Page 23 - Investment Advisor April 2021
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wide —  whether  pension  funds, insur-
                ance companies or retirees — face a
                bleak future. He cautioned against own-
                ing risky bonds backed by “shaky bor-
                rowers” paying higher yields.
                  “Three decades ago, the once-mighty
                savings and loan industry destroyed
                itself, partly by ignoring that maxim,”
                he noted.

                    Stock repurchases can enhance
                2  the intrinsic value of shares   needs for additional capital.” Berkshire   project that is expected to be completed
                but not at any price. “American CEOs   Hathaway owns a few such “exceptional   by 2030.
                have an embarrassing record of devot-  businesses,” according to Buffett.  “Billions of dollars needed to be
                ing more company funds to repurchas-                                invested before meaningful revenue
                es when prices have risen than whey   Asset-heavy companies also can   would flow,” wrote Buffett. He expects
                they have tanked,” Buffett wrote. “Our  6  be good investments but they   BHE “will be a leader in delivering ever-
                approach is exactly the reverse.”   can require major capital invest-  cleaner energy” and he’s searching for
                  Berkshire  Hathaway  purchased  the   ments, according to Buffett, whose   similar big projects to take on.
                equivalent of 80,998 shares in 2020,   Berkshire Hathaway owns two such
                spending $24.7 billion, according to   giants — BNSF, a railroad company, and   “Conglomerates have earned
                Buffett.  It also benefited  when  Apple,   BHE (Berkshire Hathaway Energy).   8 their horrible reputation.”
                whose shares it owns, repurchased its   The two companies earned a com-  History shows that many conglom-
                own shares.                       bined $8.3 billion 2020, almost double   erates created by leaders once “lion-
                  Although Berkshire sold some of its   the $.4.2 billion earned in 2011, but both   ized as business geniuses”  …. ”ended
                Apple position in 2020, its stake actually   will require major capital expenditures   up as business junkyards.” Their lead-
                increased from the 5.2% it held in 2019   for decades to come, wrote Buffett.   ers bought whole businesses that were
              BNSF: dbvirago/; Power plant: AlexanderNovikov/
                to 5.4% in 2020 because of April’s repur-  Since  Berkshire  acquired  BNSF  in   mediocre  and  used  promotional,  often
                chases, which shrunk the number of its   2010, it has invested $41 billion in fixed   deceptive techniques that overvalued
                outstanding shares.               assets — $20 billion more than its depre-  their own stocks in order to take over
                                                  ciation charges, but it has earned the   other companies.
                    Ownership of stocks is a “pos-  firm $41.8 billion.
                3  itive-sum game,” but investors                                       Berkshire Hathaway differs
                “must  never forget  that their  expenses   The outdated electric grid cou- 9  from the conglomerate proto-
                are Wall Street’s incomes” and “Wall  7  pled  with  the  advent  of  renew-  type, because it owns some compa-
                Streeters do not work for peanuts.”  able energy creates opportunities,   nies it controls and some it doesn’t;
                                                  but also requires massive investment.  it also deploys capital  into companies
                    “Productive assets such as    rework and expand a  substantial  por-  that Buffett and Munger believe make
                                                    BHE  has  committed  $18  billion  to
                4  farms,  real  estate,  and  business
                                                                                    the most sense based on competitive
    Treasury: Michael A. Scarcella/ALM Media)  an inner calm, ample diversification and   some other companies outright, it has
                                                  tion of the outdated grid that transmits
                                                                                    strengths,  capabilities  and  character  of
                ownership produce wealth.  …  All
                                                  electricity throughout the West in a
                that’s required is the passage of time,
                                                                                    management and price.
                                                                                      While Berkshire owns BNSF, BSE and
                minimization of transitions and fees.”
                                                                                    double-digit stakes in American Express
                    “The best results [in fixed asset
                                                                                    (18.8%), Moody’s Corp. (13.2%) and Bank
                5  ownership] occur at companies
                                                                                    of America (11.9%) and smaller stakes in
                that require minimal  assets  to con-
                                                                                    other companies.
                duct high-margin businesses — and
                offer goods or services that will expand
                                                                                    Bernice Napach can be reached at
                their sales volume with only minor
                                                                                    [email protected].
                                                                                          APRIL 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 21
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