Page 46 - Investment Advisor October 2022
P. 46


                 By Jeff Berman

                 UBS-Wealthfront Deal Has Been Canceled

                 The $1.4 billion deal was “doomed from the get-go,” Nexus Strategy CEO
                 Tim Welsh says.

                       he decision by UBS Group AG                                   wirehouses) before UBS agreed to buy
                       and Wealthfront to terminate                                  them,” he wrote. “And while the head-
                 Tthe planned acquisition of the                                     lines proclaimed they paid $1.4 billion,
                 robo-advisor by the bank, announced                                 it was actually only $700 million in cash
                 Sept. 2, came  as little surprise to at least                       with another $700 million in incentives
                 some tech and financial services indus-                             only if revenue objectives were met.”
                 try experts. Some of them had ques-                                   That, however, still meant “UBS was
                 tioned the logic of the $1.4 billion deal                           paying around 10X revenue, which is
                 after it was announced in January.                                  NUTS considering that SoFi paid 10X
                   Although the deal was scrapped, UBS                               for Galileo, Stripe’s last funding round
                 will buy a $69.7 million note that is con-                          was  at  10X  and  Intuit  snagged  Credit
                 vertible  into  Wealthfront  shares.  “UBS                          Karma for only 7X,” Iskowitz noted.
                 remains committed to its growth plans   He explained: “When you acquire or   Additionally, “Wealthfront has no dif-
                 in the U.S. and will continue the build-  take a majority stake in a business at a   ferentiating technology, no special sauce
                 out of its digital wealth management   certain valuation, you own that stake   or moat protecting their revenue (except
                 offering,” it said in a statement.  outright [and] it’s the purest, most accu-  inertia) and only 400K clients, which is
                   “This deal was  doomed  from  the   rate form of valuation there is.”  a drop in the bucket for B2C providers,”
                 get-go,” Tim Welsh, CEO, founder    Before the deal was announced,   Iskowitz said, pointing out mobile apps
                 and president of wealth management   “somebody at UBS built a model that   such  as Acorns,  Stash and MoneyLion
                 consulting firm Nexus Strategy, said.   said they could generate growth in cash   had over 4 million clients each.
                 “This was always an odd deal,” Welsh   flows >$1.4B over time by owning that   Andy Rachleff, Wealthfront executive
                 added, noting it “seemed to be a forced   asset,” he tweeted, noting: “UBS  truly   chairman (and previously its CEO and
                 sale” without “any real strategy or long   thought the asset was worth that much   president), had been pivoting “like crazy
                 term synergies.”                  back then.”                       to try to reach scale including high-inter-
                   “Basically,  the  two  companies  were   But times have changed. “We may   est saving accounts, retail banking and
                 diametrically opposed, so [it’s] not a sur-  never know what happened or what   cryptocurrency [but] none of these got
                 prise it didn’t get consummated,” Welsh   leverage UBS had to get out of the deal,   much traction,” according to Iskowitz.
                 said. “Also, the deal was at the peak of   but now they do not believe the asset is   Meanwhile, “Rachleff was trash-
                 the market, so UBS was dealing with   worth $1.4B,” Klein said. He still, howev-  ing the banking industry, saying that
                 buyers’ remorse and the ultimate under-  er, wondered why UBS is investing $70   they were going to lose 50 million cus-
                 standing that they way overpaid.”  million at the same $1.4 billion valuation.  tomers over the next decade, which
                                                     Craig  Iskowitz,  CEO  and founder of   Wealthfront was targeting,” Iskowitz
                 BUYING A BUSINESS VS. INVESTING   Ezra Group, called Klein’s analysis of   said. “Then he up and sells his company
                 IN A BUSINESS                     the UBS-Wealthfront breakup “spot on,”   to one of the biggest banks in the world.
                 The  collapse  of  the  deal  “speaks  vol-  tweeting in response: “Bailing on a $1.4B   The promise of a big payday can make
                 umes about something many people   purchase for just $70mm in convertible   people  do  or  say  almost  anything,  no
                 don’t understand — the difference   notes is the deal of the century” for UBS.     matter how crazy.”
                 between buying a business vs. invest-  “There were early signs this wasn’t a   Iskowitz added: “Now that this deal
                 ing in a business at a certain valuation,”     great deal,” Iskowitz said in a LinkedIn   has been thrown on the dung heap
                 Aaron Klein, CEO and co-founder of   post on Sept. 5.               of fintech history, hopefully someone
                 fintech firm Riskalyze, said in a tweet   For example, “Wealthfront had been   involved will spill the beans on exactly
                 on Sept. 5. “Why would UBS be willing   shopped  to  a  number  of  other  poten-  what went on behind the scenes. It’s got
                 to do one but not the other?”     tial suitors (including RBC and other   to be a wild story.”

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