Page 50 - Investment Advisor - October 2021
P. 50


                By Thomas D. Giachetti

                4 SEC Hot Buttons to Address Immediately

                The agency is in a prickly mood, and may compel advisors to reimburse
                clients if certain disclosures aren’t met.

                      he Securities and Exchange                                    imitigation issues. This includes a let-
                      Commission continues to be                                    ter to clients and corresponding Part
                Tvery aggressive, progressive and                                   2A disclosure, and whether, based
                punitive and often seeks every oppor-                               upon the resulting amount of economic
                tunity to compel advisors to reimburse                              windfall to the advisor, the firm, dur-
                clients. Advisors need to stay on top of                            ing an upcoming examination, could be
                these hot buttons.                                                  pressed by the SEC to reimburse clients.
                                                                                      Each of the above ADV amendments
                MARGIN INTEREST                                                     should be treated as material and should
                If you have clients on margin, and bill                             be provided to all affected clients.
                on the higher margin value, beware. The
                SEC has been aggressively reviewing                                 BACK-TESTED HYPOTHETICAL
                margin balances and seeking reimburse-  To protect your firm, adopt a writ-  PRESENTATIONS
                ment  to clients unless  there is  clear 2A   ten policies and procedures document.   The SEC despises these types of pre-
                Brochure disclosure.              The policy should state that you con-  sentations and continues to review
                  Thus, if you bill on the higher margin   sider cash to be an asset class, and — as   them aggressively. We have prepared
                value, there should be unambiguous dis-  a result — you include it in your fee cal-  disclosures for clients who use such
                closure on your 2A Brochure indicating   culation, regardless of your fee model.  presentations.
                the same, including the conflict of inter-  Also include corresponding disclo-  However, as a result of the SEC’s pos-
                est that arises (i.e., because you earn   sure on your 2A Brochure, including   ture, and corresponding issues raised by
                a higher fee, there is a disincentive to   that at times (such as now) your fee will   the new Marketing rule, all advisors who
                encourage the client to trim or eliminate   exceed the money market yield. Without   use such presentations should have them
                the margin balance).              the above clear disclosure — you con-  reviewed, as well as enhance the corre-
                  In addition, because the SEC recent-  tinue to charge on cash at your peril.  sponding disclosures. This will help mit-
                ly has sought express client acknowl-                               igate potential adverse SEC comments
                edgment of such a billing arrangement,   WRAP PROGRAM SPONSORS      and reviews, which can be punitive.
                consider a short corresponding Margin   The SEC equally loathes wrap programs.   There is a caveat. The SEC views
                Acknowledgment to be executed by the   The onus will continue to be on the   all non-Global Investment Performance
                client. Or, you can include the disclo-  advisory firm to prove that it does not   Standards-verified presentations aggres-
                sure on the Fee Schedule to his Advisory   economically benefit from sponsoring   sively, regardless of type (i.e., back-tested
                Agreement in lieu of the Acknowledgment.  such programs. Clear  and  concise Part   hypotheticals, representative accounts,
                  However, I prefer the Acknowledg-  2A  and  corresponding  wrap  brochure   composites,  etc.).  Therefore,  some
                ment at the time that the client commenc-  disclosures are a must.  issues to address include: cessation of
                es the use of margin because he may not   Also, if you manage individual  equi-  gross of fees performance, solicited vs.
                use margin for a long time subsequent to   ties (including ETFs) as part of the wrap   unsolicited presentations, maintaining
                the execution of the Advisory Agreement.  program, and utilize a custodian that   a list of recipients, applicability to the
                                                  has ceased charging transaction fees on   recipient’s objective and the impact of
                CASH BALANCES POLICY              such securities, the SEC could inquire as   transaction/custodial fees.
                Also  beware if you bill on cash (i.e.,   to why the firm did not correspondingly
                money market funds). The SEC doesn’t   decrease the firm’s advisory fee to its   Thomas D. Giachetti is chairman of the
                like that, especially in this very low-yield   program clients.     Investment Management and Securities
                environment when your advisory fee is   We urge those affected wrap spon-  Practice Group of Stark & Stark. He can be   Adobe Stock
                substantially higher than the yield.  sors to contact us to discuss potential   reached at [email protected].

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