Page 47 - Investment Advisor May 2021
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said.  Clients  also  will  get  emails  from   Overview tool the most appealing.  client base, although likely more so by
                advisors to notify them that Overview   “Video has become more of the   younger clients, he said.
                was sent to them.                 normal way in which individuals     The company will continue to get
                  Wealth Overview is part of the ML   like to consume data, especially the   feedback from clients to make improve-
                One 2.0  “multi-year strategy,”  he said,   younger demographic,” according to   ments as needed, add new features, and
                noting ML One is the platform that   Tim Paul, client experience and col-  gauge who is reacting positively, the
                financial advisors use to enroll and man-  laboration executive at Merrill Lynch   executives said.
                age clients in the advisory program. As   Wealth Management.          Although Digital Wealth Overview
                part of the 2.0 initiative, the company is   Based on feedback from surveying   is “absolutely a differentiating ser-
                “simplifying, modernizing and advanc-  Merrill clients, Digital Wealth Overview   vice,” Swanson stressed:  “We do not
                ing” the advisory program, he explained.  was seen favorably because, even among   expect a narrated video that’s interac-
                                                  some older clients, it “gives them the   tive to replace what our financial advi-
                THE TARGET AUDIENCE               ability to go through and consume the   sors do for their clients…. We envision
                The company expects that younger   information at their own pace,” he said.   this as a tool to complement all of the
                clients will likely, at least initially, be   Merrill expects the tool to be “embraced   ways advisors are currently engaging
                the ones who find the Digital Wealth   by a pretty wide” percentage of the   with clients.”

                Are the Benefits of Switching                                       systems and 71% lost revenue during the

                Firms Worth the Costs?                                              transition  period as the  top challenges
                                                                                    they experienced.
                                                                                      Cerulli  said  given that  operation-
                    hree in four advisors say the abil-  Cerulli Associate Director  Michael   al challenges, such as opening new
                Tity to build financial value is a top   Rosesaid in a statement, noting, too,   accounts and processing account
                reason for changing firms, and two in   that rates of client attrition can vary   transfers, are the ones most cited by
                three say the main reasons are a desire   considerably from one advisor practice   breakaway  advisors,  firms  that  invest
                for greater independence and unhap-  to another.                    in related technology and operational
                piness with senior manage-                                                  personnel are  likely to have
                ment, according to research   Besides client attrition, 77% of              a major competitive advan-
                released in late March by   advisors switching firms identify               tage in advisor recruitment
                Cerulli Associates.                                                         and retention.
                  But they also cite the risk   operational matters, 75%                      “Many large firms are
                of losing client assets, as well                                            often better positioned to
                as challenges related to prac-  learning new technology systems             spread large investments in
                tice management, in their     and 71% lost revenue during                   technology across a wider
                decision to move.                                                           number of advisors and pro-
                  Cerulli found that advi-   the transition period as the top               vide greater financial incen-
                sors lose 19% of client       challenges they experienced.                  tives,” Rose said.
                assets, on average, when                                                      Moreover, the pandemic
                they change firm affili-                                                    could have long-term impli-
                ations, on top of  planned attrition.   “It is critical that advisors per-  cations for streamlined account tran-
                Those who  move from one indepen-  form an honest  self-assessment of  the   sitioning for newly recruited advisors,
                dent firm to another report the biggest   strength of their client relationships,   according to Cerulli. Over the past
                amount of planned attrition of assets   and the share of their client base that   year, firms have been forced to deploy
                under management.                 could be at risk as a result of breaking   digital onboarding processes and
                  “Unplanned client attrition is a   away,” he said.                related technologies.
    Adobe Stock  particularly those who consider break-  sors switching firms identify operation-  Jeff Berman is staff reporter for Investment
                  significant concern among advisors,
                                                    Besides client attrition, 77% of advi-
                ing away to an independent channel,”
                                                  al matters, 75% learning new technology
                                                                                    Advisor Group. Reach him a [email protected].

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