Page 46 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
P. 46
Curtis a series of questions that touched
not only on his professional knowledge
but also what he does off the clock.
1. What market indicator, industry
statistic, regulatory change or advisor
trend are you watching most closely
right now and why?
Scott Curtis: Among other market indi-
cators, I pay close attention to short-
and medium-term interest rates and
public and private business valuations.
While not always accurate, they typical-
ly reflect future economic expectations.
2. How have these figures been
changing in 2021 and how do you
expect them to change in 2022?
Valuations continue to increase, albeit
at a slower pace more recently. With 2020. Business-related travel resumed “The Code Breaker” by Walter Isaacson.
multiple points of evidence reflecting a few months ago, with evidence of A very interesting read regarding
inflationary pressures, perhaps in 2022 COVID vaccine and/or negative test Jennifer Doudna, winner of the 2020
interest rates will increase. required for most in-person events. Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for her work
(and other scientists’ work) on the
3. What would you suggest advisors 6. What’s your biggest hobby and what CRISPR system of gene editing.
do now or consider doing in the future was the last event/activity you did It’s a fascinating look into scientific
about them? related to it? advancement and the accompanying
Regarding investments, hopefully I enjoy outdoor activities and thank- ethical questions associated with poten-
advisors are already adhering to the fully, in the Tampa Bay area, COVID tially modifying the codes of life.
time-tested benefits of appropriately didn’t disrupt getting outdoors for
diversifying clients’ holdings and lower- running, swimming, boating, fishing 9. Any special holiday plan, activity
ing fixed income durations. or playing golf. I went for a run last or focus you’d like to share as we near
It’s not a new idea but the expected night and appreciated Tampa’s beautiful year-end? Or a New Year’s resolution
rise in interest rates provides a good December weather. that you’ve decided on?
opportunity to convert clients’ floating My holiday plans focus on enjoying time
rate debt to fixed. 7. How about your latest community/ with family and friends. For most in our
charitable activity/event/cause? business, we’ve been very fortunate dur-
4. Who or what critical source of The Chi Chi Rodriguez Academy ing the past year, while many others in
information do you track or follow online Foundation hosted an annual golf our communities have struggled.
to keep up with this or other trends? scramble and gala fundraising Year-end is a wonderful time to
I rely on multiple sources, more of a event [in late 2021], followed by the reflect, express gratitude and apprecia-
patchwork, including Raymond James American Heart Association’s Heart tion, and provide support to those in our
research, CNBC, Apple News and Walk, and Raymond James’ annual communities who are less fortunate and
Barron’s (on the weekend). United Way fundraising effort just need assistance, in whatever form.
kicked off with a visit by a few Tampa
5. Are you changing any of your work Bay Buccaneers representatives and 10. Is there any other update or piece of
habits at this stage of the pandemic? the Lombardi trophy. advice you’d like to share with advisors?
Other than less travel, my work habits Take time during the holiday break to
largely remained the same as I’ve been 8. What book are you reading now learn something new — work-related or
working from the office since October and why? completely unrelated.