Page 36 - Investment Advisor June 2023
P. 36

If these firms’ current growth rate
                 is 10%, they’re hiring as though the
                 growth rate is 20%, for example, with-
                 out the capital to back it up in a sus-
                 tainable way.
                   What ends up happening in such
                 cases is that a firm will end up with a
                 combination of too much staff, inad-
                 equate results and growth that’s not
                 at a level that can correct this imbal-
                 ance. Before firms attempt to maxi-
                 mize their growth rate, it’s critical
                 they get  staffing  in  line  with  their
                 actual growth rate. (Most advisory
                 firms today are not backed by a seri-
                 ous pool of private capital; if you’re
                 not, the goal is to ensure that staffing
                 costs increase at the rate of your over-
                 all business growth.)

                 3. CAreFully revIeW
                 MArketInG BudGets.
                 It’s  also  important  to  look  at  market-
                 ing costs. When staffing costs get too
                 high, often we see advisory firms dou-
                 ble down on marketing efforts to keep
                 their  staff  busy.  When  looking  at  your   If you’re not getting at least one referral
                 P&L, it’s important to compartmentalize   for every $500 you spend on client
                 client  appreciation  and  direct  market-
                 ing. These costs are broken out in most   appreciation, you need to reevaluate how
                 firms’ P&Ls via both a client appre-
                 ciation chart of account and a marketing   you’re spending the money and identify
                 chart of account.
                   What we’re looking for is informa-              what needs to change.
                 tion about whether the money being
                 spent in these two areas is producing   If you’re not getting at least one refer-  ing strategy. If you do get this level
                 an acceptable return on investment. To   ral for every $500 you spend on cli-  of prospects or higher, then the goal
                 determine that, you can use some long-  ent appreciation, you need to reevaluate   should be to do more of what you’re
                 term industry averages to evaluate how   how you’re spending the money and   doing successfully in order to gain even
                 you’re doing.                     identify what needs to change. If you’re   more leads.
                   For example, the average amount a   spending less than $500 per year per   Studying your firm’s P&L — starting
                 firm needs to spend on client appre-  referral, do more of what’s working.  with staffing, client appreciation work
                 ciation to earn a quality referral is $500.   In direct marketing, the average cost   and  direct  marketing  — can  be  a great
                 Thus, if you spend $20,000 on client   to generate a good lead is $2,000. This   way to get growth moving for your firm.
                 events, newsletters and other client-  is your initial ROI target. Again, the cost   But you must be willing to heed what
                 appreciation efforts, you should expect   of a lead should drop over time, as your   this  review  tells  you  about  your  busi-
                 to reap 40 referrals.             firm figures out the most effective forms   ness. If you do the work that’s needed
                   As  your  firm  grows,  the  cost  of  a   of marketing, for instance.   to improve growth, your profit margins
                 referral should fall due to the econo-  If you have a yearly marketing bud-  should  follow.
                 mies of scale. Over time, it might drop   get of, say, $100,000, then it would
                 to $400, $200 or even $100 per referral.   be reasonable that you’d gain 50 new   Angie Herbers is an independent consultant to
                 But the goal is to be earning an accept-  prospects over 12 months. If you don’t,   the advisory industry. She can be reached at   Adobe Stock
                 able return on your investment today.   something’s wrong with your market-  [email protected].

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