Page 22 - Investment Advisor - December 2021
P. 22


                By Mark Elzweig

                7 Tips on Growing Your Business From

                Top Sales Coaches

                Three experts share fresh perspectives on marketing, networking and

                keeping yourself on track.

                       ow can I grow my business?
                       That’s long been a top-of-mind
                Hconcern of most advisors.
                  To get some fresh perspectives on
                how you can best expand your busi-
                ness in a changing world today, I spoke
                with three of the industry’s leading sales
                coaches. Here’s what I learned.

                Maribeth Kuzmeski of Red Zone
                Marketing  says  the  best  advisors  are
                getting referrals without having to ask
                for them. Advisors need to review their
                service model and ask how they can
                improve the client experience, adds
                Kuzmeski, who has a doctorate in busi-
                ness administration and has written
                seven books.
                  Do you proactively reach out to cli-
                ents, especially when the market drops?
                Do you pleasantly surprise clients with
                timely emails or phone calls to show you
                really care?
                  Many advisors are uncomfortable   golfer? Do you have your pilot’s license?   to Silver. He once coached a well-heeled
                with asking clients for referrals directly.   How about your family situation? Do   advisor who told him, “I work with
                Asking if they know anyone who might   you have a special-needs child, for   people who are simply really rich and
                need a second opinion on their portfolio   instance, or are you caring for an elderly   really nice.”
                is a softer approach.             parent? These are just a few of many
                                                  situations that might be helpful to you   3. USE A MULTI-PRONGED APPROACH
                2. WHO’S YOUR TARGET MARKET?      when pursuing a niche.            TO ATTAIN YOUR GOALS.
                Michael Silver, senior managing direc-  Ask this question: Is there an under-  Yogi  Berra  once  quipped,  “If  you  don’t
                tor  of  the  advisor  coaching  firm  Focus   served market that you can pursue?  know  where  you  are  going,  you  might
                Partners, recommends that you examine   If you’ve identified a new market,   wind up someplace else.” That said, it’s
                your current clientele. If you have lots of   you’ll need to spend time researching   essential to write an annual business
                doctors or business owners, for exam-  and learning about it before launch-  and marketing plan that contains spe-
                ple, focus on those niches where you   ing your marketing campaign. Also, give   cific, quantifiable goals and action steps,  Benedetto Cristofani/
                already had success with clients whose   yourself time to establish a reputation in   Silver points out.
                needs you really understand.      that space.                         Suppose your goal is to raise an addi-
                  Also consider your own affinities,   Advisors don’t necessarily have to   tional $50 million in assets under man-
                interests and experiences. Are you a   have a niche to be successful, according   agement in the next year. You’ll need

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