Page 40 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
P. 40

the best investment a firm can make
                in growth is adding to the  capacity to
                grow. Advisory firms make clients happy
                and keep them by ensuring that there’s
                plenty of service capacity.
                  It’s tempting to hire more support
                people in the hopes of solving capacity
                problems;  they’re  cheaper  than  advi-
                sors, after all. But experience has taught
                us that, while they can help a bit with
                the capacity gap if they’re used properly,
                they can’t close it. Once you’re clear on
                your firm’s target ratio of advisors to
                clients, it’s time to do some organizing.
                                                      [Today] when clients contact an advisor
                2. CLEAN YOUR CLOSET.
                Imagine you have a messy closet: Every   with a question or concern, they expect a
                time you’re not sure where to put some-
                thing, it goes in the closet. You keep  response in an hour or two. Advisors who are
                filling that closet with more and more   tasked with serving 250-plus clients, which
                random objects every year. When you’re
                looking for that odd something or other,   is common in the industry, simply won’t be
                you search the closet, but of course it’s
                in such disarray that to find anything,   able to meet these new expectations.
                you  have  to  take  everything  out,  and
                then put it all back in.          firm  to add a  substantial amount of   advisors have the bandwidth to do the
                  The chaotic closet is, unfortunately, a   growth. And you will have created a   work that really impresses their clients,
                good analogy for financial advice firms’   good foundation to which you can add   referrals tick up. As clients join the
                organizational  structures  —  how  they   advisors when the need arises.  firm, advisors are hired to keep the firm
                divide responsibilities among their peo-                            in the client/advisor ratio sweet spot.
                ple. A well-organized business is like a   3. READY, AIM, HIRE.     Then, if firms want to ratchet up growth
                well-organized closet: When you need   As your firm grows and adds clients, it’s   even more, they can look at layering on
                something, you can open the proverbial   important to make objective, clear-eyed   marketing programs.
                door and grab it quickly, without wast-  decisions about hiring. Many firms fall   Unfortunately, most firms seeking
                ing productive potential.         into  the  trap  of  adding  advisors  based   organic growth start with what should
                  Firms that assign new responsibilities   on temporary capacity constraints.   be the final step — beefing up mar-
                to different advisors willy-nilly quickly   Advisory firms go through workload   keting. If marketing yields new clients,
                lose a realistic understanding of their   cycles; tax season and the end of the   they are assigned to existing advisors,
                capacity to serve clients. When new cli-  year are usually busier than, say, the   who become overwhelmed and leave the
                ents come in the door, these firms don’t   summer months.           firm. Firms react by hiring advisors in a
                know where to put them, so they become   During those peak-load periods, firm   game of catch-up.
                another object thrown into the closet.  leaders can feel overwhelmed, advi-  In the course of my consulting career,
                  Many firms layer on marketing or add   sors may complain of overwork, and   I’ve found that the top reason firms stop
                advisors  without  creating  a  sustainable   on an intuitive level it will feel right   growing organically is because their lead-
                organizational structure that can accom-  to bring more advisors aboard. But the   ers fear the firm won’t be able to accom-
                modate  the  entire  growth  curve  of  the   best gauge of when to hire is related   modate the growth. The answer is simple:
                business. They end up with the business   to internal benchmarks, such as your   Hire more advisors. The work needed to
                version  of  a cluttered  closet,  and  their   firm’s advisor-to-client ratio or advisor-  get to that point can be substantial, but it
                growth and profitability suffer as a result.  to-revenue ratio.     will pay off in the long term.
                  So  to  maximize organic  growth,   Once firms get a good handle on their
                understand your capacity requirements   capacity benchmarks, do the organizing   Angie Herbers is an independent consultant to
                and make sure responsibilities are well   work  and position themselves to  hire   the advisory industry. She can be reached at   Adobe Stock
                organized. That alone will allow your   wisely, growth picks up naturally. When   [email protected].

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