Page 19 - Investment Advisor - December 2021
P. 19


                By Josh Vail

                2 Ways to Remove the Alternatives’

                Mystique for Clients

                Dialogue broaching these products shouldn’t be intimidating. Here’s how.

                      he new year provides a natu-                                  the  portfolio. Framing the purpose also
                      ral opportunity for advisors to                               helps make sense of the strategies.
                Treview portfolios with clients and                                   The first category — return enhanc-
                discuss whether to add anything new to                              ers — is easiest  to conceptualize. If
                the allocation. For financial professionals,                        an  advisor  and  client  believe  they  can
                these conversations come naturally.                                 get excess return from private equity,
                  But for the end clients who seldomly                              opportunistic long/short, or concentrat-
                look at their portfolio and aren’t steeped                          ed thematic investments, they may want
                in the markets, talk of change can be                               to consider the opportunity.
                intimidating.  This  is  particularly  true                           The diversifier category includes alter-
                when it comes to alternative invest-                                natives with little correlation to equities.
                ments. And honestly, the industry hasn’t                            A few strategies that fall into this category
                exactly made itself inviting.                                       include managed futures, market neu-
                  A negative headline about a sensa-  taking place in a private market. Private   tral and multicurrency funds. Their role
                tional hedge fund manager is sometimes   debt, meanwhile, simply means lending   should not be understated. Most asset
                the only thing the average investor might   to a private business. And gold, like cash,   classes are highly correlated to stocks,
                hear about the asset class. And whoever   is seen as a store of value. Derivatives,   which has big implications during a down-
                authored the names of most strategies —   meanwhile, are instruments that’s value is   turn. For perspective: an equally weighted
                long/short, event-driven, merger arbi-  tied to one of these three assets.   portfolio of two assets with like volatilities
                trage — clearly wasn’t a marketer.   The second camp of alternative strat-  and a correlation of 0.7 would still exhibit
                  But dialogue with clients about alter-  egies — those that manage assets in a   92% of the volatility of either asset in iso-
                natives doesn’t have to be confusing.   unique way to create a unique return   lation. Strategies in this category seek to
                In our own client conversations, we’ve   stream — are often more intimidating.   bring that portfolio volatility down.
                found two ways to remove the mystique:  This is a function of nomenclature. Take   The third category — risk reducers —
                                                  the event-driven fund as an example.   reduce portfolio risk, but don’t overly
                GET TO THE CORE: WHAT DO          The name may sound perplexing, but   sacrifice  returns.  The objective is dif-
                ALTERNATIVES REALLY INVEST IN?    the strategy typically is just buying and   ferent from diversifiers. In short, these
                Alternative  strategies  fall  into  two   selling stocks. It is just uniquely focus-  strategies hold up during equity mar-
                camps — those that invest in assets that   ing on the opportunities that arise from   ket downturns, but typically outperform
                are harder for individuals to gain access   a corporate event such as a bankruptcy,   more  traditional  downside  risk  miti-
                to (think real estate, private equity and   merger or restructuring.   gators over longer horizons. Examples
                private debt) and those that manage   Breaking assets and strategies down   include long/short equity, long/short
                assets in a unique way to create a unique   to the essence of what they are is one   credit and non-traditional bond funds.
                return stream.                    way to make alternatives approachable.   By explaining a strategy’s role and
                  For the former camp, these assets —   Another is to categorize the alternatives   the basics of its underlying investments,
                while harder to access — are not so differ-  by their basic function.  advisors remove the shroud of com-
                ent from traditional assets. The investor                           plexity surrounding alternatives. Clients
                still is doing one of just three things: own-  EXPLAINING PURPOSE MAKES   may, or may not, decide the strategy is
                ing, lending or exchanging a currency.   ALTERNATIVES LESS PERPLEXING  right for them. But they won’t balk at the
                  With real estate, for example, the inves-  While there are many alternative   initial conversation.
              Adobe Stock  asset. With private equity, they are buying   cally play one of three roles: Enhancing   Josh Vail, CAIA, is managing director of
                                                  strategies to choose from, they typi-
                tor is taking an ownership stake in the real
                                                  return,  reducing  risk  or  diversifying
                an equity stake in a company … it is just
                                                                                    Hamilton Lane.

                                                                                      DECEMBER 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 17
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