firm: RMB      that to investing in a company is that
                certainly the case in March” last year,   Asset Management          we built a proprietary value creation
                he says.                                                            framework focused on how companies
                  But  the RMB  team was  prepared   Firm’s headquarters: Chicago   allocate capital, depending on what life
                with what are traditionally called   Year firm was founded: 2005    cycle they’re in,” Faber says. “When
                growth stocks and what the firm     Number of employees: 59, including   we define capital, we talk about not
                calls “Rockets” (high-growth early   9 partners                     just physical capital in the traditional
                stage companies with innovative                                     accounting sense, but also human capi-
                new products, services or business   AUM as of Dec. 31, 2020: $3.5 billion  tal and intangible capital.”
                processes)  and “Golden  Goodies”                                     The team has not done much tweak-
                (Rockets that have survived and have long-term business   ing of its portfolio in recent months. “Our portfolio generally
                models, while tending to grow faster than the overall mar-  has pretty low turnover,” Faber says. “However, at the mar-
                ket), Madden explains.                             gin, we’ve recognized that risks of inflation are increasing
                  Another reason the strategy did so well was the “deploy-  and we’ve bought companies that would do well in that kind
                ment of capital in the springtime of 2020 into what tradition-  of environment,” including PotlatchDeltic and Royal Gold,
                ally people call value businesses [and] what we would call   he said.
                ‘corks’ — companies that have economic returns close to the   Looking ahead to the next 12 to 18 months, Madden says,
                equity discount rate,” he says. “Those businesses were priced   “One thing that we’re observing is higher dispersion in
                for a long recession, if not depression, and I’m talking about,   the market, going back to the depths of the bear market in
                specifically, commercial banks and material companies.”  March of 2020 to today … which is good for active manag-
                  For Chris Faber, co-portfolio manager, the strategy’s success   ers so long as you are right on the businesses that you own.”
                comes down to the team’s investment philosophy.    —Jeff Berman

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