Page 33 - Investment Advisor July/August 2021
P. 33

Fixed Income Manager of the Year
                Brandywine Global Investment Management

                Brandywine Global Opportunities Bond Fund

                   f the Federal Reserve sticks with its                            absolute returns for almost 70% of roll-
                Inew framework to let inflation top                                 ing three-year periods since its incep-
                2% for some period of time as long as                               tion in late 2006.
                it averages 2%, then the Brandywine                                   Hoffman describes that manage-
                Global Opportunities Bond Fund is “per-                             ment as buying money — or rather, buy-
                fectly positioned,” says David Hoffman,                             ing the future return on money, which
                chairman and head of fixed income                                   consists of interest rate return and real
                at Brandywine Global Investment                                     yield spread return for corporate bonds
                Management, which won the Envestnet/                                and  currencies that may appreciate  or
                Investment Advisor Manager of the Year                              depreciate. “We manage uncertainty,” he
                award in the Fixed Income category, out                             says. “When there is a lot of uncertainty,
                of a group of 115 peers.                                            there’s almost always a lot of value.”
                  The fund was also perfectly positioned                              He adds that the fund tries to isolate
                for the liquidity crunch in March 2020,   David Hoffman             three major risks in the bond market:
                when the COVID-19 pandemic took hold                                duration, credit risk and currency risk,
                in  the  U.S.  and  the  Trump  administra-  Title: Chairman        which it sometimes hedges, and looks
                tion declared a national emergency.  Years with firm: 26            for relatively high growth rates around
                  “We had no corporate bonds going   Years in financial services: 46  the world. It starts with a top-down
                into the disaster in March, [but] on                                analysis of the fundamentals of different
                March 23 when the Fed came in, we                                   countries, looking for value. “The higher
                bought all the long-term corporate   Investment/asset class focus:   the  real  yield  —  the  spread  between
                bonds we could,” Hoffman says. “We   Fixed income                   yield and inflation — the more potential
                want to buy corporates when they’re   Firm name: Brandywine Global   value there is. But you have to adjust for
                cheap and sell them when they get a   Investment Management         the quality of a country,” Hoffman says.
                little expensive. … Instead of playing                                The fund looks to identify pricing
                defense, we played offense. We man-  Firm headquarters: Philadelphia  anomalies across countries, sectors and
                aged our fear and went where the value   Number of employees: 210   currencies, a minimum average port-
                was, which is the secret of long-term   AUM as March 31, 2021: $64 billion  folio credit quality of A- or better and
                bond management.”                                                   an effective duration of one to 10 years.
                  That “flexible and opportunistic”                                 Its focus is to best its benchmark target
                approach combined with investments in only “high-conviction   by at least 2%, and it has achieved 3.5% for 25 years, he says.
                ideas” led the fund to a 12.52% gain in 2020 compared with   Turnover averages about 50% a year.
                9.2% for its benchmark, according to Envestnet.      It typically holds 10 to 30 positions, but that can rise if it
                  Those gains are even more impressive given that the fund   holds more corporate and mortgage securities. The portfolio
                was underperforming its benchmark by 11% in the first quarter   now has about 30 positions, a duration of 2.3%, which is a mea-
                of 2020. Needless to say, it far outperformed its benchmark   sure of its sensitivity to interest rate changes, and far below
                and peers in the remaining three quarters.         the 8.5% of the FTSE World Government Bond Index and the
                  Envestnet credits the firm’s “deep and experienced team   almost 10% duration of the fund in mid-2020, Hoffman says.
                that has been implementing the same investment process over   At the end of March 2021, nearly 60% of the portfolio was in
                a number of decades,” which has led to “exemplary” long-term   U.S. securities, including cash, but it also owned fixed-income
                performance on an absolute and risk-adjusted basis. They add       securities from Mexico, South Africa, Malaysia, Colombia,
                that “the fund’s elevated risk profile can lead [to] bouts of sig-  Brazil, Indonesia, Australia, Canada and Poland.
                nificant short-term underperformance, with 2020 being a per-  Hoffman, who manages the fund with four other portfolio
                fect example.” Those differences “underscore the importance   managers, says in addition to the normal drivers of value he is
                of a long-term investment horizon with this strategy.”   watching Federal Reserve policy, inflation data, the U.S. dollar
                  In the long term, the fund has placed in the top quartile for   and the data on COVID vaccinations around the world. —BN

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