Page 24 - Investment Advisor April 2021
P. 24


                By Bernice Napach and Jeff Berman

                Creative Planning CEO: Biden’s Capital

                Gains Tax Plan Could Kill Model Portfolios

                Also, a Schwab report outlines how much RIAs employees get paid.

                      eter  Mallouk,  CEO  of  Creative
                      Planning, says an increase in the
                Pcapital gains tax, which President
                Joe Biden is considering,  could  “dra-
                matically change” investment decisions
                and “drive a stake through the heart of
                model portfolios” many advisors use.
                  Biden  campaigned  on  a  variety  of
                plans to increase government revenue,
                including raising the marginal tax rate
                for those earning more than $400,000
                from 37% to 39.6% and raising the tax
                on long-term capital gains and qualified   and then investing the proceeds, Mallouk   traditional 60/40 asset allocation model
                dividends from 20% to 39.6% for those   says. “There will be more demand for   “dead,” favoring 70/30 or 80/20 mix.
                taxpayers earning more than $1 million.  customization that didn’t exist before,”   He says that Creative Planning clients
                  The president has not yet proposed   affecting advisors that pitch model port-  are holding 20% to 40% of their port-
                these and other tax changes as he is   folios in particular, he says.  folios  in foreign stocks, both  emerging
                focused first on getting the coronavirus   “Clients want advisors to work with   markets and developed markets, tilting
                pandemic under control and provid-  the positions they bring to the table. They   toward the latter.
                ing  relief  to  families,  businesses  and   want advisors to work around the posi-
                communities affected by its economic   tions they bring, around capital gains.”  ESG AND CRYPTO
                fallout. But Treasury Secretary Janet   Mallouk adds that an increase in capi-  Mallouk says environmental, social and
                Yellen, in her written responses to ques-  tal gains taxes also will bring mergers   governance focused investing is becom-
                tions for her confirmation hearing,   and acquisitions to a halt and affect the   ing more mainstream as an increasing
                affirmed Biden’s plans to increase the   holding periods for private equity funds.  number of investors, especially millen-
                capital gains tax for wealthy investors   The Creative Planning CEO, who has   nials, want their investments to match
                and tax their unrealized capital gains —   expanded the firm from just $34 million   their values, but advisors shouldn’t nec-
                both designed to “remove biases on the   in assets in 2004, when it he took it over,   essarily bring up the subject directly.
                tax code that favor wealth over work.”  to close to $70 billion today, has some   Rather,  they  should  “find  out  what  a
                  At the hearing, Yellen said in response   interesting things to say about bonds.  client’s goals are.”
                to a question about taxing unrealized                                 He  says  more  and  more  clients  are
                gains, “capital gains at some point   REPLACE 60/40 WITH 70/30      asking about cryptocurrencies, which
                should be taxed,” noting that a “mark-  OR 80/20?                   are acquiring an aura of legitimacy that
                to-market approach is one method but   Investors should hold only enough   they didn’t have before. ”The world defi-
                not the only method.”             bonds to meet their income needs dur-  nitely wants there to be a cryptocur-
                                                  ing a long-term bear market when they   rency they can rely on … [but] “Bitcoin
                IMPACT OF HIGHER CAPITAL          shouldn’t be selling stocks, according to   may or may not be the one that prevails.
                GAINS TAXES                       Mallouk. Bonds are earning next to noth-  “Look at AOL or Yahoo or Excite,”
                If capital gains taxes are increased for   ing now, less than most dividend-paying   he says, referring to the once-hot inter-
                wealthy investors, advisors will no longer   stocks, he says. “Do I really think I will   net  companies  that  faded.  “It  will  be
                be able to get away with taking the port-  earn zero in stocks for the next 10 years?”  interesting to see how the government
                folio of a new client, converting it to cash   In a recent podcast, he declared the   regulates it all.”

             22 INVESTMENT ADVISOR APRIL 2021 |
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