Page 47 - Investment Advisor - October 2021
P. 47

LPL Testing Paraplanning, Other

                Advisor Programs

                    PL also is exercising ideas from   we’re  doing  now  with  comprehensive   advisor-client relationship, according
                Linnovators like Peloton, said Aneri   advice,” for instance. “You’ll hear more   to Jambusaria.
                Jambusaria, head of strategy, new ven-  about it as a strategic priority for 2022,”   This process can take 10 hours or
                tures  and analytics. In fact, Peloton’s   Jambusaria noted, as advisors are asked   more, the executive pointed out,
                out-of-the-box approach to exercise   to help clients with more complex plan-  “depending on the complexity of the
                has prompted the BD to consider new   ning, tax, estate, retirement and other   client, gathering all the data and putting
                ways to give advisors and their cli-  issues than before — which requires   it into the [financial planning] tool and
                ents services such as paraplanning and   specific expertise.        running the scenarios.”
                comprehensive advice.               “It’s not just about helping clients   With 24 advisors, “we’re piloting a
                  “While exercise machines have been   pick a great stock or asset alloca-  solution in which LPL would do all
                around forever, they really figured out   tion. They’re really asking their advi-  of that work for our advisors and give
                that customers want to be motivated   sors to help them figure out where to   them time back … for building client
                to  use  them,” she  said  in  an interview   live  in  retirement,  make  sure  that  a   relationships,” Jambusaria said. “How
                with Investment Advisor. Consumers   child with special needs is set up for   do we better scale that data-gathering
                are busy and (due at least in part to the   long-term success and so forth,” she   process, whether it through a better
                pandemic) want to be able to work out   explained.                  interface with clients or a way to use
                in  new  ways  at  home,  she  explained.                           machine learning, to take documents
                “The advice industry is really no dif-  PILOT PROJECT               that clients provide and scrape the right
                ferent — investors have more on their   A different project for LPL that’s in   information from [the documents] to be
                minds and more complex lives than   the pilot stage is focused on paraplan-  able to leverage it? This is what we’re
                ever before.”                     ning solutions, which typically involve   exploring,” she added.  The pilot  pro-
                  As a result, advisors are looking for   someone within a practice building “a   gram is meant  “to  build and  test some
                more methods to meet clients’ growing   full financial picture of a client” as the   technical elements of the solution along
                demands and increasing comfort level   foundation of a financial plan and the   the way.”
                with “a human professional wrapped
                in a digital experience,” she said. These
                are “customer friction points that create
                innovation opportunities [for LPL] …   LPL Exec Burt White to Retire
                which is really the context behind our
                innovation agenda.”                   PL Financial says Burt White —   White joined LPL in 2007, after
                  Thanks  to  this  agenda,  LPL  can  roll  L managing director, Investor and   spending 10 years as a managing
                out more new programs through its   Investment Solutions, and chief invest-  director and director of research for
                Business Solutions unit, which is led   ment officer — will retire in late March   Wachovia Securities. He has been
                by Matthew Enyedi, said Jambusaria.   2022, and it plans to start an executive   in his current role since early 2017
                These products and services allow advi-  search for its new wealth management   and is responsible for LPL’s research,
                sors to spend less time on administra-  leader soon.                marketing, products and investment
                tive and marketing tasks and more time   “Burt has played an integral role   platforms.
                working directly with clients.    in LPL’s journey to enhance the advi-  “LPL has been far more than a place
                  The firm’s New Ventures Lab, which   sor experience, elevating the firm’s   of work. It has been the inspiration for
                opened in October, is responsible for   research, wealth management, prod-  my career journey, a big piece of who I
                “incubating  the  ideas,” she  added, and   uct and platform capabilities. He will   have become and a place where I have
    Adobe Stock  Business Solutions — run with them.  alike,” according to LPL President &   the most talented people in the indus-
                                                  be missed by advisors and employees
                                                                                    been privileged to work with some of
                then other units of the IBD — such as
                                                                                    try,” according to White.
                  “This  will  be  the  process  with  what
                                                  CEO Dan Arnold.
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