Page 45 - Investment Advisor May 2021
P. 45

Medicare has its own set of tax brack-  How about homemakers who didn’t   planned for  a reduction  in household
                ets — so you can be sure that widows   work outside the home? Do they quality   income. The woman’s benefits can be
                don’t know about this too. The first shock   for a Social Security spousal benefit?  cut  between  one-third and  one-half
                is that you have to pay your Medicare   At-home moms think they won’t get a Social   depending on the career she had.
                Part B premiums: Social Security auto-  Security benefit. They assume that because
                matically reduces your benefit for that.   they didn’t work [in the labor force], why   What’s an eye-opener for many women
                And when a woman goes from filing a   would they get Social Security? But they’re   who are divorced and remarried?
                married joint tax return to a single filing   entitled to half their husband’s benefits.   This is a big one: Divorced women —
                [after being widowed], her Part B premi-  The spousal benefit was designed specifi-  who were previously married 10 con-
                um could jump from, perhaps, $148.50   cally for at-home moms and homemakers.   secutive years or longer and meet all the
                to $386. This is a big [deal] for widows.   It [now] applies to same-sex couples, too.   other Social Security rules for a divorced
                They get hit on all fronts.       Gender  is  out of  Social  Security now  —   person — who remarry want to be in the
                                                  you’re [just] either legally married or not.  driver’s seat. They say, “My first hus-
                Does paying estimated taxes figure into                             band made lots of money; my current
                Social Security taxes?            Suppose a couple with a homemaker   husband doesn’t. So I want to choose my
                Retirees — certainly women — don’t   wife who’s younger than full retirement   first husband’s Social Security.”
                know how often they have to pay quar-  age decides to retire. What’s the Social   You can’t choose between your ex and
                terly estimates on their “income” in   Security impact on them?     your current spouse until they’re both
                retirement. You’re creating income,   Her spousal reduction factor — I call it   dead and you’re the remaining spouse of
                whether from IRAs, investments    the penalty — is higher than that of the   the three. At that point, Social Security
                or Social Security. So women can get   spouse who was the worker. Both spous-  looks at all the benefits: yours, if you
                nabbed with penalties and interest when   es get penalized for claiming early, but   have your own; your first husband’s; and
                they don’t make the correct payment   the reduction for the younger one, who   your [second] husband’s.
                within the correct time. It’s hard for   hasn’t reached FRA, is more aggressive.   You get the benefits that are highest,
                women who are newly retired to figure   So there are two different reduction fac-  but you don’t get to add your own. It’s
                out the tax code because it’s not the first   tors.  Women  have  no  idea  about  that,   so disappointing for these women when
                thing on their to-do list when they retire!  and the woman’s is worse.  the light bulb goes on and they realize:
                                                                                    “Gosh, I don’t get mine and his!”
                What’s a pitfall for women who claim   Do a widow’s benefits start as soon as
                Social Security early?            her husband dies?                 Please talk about the Windfall Elimination
                When they claim at 62, they think they’ll   Often women who are between 52 and   Provision of the Social Security laws.
                get increased Social Security payments,   60, whose kids are grown and gone, who   If you have a hybrid career, where you
                a big bump-up automatic adjustment   become widowed think that’s [the case].   work [or worked] partly for the govern-
                when they reach full retirement age.   They don’t realize they have to wait till   ment — which doesn’t withhold Social
                The mistake is thinking that their ben-  they’re 60 to get their benefits. For some,   Security taxes — and partly in corpo-
                efits will change. They do not. As soon   that’s an impossible situation because they   rate America, which does, your Social
                as you claim at 62, you’ve locked in your   didn’t plan early enough for the possibility   Security benefit pays second to the pen-
                permanent reductions.             that their husband might die [before they   sion — and those benefits will be reduced.
                                                  do] and that they’d be left with no income.   Let’s say a woman has been getting a
                What are homemakers’ typical      The  mistake  is  thinking  they  can  start   $3,000-a-month pension and her husband
                misconceptions about Social Security?  taking  Social  Security  widow’s  benefits   has been receiving $1,800 in Social Security.
                The big mistake is made by women who   as soon as they become widowed. But the   When the husband dies, that $1,800 check
                have had what I call “popcorn careers.”   gap might be six months — or six years.  stops  —  literally  overnight.  How  do  you
                They pop in and out of a career over 40                             make up for that? Lots of widows can’t.
                years and think they don’t qualify for   What’s another rude awakening for widows?
                Social Security because they didn’t have   They don’t know that one of their Social   Jane Wollman Rusoff is a contributing
                10 consecutive  years of earnings. The   Security checks is going away — imme-  editor who specializes in interviews with
    Adobe Stock  consecutive years — it’s whatever your   both checks will continue even though   thought leaders. An author and prolific
                                                  diately. The mistake is thinking that
                requirement for Social Security is not 10
                                                                                    journalist, Jane is founder of www.
                                                  the husband has died. So they haven’t
                earnings are over your lifetime.
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