Page 42 - Investment Advisor July/August 2021
P. 42

Technologies like these return on the   a target market can yield a significant   In the past, investment in priority
                investment by expanding the capacity   valuation increase.          tech came at a steep price. Today, we
                of an organization’s advisors, which will   Maximizing valuation. Advisory   are seeing a movement to more available
                enhance profit margins.           firms can expand their valuation the   options for advisory firms to innovate
                  Widening  a  target  market.  Once   most by  building  and integrating  their   their own technology at a lower cost.
                a firm expands its profits through   own  technology.  This  option  is  not  for   While building your own tech can be an
                increasing advisor capacity, it can   every advisory firm, and firms that do   investment, it often does return the most
                enhance revenue by widening its tar-  it require a commitment to growth   in valuation.
                get  market.  In  other  words,  more  and   and innovation. Whether it is micro-  But there is an important caveat:
                different types of clients can be served   tech,  such  as  an  online  workbook  or   An investment in building your own
                when a firm has the capacity to serve   risk assessment tool, or broader  finan-  tech takes time and money. It is quite
                more clients.                     cial planning technology, tech built to   common for advisory firms to offset
                  Technology can help firms                                               that cost by licensing their in-
                expand  their  client  types  to   It is quite common for                 house technology to other firms
                increase  revenue.  For example,                                          to recoup these costs.
                firms that focus on the high-net-  advisory firms to offset                 And while that does  cre-
                worth market might find those                                             ate added revenue, it does not
                clients, over time, referring    that cost by licensing                   maximize  valuation  because
                friends and family members who                                            now  firms  are  selling  their  cli-
                are mass-affluent or ultra-high-  their in-house technology               ent experience to their competi-
                net-worth.                                                                tors. In these cases, advisory
                  By implementing software to   to other firms to recoup                  firms selling their client experi-
                cater  to  a  wider  target  market                                       ence are now competing with
                across multiple segments, firms  these costs. And while that              other firms for clients under the
                can ensure lower operating costs   does create added revenue,             same client experience. Many
                on these smaller accounts and                                             firms believe this is a recipe to
                provide more customized service   it does not maximize                    attract firms they can potentially
                on the larger accounts. Such soft-                                        acquire, and in some cases it
                ware might include aggregation   valuation because now                    does work.
                software and financial planning                                             But selling your own house-
                software used directly by the cli-  firms are selling their               built tech and client experi-
                ent. If a firm focuses first on   client experience to their              ence to attract inorganic growth
                technology that enhances advi-                                            opportunities only delays a deci-
                sor capacity, as mentioned above,       competitors.                      sion to sell. Why not keep your
                we free up capacity to serve more                                         client experience for yourself
                clients and add tech that clients                                         and your clients, and use it as
                can use.                          accommodate and enhance a firm’s cli-  a catalyst to help move forward on an
                  As a result, by decreasing the opera-  ent experience can yield  the highest   acquisition? Selling tech to your compe-
                tions to gather data and giving tech   valuations and set the firm apart in the   tition only dilutes the value of your tech
                for clients to participate in their own   marketplace.              investment. Keeping it for the benefit
                financial planning, we increase the   Proprietary technology helps support   of your advisors and your clients, and
                client profitability. Doing so makes   a unique service offering to clients and   getting other firms excited about joining
                serving smaller (and larger) clients   allows expansion to serve all types of   your firm for the benefit of your unique
                profitable.                       clients. This kind of technology  com-  experience, is a more effective way of
                  Firms expanding to serve mass-afflu-  mitment  can drive  scale  and revenue   making an acquisition happen.
                ent clients might need time to increase   the most, while decreasing operating   When used as part of a well-thought
                their scale before maximizing the prof-  costs, because the tech is usually catered   out strategy, technology can be a force
                itability of that segment. But ultimately,   specifically to the firm’s client experi-  multiplier when it comes to raising your
                technology investment can help raise the   ence. Building your own tech eliminates   firm’s valuation.
                ceiling on a firm’s number of accounts,   any “workarounds” a firm might have
                assets under management, and revenue,   to do to deliver their own client experi-  Angie Herbers is an independent consultant to
                thereby expanding and driving their rev-  ence using technology that is purchased   the advisory industry. She can be reached at
                enue. Investing in technology to expand   directly from a tech company.  [email protected].

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