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Executive Leadership

                 alternative investment field. The firm says it boosted assets by   The firm’s Solution Marketplace has been used by over
                 $45 billion last year via organic growth and has some 10,000   250 organizations “in their efforts to listen and adapt to the
                 network users who are financial advisors.          needs of their employees and those they serve, while aligning
                                                                    digital transformation initiatives with overall business growth
                                         IncomeConductor            and efficiency goals,” the firm said. It currently has 125-plus
                                         (WealthConductor LLC)      solution templates, which encompass back-office operations,
                 IncomeConductor says it has “continued to innovate in   human resources, information technology and other industry-
                 response to the changing needs of the retirement market.” In   specific needs.
                 2022,  it  launched  Health+  in  partnership  with  HealthView
                 Services to address rising healthcare expenses and the risk                LPL Financial
                 that retirees may run out of savings before they die.                      To  help  its  advisors  work
                   Health+  gives  advisors “a comprehensive  retirement  data   effectively  as  business  owners,  LPL’s  Business  Strategy
                 set, which now includes customized longevity projections   Services unit gives them access to “a skilled business strate-
                 based on a client’s health profile, projected healthcare expens-  gist to deliver personalized, executive insights,” so advisors
                 es  including  both  Medicare  and  out  of  pocket,  and  Social   run their businesses more efficiently and profitably, the firm
                 Security claiming and optimization strategies to ensure that   says. The strategists serve as business coaches and CFOs,
                 all facets of retirement are … integrated into a financial plan.”   “becoming an extension of the advisor’s team and contribut-
                 As a result, advisors can quickly see the impact this informa-  ing to real results.”
                 tion has on their clients’ plans, build more reliable custom-  The firm also works to “help advisors identify and imple-
                 ized income plans and improve clients’ “understanding of   ment  cost-savings  and  revenue-generating  opportunities;
                 and confidence in achieving a financially secure and happy   understand key drivers to maximize their business valuation;
                 retirement,” it adds.                              and ensure meaningful progress in the pursuit of achieving
                                                                    business objectives,” it explained. Staff involved have expe-
                                                 rience as CFAs, CFPs, CPAs, Certified Valuation Analysts,
                                      The firm focuses on innovation in   Certified Treasury Professionals, corporate finance leaders
                                      the wealthtech space through its   and small-business owners.
                 work as software as a service and as a technology consulting
                 firm for enterprise organizations and large RIAs. It aims to             Merit Financial Advisors
                 help firms keep up with the rapid pace of technological change           The firm says it closed five trans-
                 and does so by facilitating upgrades to advisor technology               actions that resulted in $1.3 billion
                 stacks — and open architecture platforms — that feature a uni-  in new assets and grew the number of staff by 45% last year.
                 fied display of solutions made by their own development teams   This growth strategy is tied to a partnership with Wealth
                 and different vendors.                             Partners Capital Group, a “hub and spokes” business model, a
                   Its  newest  initiative  is  iDEaaS,  or  Integrated  Digital   B2B marketing plan that includes speaking engagements and
                 Ecosystem as  a Service,  which allows for  “the  integration   events, social media, thought leadership and content market-
                 of B2B practices, enterprise applications and data within   ing for financial advisors.
                 the ecosystem,” so organizations can control both new and   To date, Merit has completed 14 transactions. Last year, it
                 old technologies while building automated processes around   added $10.3 million in annualized revenue, a 30% increase
                 them. Its iDEaaS offering facilitates advisors’ and firms’ digital   from the prior year, and increased its profit margin by 35%. It
                 transformation of legacy proprietary applications, antiquated   also expanded into market niches such as those that include
                 integrations and complex business process through a cloud-  widows, divorcees and corporate executives in specific busi-
                 native platform and user interface/user experience, micro   ness segments. To increase the number of female employees,
                 frontend framework, its says.                      the firm built a leadership training program, revised its com-
                                                                    pensation plans and added flexible working hours; today, 57%
                                       Laserfiche                   of Merit employees are women.
                                       Laserfiche  provides  content
                 management and business process automation for firms                       MyVest
                 in wealth management, banking and insurance — includ-                      The firm has worked to address
                 ing workflows, electronic forms, document management   a common challenge with discretionary portfolio management
                 and analytics. Today, the firm says its “cloud-first devel-  programs (also known as “rep as PM”) for advisors who want
                 opment  approach  incorporates  innovations  in  machine   more flexibility and autonomy when customizing portfolios
                 learning and AI to enable organizations … to transform   and for firms concerned with oversight and efficiency. Such
                 into digital businesses.”                          efforts entail risks like security concentrations, portfolio drift,

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