Page 19 - Investment Advisor April 2021
P. 19


                By Josh Vail

                Why Investors Seeking Growth Must Look

                Beyond Public Equities

                Private markets are opening to individuals and can offer them greater returns.

                       s long-term investors search for                             on major U.S. exchanges has still shrunk
                       their next big growth opportu-                               from more than 7,500 at the beginning
                A nities, one thing seems certain:                                  of 2000, to less than 5,000 at the end
                They will have to look beyond public                                of 2020, according to a University of
                equities to find them. Increasingly, com-                           Florida study.
                panies are delaying going public, with                                For decades, access to private com-
                much of their growth — and returns —                                panies has been largely limited to
                occurring in private markets.                                       institutional and ultra-high-net-worth
                  The upshot? Private markets increas-                              investors. That is quickly changing.
                ingly are becoming accessible to advi-                              Sensing that Main Street is being left
                sors and their clients.                                             behind from the growing private mar-
                  There is good reason for advisors to                              ket, there has actually been a regulatory
                consider them. Over the last three years,                           push to give them access.
                private equity generated a 33% premium   Each  of  these  factors  plays  a role  in   The industry has responded in kind.
                over public equities as of Sept. 30, 2020,   keeping companies private longer. We   In the past few months, several new
                according to Hamilton Lane. Looking   see this in the technology space, where   registered private equity funds have
                farther back, private equity and private   the age, on average, of a new public com-  launched, catering to advisors and their
                credit have each outperformed global   pany has gone from 4.5 years in 1999 to   clients. More are on the way. Individual
                public equity and credit markets respec-  more than 12 years old, according to a   fund details vary, but these strategies,
                tively 19 of the last 20 vintage years.  Skadden 2020 study.        often referred to as “evergreen” funds,
                  Those  return  trends  could  continue,   As more tangible examples, Uber and   solve some of the challenges around
                as a confluence of factors encourage   Airbnb, two of the 10 largest-ever tech   liquidity, large capital commitments and
                firms to stay private longer, experienc-  IPOs, waited 10 and 12 years, respective-  timing delays in funding requirements
                ing much of their nascent, explosive   ly, before going public, long after they   that have traditionally been barriers for
                growth before an IPO. The first factor is   had disrupted the industries in which   wealthy investors.
                control. Staying private always has given   they operate.             From the lens of a high net worth
                executives more direction over their                                investor,  these funds are attractive in
                business and strategy. It also shields the   GROWING OPPORTUNITY SET  that they offer a single-access solution
                company from the volatility that is a nat-  Considering the size and scope of pri-  to gain diversified exposure to the pri-
                ural byproduct of being publicly traded.  vate markets, it’s striking how much   vate markets. What’s more, the mini-
                  The regulatory environment offers   public equity investors may have been   mum investment size may be as low as
                another cautionary flag for going public.   missing. There are roughly 20,000 pri-  $50,000 in some cases.
                Regulations are becoming increasingly   vate companies with annual revenues   This means it should be possible for
                burdensome  and  costly  and  companies   of more than $100 million, compared to   individual  investors  to not only  access
                might want to consider delaying those   just 3,000 public companies, according   the private markets, but be able to do so
              tomertu/  panies time to wait. As of late 2019,   of publicly  listed companies  has been   institutional investors.
                headaches as long as possible.
                                                                                    while building fully diversified private
                                                  to Capital IQ.
                  And plenty of capital has given com-
                                                    For almost two decades, the number
                                                                                    portfolios alongside some of the largest
                                                  in steady decline. While IPOs increased
                                                                                      Advisors  and their  clients  would do
                private equity companies managed $3.4
                                                                                    well to give these strategies a look.
                                                  in  2020  as  some  companies  sought  to
                trillion in investor commitments, up
                more than six-fold from 2000, according
                                                  take advantage of buoyant investor sen-
                to a 2019 Kenan Institute report.
                                                  timent, the number of companies listed
                                                                                    Josh Vail, CAIA, is president, 361 Capital.
                                                                                          APRIL 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 17
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