Page 37 - Investment Advisor June 2023
P. 37


                 BROkeR-DeAleR BeAT
                   By Jeff Berman

                 How lPl Gives FAs the ‘Muscle’ to Grow

                 “Advisors who use one of our services are growing on average 28% faster

                 than peers,” says Aneri Jambusaria.

                        s advisory firms look to over-                                 This is where the comprehensive
                        come challenges as they grow,                                advice conversation comes in. We found
                 A three main factors largely                                        that successful advisors have diverse rev-
                 determine how successful their busi-                                enue streams, like charging for financial
                 nesses can become, according to Aneri                               planning to weather the ups and downs.
                 Jambusaria, managing director of LPL                                In addition, resilient advisor businesses
                 Financial’s Services Group. The group’s                             are planning ahead and have a long-term
                 800 staff members — now working with                                succession plan in place. This allows
                 over 3,200 of LPL’s affiliated financial                            them to be intentional about their team
                 advisors and institutions — is introduc-                            and growth plans, and ensure they are
                 ing new programs that zoom in on these                              protected in case of an unforeseen event.
                 factors so advisors can both improve and
                 grow their businesses, Jambusaria says.  to grow from $27 trillion [in assets] to $35   What do advisors need to be doing for
                   Jambusaria joined LPL over three   trillion over this decade, that secular trend   their clients, and how is lPl helping them?
                 years ago, after working at Fidelity   is showing no signs of slowing.  Many firms focus on providing finan-
                 Investments  for about  eight years. She   We see those advisors with strong mar-  cial advisors with ideas and insights
                 also served as a judge for ThinkAdvisor’s   keting capabilities who are investing in   to drive their success, leaving it up to
                 LUMINARIES industry awards pro-   building [their] client service capacity are   the advisor to manage the execution.
                 gram from 2021 to 2022. The executive   best positioned to attract and retain more   We  found  that  while  insights  can  be
                 recently discussed what advisors should   than their share. Efficiency and resiliency   an incredible catalyst, you also need an
                 be doing today to position their prac-  don’t get as much airtime as growth, but   accelerant to execute on those insights
                 tices for tomorrow via email.     we see them as being equally important to   and drive impact.
                                                   driving success. From an efficiency per-  That’s the idea behind our services
                 InvestMent AdvIsor: What is lPl   spective, it’s thinking about how an advi-  portfolio at LPL. We’re focused on deliv-
                 research telling you, and how does it   sor wants to spend their time and how the   ering the insights as well as the execu-
                 influence what lPl does for advisors?   people in the office spend their time.  tion muscle to drive success in areas like
                 AnerI JAMBusArIA: In our latest advi-  Where can they get more leverage and   client administration, marketing, finance
                 sor research about top-performing prac-  drive  scale?  That’s  where  some  of  our   and accounting, and financial planning.
                 tices, we found three primary drivers of   services, like Administrative Solutions   More than 3,000 advisors affiliated with
                 extraordinary businesses: growth, efficien-  and Paraplanning Services, can help free   LPL are currently using these types of
                 cy and resiliency. As an industry, we talk a   up time to spend on high-value work.   services to enhance their businesses.
                 lot about growth and an advisor’s ability   Resiliency is also top of mind, especial-  We see opportunities for advisors to
                 to capitalize on the increasing demand for   ly in the current market environment.   continue to lean into this type of sup-
                 independent advice. With the advisor-cen-  Advisors want to ensure their business is   port. LPL advisors are spending over
                 tered wealth management space expected   set up for all kinds of market conditions.  $2 billion annually on practice support,

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