Page 48 - Investment Advisor October 2022
P. 48


                 By Caleb Brown

                 A New Way to Train Next-Gen Financial Planners

                 Hiring students to provide data entry services gives them valuable
                 experience and eases the burden on experienced advisors.

                       he financial planning profession                                The  planners  will  work virtually  on
                       has changed substantially since                               their own schedule (after the initial
                 TI joined almost 20 years ago.                                      training) and must commit to at least 10
                 While these changes have been mostly                                hours per week. We will provide access
                 for the better, we are still struggling                             to the various software programs in a
                 with the hiring and training of new                                 secure computing environment.
                 financial planners. I see it every day as
                 CEO of New Planner Recruiting, each                                 FIRM OWNERS
                 semester as an adjunct faculty member                                 •  Be able to leverage your internal team
                 at the University of Georgia’s financial                               by outsourcing data entry and initial
                 planning program, and as a certified   and data migration services to indepen-  review work, leaving  your  team  to
                 financial planner with a local RIA.  dent planning firms.              higher-value activities without hav-
                   Many  of  the  smaller  independent   We have experienced planners profi-  ing to hire a full-time employee.
                 RIAs don’t have the infrastructure,   cient in each of the most popular finan-  •  Give back to the profession by
                 desire or bandwidth to train their new   cial planning software programs. These   allowing new planners to experi-
                 hires. Instead, they have been forced to   experienced planners are teaching the   ence what the planning role entails.
                 hire more experienced planners away   hired students how to understand the   Firm owners who want to outsource
                 from large financial service institutions   information they are receiving, enter the   some or all of their financial planning can
                 after those institutions have trained new   data points into the software, identify   utilize our services for data entry or data
                 planners out of CFP programs. This can   any information gaps, and provide a list   migration to streamline their business.
                 work, but it hardly moves the needle if   of basic red flags/opportunities for the   If we can increase the number of new
                 we are going to continue to grow the   advisor  to  consider  as  they  create  the   planners who have deep data input and
                 independent advice channel to keep up   plan for their client.      software skills as well as a foundational
                 with demand.                        Our intention is to simultaneously   planning understanding, our hope is that
                   I have seen so many bright new plan-  help new financial planners entering the   independent firms will hire more freely,
                 ners flock to these large firms because   profession, financial planning firm own-  allowing them to serve more clients.
                 they will hire without prior experience   ers, and the public as a whole through   We estimate that each new planner
                 and may provide new planners with   increased access to knowledgeable finan-  trained will help at least 50 more house-
                 their best shot at being trained — only to   cial advice. Here is how we think we can   holds  seeking  financial  planning  ser-
                 find out after a few years that they are   create a win-win for everyone involved.  vices. This is an exponential benefit and
                 not being taught true financial planning,                           something that will continue moving
                 at least from an independent standpoint.  NEW PLANNERS              the profession forward. We realize there
                   Frustrated that these planners quick-  •  Earn an hourly rate as contractors.  are outsourced data entry businesses
                 ly become disenchanted with our pro-  •  Receive hours toward the CFP   already in operation. We feel, however,
                 fession, and seeing a good number settle   experience requirement.  that this builds a great long-term solu-
                 for less-than-ideal situations or leave the   •  Possibly receive internship/experi-  tion to bridge the gap between inexpe-
                 profession altogether, some colleagues   ential learning course credits from   rienced planners and firms looking to
                 and I think there has to be a better way.   their college.          hire. Check out our website (www.plan-
                   Sue Chesney, Carrie Jones and I have   •  Learn multiple financial planning
                 started a new venture called Planning   programs.
                 Zoo, where we are hiring students pur-  •  And most important, learn and   Caleb Brown is co-founder and CEO of New
                 suing their CFP education to provide   understand how financial planning   Planner Recruiting. His podcast is at new-  Adobe Stock
                 outsourced financial planning data entry   is done!       

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