Page 43 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
P. 43

He also could jump up a tax bracket, so   What Advisors Need to Know
                that would need to be considered as well.
                                                  About Social Security and Medicare
                Another danger: IRMAA.
                Once Jerry retires, he’ll start Medicare   s founder and president of   still see an important increase in their
                Parts A and B. Part B comes with a monthly  A Mantell  Retirement  Consulting   benefits overall.
                premium. In 2022, the standard premium   Inc., Marcia Mantell guides advisors   But health care is really expensive.
                is $170.10 per month. But, if Jerry’s income   on  business development, market-  It’s  getting  harder  for  many  to  man-
                is above $182,000 married filing jointly, his   ing,  education  and communication.   age — whether already in Medicare or
                premium will increase due to income-  Mantell  also  is  the  author  of  “What’s   in employer-sponsored  plans or in the
                related monthly adjustment amounts, or   The  Deal  With  Retirement  Planning   ACA Marketplace plans.
                IRMAA. He could pay monthly premiums   For Women?” and also writes a regular
                of $238.10 or $340.20 or more.    column for ThinkAdvisor. In an email,   What would you suggest advisors do
                  Technically, Jerry’s 2022 Part B pre-  Mantell responded to our questions   now or consider doing in the future
                mium will be based on his income from   on retirement and what advisors need   about it?
                two  years  ago.  His  2022  income  will   to know:                Assuming health care costs will only
                impact his 2024 Part B premium. He can                              rise going forward, it’s simply critical
                file an appeal each year until his lower   Investment Advisor: What market   for people to plan for hefty increas-
                retirement income catches up with Part   indicator, industry statistic, regulatory   es. Advisors can provide important
                B  premium  determinations.  But,  based   change or advisor trend are you watching   information  about the rising costs  in
                on his entire financial picture, his pre-  most closely right now and why?  their local area. And, they can strongly
                mium may or may not get reduced.  Marcia Mantell: In general, I watch   encourage clients to use to
                                                  both consumer confidence (Conference   check their own personal costs.
                Also, the six-month retroactive   Board) data and various Small Business   Clients can (and should) enter their
                payment lowers the survivor benefit.  Trends (NFIB Research Center). These   own prescription drugs and get real
                Probably the most consequential result   give me a broad view of what’s happen-  costs. Plus, clients can shop for Medigap
                of taking the lump-sum payment is that   ing in the hearts and minds of consum-  plans or Medicare Advantage plans and
                Jerry’s wife will receive a smaller survi-  ers and communities.    get ahead of Medicare’s sticker shock
                vor benefit if she becomes a widow.  Also, each Q3 I await Social Security’s   that comes at age 65.
                  Waiting six months to claim yields a   COLA  [cost-of-living  adjustment]
                4% increase for DRCs. His initial benefit   announcement and the corresponding   Who or what critical source of
                of $3,000 per month at FRA increases   Medicare Part B premium increase. I   information do you track, or follow online,
                to $3,120. If he dies 20 years later, his   first  look  at  the  implication  to  current   to keep up with this or other trends?
                benefit would be approximately $4,545   retirees. Then,  I can help  pre-retirees’s  “Find  Plans”  tool  is
                (assuming a straight-line COLA of 2%).   prepare better for the high cost of health   probably my favorite tool. It is updated
                But, if he chooses the lump-sum retroac-  care in retirement. The more individuals   in October every year, so you can see the
                tive payment, his approximate monthly   can learn before age 65, the less shocked   next year’s costs and make adjustments
                benefit is $4,370 in 20 years and his wife   they are.              to your retirement income plan.
                would receive $175 less per month.                                    I track the CMS press releases for
                  While the numbers aren’t huge, they   How has this statistic/indicator been   announcements of Medicare premi-
                do  make  a difference  when  clients  are   changing recently (in 2021) and how do   ums. I signed up for Social Security’s
                in their 80s and 90s. Every dollar extra   you expect it to change in 2022?  enewsletters  where  they  announce
                from Social Security helps them off-  Frankly, I was surprised how high the   annual COLAs.
                set their Part B premiums, meet their   Part B standard premium increased,   Another go-to resource for me on
                expenses and stretch their own savings.  jumping from $148.50 in 2021 to   lots of economic data is Bureau of Labor
                  The 6-month retroactive lump sum   $170.10 for 2022. That’s a 15% hike   Statistics. And, for retirement confi-
                may sound like a win, but all the dots   over  2021  and  a  further  reduction  of   dence  it’s  always  EBRI’s  Retirement
                need to be connected first for each indi-  $21.60 out  of retiree’s Social  Security   Confidence Survey. They’ve published it
                vidual client to see where there are hid-  checks. Thankfully, with the strong   for some 30 years — as long as I’ve been
                den consequences.                 COLA of 5.9%, most retirees should   in the retirement industry!

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