Page 25 - Investment Advisor - December 2021
P. 25

Kentucky. How did you get interested   nature. Crypto is trying to calibrate and   Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s
                in investing?                     figure itself out. There’s a lot of noise   a right answer for them. It probably
                My father, who worked at General   because of the Dogecoin and Shiba   would make sense to raise rates con-
                Electric, traded options for himself on   Inu [etc.]. But underneath the surface,   sidering the frothiness that we see
                the side. He said to me, “This would   they’re really rethinking about how cre-  in capital markets. But it’s a really
                be an interesting way for you to learn   ators get paid and the future of work.   tough situation.
                about money.” It was: How do you   So there’s a lot of innovation bubbling
                build a better future for yourself? Well,   underneath the rather bubbly surface.  You’ve written that your “life thesis” is:
                money is a big part of that. So I figured                           “How do we create financial accessibil-
                if I understood money, that would be a   What turns you on about monetary   ity and equality for everybody?” What
                really good path.                 policy? It’s one of your big interests.  ideas do you have?
                                                  We often underrate how important it is   It’s a hard problem to solve: How do
                Why did you stay at Capital Group/  in our day-to-day. A lot of aftershocks   we get more people either invested in
                American Funds less than two years?  came from the monetary stimulus the Fed   the market or access to equal oppor-
                It’s a great company, but I wanted                                       tunity to do so. That’s going to
                to build something, and I couldn’t   ‘We often underrate how             come through adding things —
                do it there. So I left.                                                  like adding people into accounts,
                                                 important [the Fed] is                  adding different opportunities
                What do you want to build?                                               for them to gauge the market —
                A financial education platform.   in our day-to-day. …                   and also reducing barriers. That
                I don’t know what it will end up                                         comes from a policy level.
                looking like, but it’s a financial   It’s really important for
                playground, of sorts, where peo-  people to break down                   What should investors be most
                ple can interact with stuff. They                                        concerned about at present
                can play with the content and    what’s happening at a                   regarding the market and the
                different ideas. I’m still building                                      economy?
                it — so I don’t want to give too   policy level because policy           There’s a lot of frothiness across
                much away!                                                               the board. There are a lot of
                                              ultimately shapes a lot of                 supply chain worries, as I men-
                Do you still trade options?                                              tioned. For companies that are
                No. I had to stop trading when I         livelihoods.’                   exposed to that, it could be pain-
                went to work for Capital Group. I                                        ful for the next few months. But,
                picked it up again, but [creating] content   [provided] during the pandemic. It’s really   then, on the other side of that, there
                takes up a lot of my time. Unfortunately,   important for people to break down what’s   could be a supply glut; and that could
                I can only do one or the other. But I own   happening at a policy level because policy   lead to saturation in the market.
                companies, and I own crypto. So I’m still   ultimately shapes a lot of livelihoods.
                in the market, just not as active.                                  Given the long bull market, people have
                                                  How do you rate the way the Fed is han-  said for a while that we’re overdue for a
                Do you have a financial advisor?  dling its job at the moment?      correction. Your thoughts?
                No.                               They’re in a really tough spot. They   The world is evolving: You have this
                                                  have a dual mandate: to manage prices   continued divergence of digital and
                As a do-it-yourselfer, I guess you feel   and also to manage employment. We’re,   physical reality, and the digital world is
                you don’t need an FA, right?      hopefully, on the other side of a massive   taking off at a much faster clip than the
                They’re not interested in me either. Not   pandemic. But they can’t really raise   physical world. There’s going to have to
                enough money.                     interest rates because the market is built   be a correction because I don’t think the
                                                  on a pretty shaky foundation right now.   market can  maintain that bubbliness.
                Why do you like crypto?           If they raise rates, it’s going to cause   Once people get spooked out of the mar-
                It’s  a bullish bet on  humanity;  I really   a cascading effect of dominoes falling   ket — because they’re scared — that’s
                like things that are bullish  on human   across the board.          when we’ll see a correction.

                                                                                      DECEMBER 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 23
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