State Regulation

Get the latest news and insights on the Securities and Exchange Commission's' financial regulations, enforcement actions and related activities.

What Has Vermont's Civil Union Law Changed?

July 05, 2001

What Has Vermont's Civil Union Law Changed?
New York Certifies HAYES As External Review Organization

June 28, 2001

New York Certifies HAYES As External Review Organization
CARFRA Gets Its First Product Filing

June 28, 2001

CARFRA Gets Its First Product Filing
Industry Searching For Best Path To Market Conduct Exam Efficiency

June 28, 2001

Industry Searching For Best Path To Market Conduct Exam Efficiency
Regulators Scrap Over Draft Suitability Model

June 21, 2001

Regulators Scrap Over Draft Suitability Model
Capitol Insights: Some Thoughts On Recent Happenings

June 10, 2001

Capitol Insights: Some Thoughts On Recent Happenings
Commissioners Speak To The Issues

June 03, 2001

Commissioners Speak To The Issues