Page 39 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
P. 39


                                                          By Angie Herbers

                3 Tips for Chasing Organic Growth

                Most of our clients ask about how to grow without adding marketing,
                hiring rainmakers or looking at M&A possibilities.

                                                         re you wondering where your   rush out and hire five advisors. Instead,
                                                         firm’s next leg of growth will   it’s imperative to lay the proper ground-
                                                  A come from? Leaders often look   work. Here are some tips:
                                                  outside their business for the answer —
                                                  typically, they’ll gravitate toward adding   1. UNDERSTAND YOUR CAPACITY
                                                  marketing services, hiring stars, rain-  REQUIREMENTS.
                                                  making advisors, or exploring mergers   A major mistake that most firms make
                                                  and acquisitions.                 is failing to ensure they have enough
                                                    But the fact is that most firms already   capacity within their advisor teams to
                                                  have what they need to meaningful-  enable sustainable growth. The recur-
                                                  ly improve their growth. Rather than   ring revenue model makes it easy to con-
                                                  searching for external silver bullets,   tinually assign new clients to an advisor
                                                  firm leaders could choose a path that   without stopping to think through how
                                                  may be more labor-intensive but often   many clients each advisor can effec-
                                                  far more effective. The key is remember-  tively serve.
                           There’s a huge         ing that the field is people-centered.  that firms can use to determine the opti-
                                                                                      There  is  no  one-size-fits-all  formula
                                                    Organic growth doesn’t get the kind
                     amount of interest           of headlines dedicated to non-organic   mal ratio of advisors to clients, simply
                      in organic growth           growth in industry publications, and   because each firm’s service model is dif-
                                                                                    ferent. It’s up to each business to figure
                                                  probably never will. But the most com-
                           among wealth           mon question that advisor firms ask my   out the right ratio — as well as maintain
                            management            consultancy is not “How can we sell or   that ratio by hiring more advisors at the
                                                  buy?” but “How can we really get grow-
                                                                                    right time. The No. 1 killer of organic
                       firms. Those who           ing organically?”                 growth is employing too few advisors
                                                    There’s a huge amount of interest in
                                                                                    to properly serve the growth in clients,
                     have figured it out          organic growth among wealth manage-  which means hiring too late.
                                                                                      And these days, the definition of good
                      are the same ones           ment  firms.  Those  who  have  figured  it   service has changed. When clients con-
                                                  out are the same ones being deluged
                     being deluged with           with acquisition offers.          tact an advisor with a question or con-
                                                    Often,  firm  leaders  assume  market-
                      acquisition offers.         ing is the way to take growth to the   cern, they expect a response in an hour
                                                                                    or two. Advisors who are tasked with
                                                  next level, for example: “We provide a   serving 250-plus clients, which is com-
                                                  great set of services, and we just need to   mon  in  the  industry,  simply  won’t  be
                                                  broadcast that to the world!” That line   able to meet these new expectations.
                                                  of reasoning is understandable.     A lack of service capacity can make
                                                    But  our  firm’s  two  decades  of  expe-  clients sour on the firm, and it certainly
                                                  rience has taught us that growth is all   makes them think twice about recom-
                                                  about an advisory’s people. Financial   mending it to others. The inverse is also
                                                  advice is a service-based business, and   true: Clients who sense that their advi-
                                                  the more advisors you have, the more   sor is really taking the time to care for
                                                  opportunity you have to serve clients   them are likely to become great advo-
                                                  and spread your brand message.    cates for the business.
                                                    But that doesn’t mean you should   That’s why I’ve long argued that

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