Page 22 - Investment Advisor November 2022
P. 22
Community Impact
impact was $5.6 million in 2021; its contributions to nonprofits Bob Swift
have totaled more than $75 million since 2007; and the number With 3rd Decade, TCI Wealth Advisors CEO Bob
of students who have received financial education through the Swift has worked to empower young adults through
foundation recently topped 10 million. Under Robinson’s lead- financial planning education and to positively influ-
ership, the level of engagement in Jackson’s volunteerism pro- ence their relationship with money through an eas-
gram stands at about 30% of its workforce. She also led efforts ily replicable program. A few years after 3rd Decade was launched in
to support construction of an expanded Greater Lansing Food Southern Arizona, it expanded to communities in other parts of the
Bank in Michigan, which should double the food bank’s distri- state, as well as to Nevada and Colorado. In 2021, Dimensional Fund
bution of food to 18 million meals a year by 2025. Advisors became a founding partner of 3rd Decade, and the program
grew to include parts of California, North Carolina and Texas. It
Nicole B. Simpson, CFP recently opened its doors to students nationwide for in-person and
Harvest Wealth Financial’s Nicole B. Simpson, virtual classes. During the course of the two-year program the average
CFP, has led the Generation X Community increase of net worth for students is over $50,000, 3rd Decade says.
Association since its inception in November
2001 to assist “marginalized and oppressed Paul Wetmore
communities during their moments of need without stripping A managing director and wealth management
them of their dignity,” according to the association. She also advisor with Merrill, Paul Wetmore volunteers
set up the Dare 2 Dream Institute to create a learning institu- as board chair of the Al Wooten Jr. Youth
tion that teaches and trains individuals in marginalized com- Center in Los Angeles, which provides ongoing
munities to become financially free. Its two pilot programs are after-school tutoring and college preparation to 400 inner-city
Financially Fit Bootcamp and You are a Business Internship, children. He developed a pilot program to bring children to a
which targets formerly incarcerated male and female entre- Merrill office for a one-on-one tutoring program, which was
preneurs and recently received a grant from the New Jersey held online during the pandemic. The center continues to
Department of Corrections. expand the program to three other physical sites and online.
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