Page 45 - Investment Advisor July/August 2021
P. 45

Several questions in the letter go   • Some plan sponsors faced challeng-  low economic theory, one concern is that
                beyond asking how many plan partici-  es in the TDF selection and monitoring   “there are some people who may think it’s
                pants default into TDFs.          process.                          almost like a guarantee that if I’m invest-
                  For example, they ask “to what extent   The Department of Labor and   ing in a [TDF], I can successfully retire at
                have participants approaching retire-  Securities and Exchange Commission   my target date. And of course it’s just an
                ment age who are invested in TDFs   took steps to improve TDF disclosures,   investment account. All [a TDF] knows is
                been affected by market fluctuations   participant education, and guidance for   the age of the participant; it doesn’t know
                as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?   plan sponsors and participants. The SEC   anything about their risk tolerance.”
                How much variation is there in the per-  also issued new advertising and sales   Yet there are those who strongly sup-
                formance  of  TDFs  of  the  same  vintage   literature disclosure requirements for   port TDFs, including Christine Benz,
                (i.e., target retirement year), particularly   TDFs. In 2013, the Labor Department   Morningstar’s director of personal
                for TDFs at or near the target retirement   issued a fact sheet on TDFs: Tips for   finance. In a recent column, she cited
                date? To what extent have TDF provid-  ERISA Plan Fiduciaries.      three key reasons these funds work: 1)
                ers taken steps to mitigate the volatility                          they allow investors to be truly hands-
                of TDF assets?”                   RISK EQUATION                     off, 2) they provide cost-effective advice
                  The committee also asked about asset   One issue, seen by both the committee   and 3) they contribute to a good outcome.
                allocation and fee structure differentials   and others, is the risk in the allocation   She believes they are underutilized in
                as well as shifts to more conservative   as these funds grow close to the target   401(k) plans and says they would work
                investments as these funds move closer   retirement  date. Ron Surz,  president   just as well in IRAs. (For a ranking of the
                to retirement. Another question noted   of Target Date Solutions and CEO of   top TDFs, check
                a Trump-era change allowing TDFs to   GlidePath  Wealth  Management,  notes   Benz was backed up further by her
                include alternative assets such as hedge   that funds from the big three TDF   colleague John Rekenthaler, vice presi-
                funds and private equity, seeking to   firms — Vanguard, Fidelity and T. Rowe   dent of research for Morningstar, who
                understand the number of funds that   Price, which he says run about 65% of   in a May 20 column took to task a study
                use these products and their risk level.  the money in TDFs — have a high level   that criticized TDFs.  He argued that
                  Finally, the committee asked the GAO   of portfolio risk at the target date.  TDFs are “relatively cheap.”
                to recommend what legislative or regu-  “They are about 55% of equity at the   For instance, the median annual
                latory options would bolster protection   target date,” he told Investment Advisor.   expense ratio for a 2035 TDF, including
                of those nearing retirement but also   “Fifty-five percent is too much for sure,   all underlying fees, is 0.65%, while for
                achieve the “intended goals” of TDFs.  but [now] 35% of bonds are risky, too.   their closest investment rivals, it’s 1.01%.
                                                  So you have 90% of risky  assets at the   “Across the board, they cost substantial-
                PERFORMANCE VARIATION             target date. It’s just a time bomb waiting   ly less than does the typical allocation
                After the 2008-2009 financial crisis, the   to happen.”             fund,” he said.
                GAO studied TDFs and found several   Instead, he believes these funds should   But many believe the congressional
                points, among those:              follow the Federal Thrift Savings Plan,   inquiry is a good one.
                  • A  large  variation  in  allocation   which has some $769 billion in assets and   Pfau said that “the [HELP] letter made
                between stocks and bonds closer   6 million participants. The plan’s lifecy-  sense.” Congress sees that TDFs are grow-
                to retirement date.  Some TDFs had   cle funds allocate 60% of assets to short-  ing in popularity, but it wants to know
                dropped stocks to a 35% allocation, while   term government-backed securities two   more about their growth, fees and asset
                others remained around the 60% range   years before the retirement target date.  allocation. The whole idea of the target-
                “in the belief that relatively high equity   Another option would be to warn   date fund is you can have more volatility
                returns will help ensure that retirees do   participants with better designations —   when you’re young, but when you’re get-
                not deplete savings in old age.”  fund names would include a “risk of loss   ting closer to the target date, you want to
                  • Performance varied significantly.   at target date” with a severe-, moderate-   start locking in with a lower stock alloca-
                For example, between 2005 and 2009,   or negligible addition, and would also   tion and have less volatility,” he said. “And
                annualized TDF returns for the largest   help “enlighten” fiduciaries, Surz says.   now with some of the new trends towards
                funds with five years of returns ranged   However, some  say this  isn’t  necessary   alternatives and different asset allocation
    Adobe Stock  rate of return for all individual partici-  the fund data.         ity around the target date in a way that
                                                  as it’s already defined when reviewing
                                                                                    approaches, is that creating more volatil-
                from +28% to -31%. However, the mean
                                                                                    users of [TDFs] don’t really expect?”
                pants was 4.3%.
                                                    Pfau notes that although TDFs fol-
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