Page 31 - Investment Advisor July/August 2021
P. 31

Large Cap Equity Manager of the Year
                Columbia Threadneedle

                Columbia Contrarian Core SMA

                    essimism is the key to success at                               to be determined and investment merit.
                P the Columbia Contrarian Core                                      This final one is when the names finally
                SMA. The actively managed fund, which                               make it into the portfolio, Pope says.
                won the Envestnet/Investment Advisor                                  The portfolio has 60% to 80% turnover
                2021  award  for  Best  Large  Cap  Equity                          per year; when the market is more vola-
                fund  manager,  topping  90  peers,  had  a                         tile, the turnover goes up. Pope says an
                23.1% return in 2020, beating the Russell                           advantage to their contrarian approach
                1000 index by 2.1 percentage points.                                is that it makes them wait. “A lot of times
                  What Guy Pope, head portfolio man-                                people are just reacting to the news flow.
                ager of the fund, means by “pessimism”                              …. I like [our process] because it makes
                is that they are looking for stocks trading                         us wait for a better entry point, a cheaper
                in the bottom third of the 52-week range                            entry point,” he says.
                high. Most people get excited when                                    He calls 2020 a “fascinating year,” in
                CNBC talks about stocks hitting 52-week   Guy Pope                  which  they  started  hearing  in  January
                highs, “[and] optimism is fine, but that’s                          about the “virus in Asia and we got a little
                not where we want to start,” he says.  Title: Senior Portfolio Manager  concerned and started to trim some stocks
                  With his team, Harvey Liu, Nick Smith   Years with present firm: 28  that were relying on Asian consumers, but
                and Michael Welter — and a support   Years in financial services: 28  the market shrugged it off very quickly,” he
                group of fundamental analysts, industry                             recalls. At first they wondered if they had
                experts and quantitative pros — Pope                                made a mistake, but then in February the
                defines those pessimistic stocks by look-  Investment/asset class focus:   market went into its “waterfall decline.”
                ing through a prism. For example, if a   Large Cap U.S. Equity        Having been a  portfolio  manager  for
                stock starts at $100 and after several   Asset management firm: Columbia   28 years, Pope says he’s built up “mental
                events drops to $50, that’s when they   Threadneedle Investments    models” for markets, but “there is no page
                get interested. It’s also been “de-risked,”                         in the playbook for any portfolio manager
                Pope says, noting that it doesn’t have   Firm headquarters: Boston  on how to deal with a pandemic.”
                much further to fall.               Year firm founded: 1985           He said the downdraft of the mar-
                  “That’s not always true, but some-  Number of employees: 2,000    ket was so severe that their indicators
                times it’s the case,” Pope explains. “We                            eventually “looked very similar to past
                do careful, fundamental bottom-up   AUM as of March 31, 2021:       corrections, where at a certain point
                [research] where we reach out to the   $564 billion                 you have to turn from being defensive
                company. From [here] we do our stock                                to being opportunistic. It made us think
                selection process.”                                back to [the] fourth quarter of 2008, the summer of 2011 and
                  On average, the fund owns 60 to 80 stocks. “It’s not a con-  December of 2018.” And that meant leaning into a correction,
                centrated portfolio, but may be slightly more concentrated   “and when you are leaning into a correction, you want to make
                than the average core manager out there,” he explains.   sure you’re buying stocks that can outperform on a market
                  When a team member finds a stock that is of interest, they   rebound versus everything.”
                apply a “three-alpha approach,” Pope says. First, they contact   He says his team also did well because of the “two phases
                the company, “engage” with management and “collect all the   to last year. The first three quarters, growth [stocks] outper-
                available public information out there,” he says. The second   formed [due to the] Fed taking rates to zero and saying they
                source of alpha is the fundamental research that comes from   would keep them there awhile.” Also, FANG stocks, such as
                the equity analysts. Finally, there is the quantitative team that   Amazon and Netflix, benefited from the pandemic. In the
                uses a multi-factor model on how the stock is rated.  fourth quarter, however, value stocks did better. When the
                  “After we utilize all three sources of alpha, we will come to   firm’s research pointed to a faster vaccine development, they
                an independent conclusion or investment thesis,” he says. That   added value stocks to the portfolio, which “helped us outper-
                falls into one of three categories: market efficiency, thesis still   form [too] in the fourth quarter.” —Ginger Szala

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